Course Outlines of Record
This page contains an alphabetical listing of all active courses. Click the course title to view the full Course Outline of Record (COR) for the course.
- ACCT 100: Accounting
- ACCT 101: Financial Accounting
- ACCT 101H: Financial Accounting - Honors
- ACCT 102: Managerial Accounting
- ACCT 102H: Managerial Accounting - Honors
- ACCT 110: Income Tax Accounting
- ACCT 111: Taxation of Business Entities
- ACCT 112: Computerized Income Tax Preparation
- ACCT 113: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance I
- ACCT 114: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance II
- ACCT 115: QuickBooks
- ACCT 116: Tax Practices and Procedures
- ACCT 118: Payroll Accounting
- ACCT 203: Intermediate Accounting I
- ACCT 204: Intermediate Accounting II
- ACCT 205: Cost Accounting
- ACCT 206: Auditing
- ACCT 207: Fraud Examination
- ACCT 208: Accounting Ethics
- AJ 101: Introduction to the Administration of Justice
- AJ 102: Concepts of Criminal Law
- AJ 103: Legal Aspects of Evidence
- AJ 105: Criminal Investigation
- AJ 106: Patrol Procedures
- AJ 108: Juvenile Procedures
- AJ 109: Criminal Court Process
- AJ 111: Narcotics and Vice Control
- AJ 112: Community and the Justice System
- AJ 121: Death Investigation
- AJ 130: Introduction to Probation and Parole
- AJ 131: Introduction to Corrections
- AJ 135: Control and Supervision in Corrections
- AJ 136: Correctional Interviewing and Counseling
- AJ 137: Legal Aspects of Corrections
- AJ 150: Introduction to Forensics
- ANTH 210: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 210H: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology - Honors
- ANTH 212: Introduction to Physical Anthropology
- ANTH 212L: Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab
- ANTH 216: Sex and Gender in Cross Cultural Perspectives
- ANTH 216H: Sex and Gender in a Cross Cultural Perspective - Honors
- ANTH 220: Introduction to Archaeology
- ANTH 222: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
- ANTH 224: Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft
- ARCH 100: Introduction to Architecture and Environmental Design Foundations
- ARCH 102: Visual Communication
- ARCH 110: Introduction to Design Fundamentals and Communication
- ARCH 111: Foundation Design
- ARCH 200: Portfolio Preparation
- ARCH 201: Architectural Design I
- ARCH 202: Architectural Design II
- ARCH 242: Building Construction
- ARCH 250: History of Architecture: Prehistory to Mannerism
- ARCH 251: History of Architecture: Baroque to the Present Day
- ART 100: Art History - Fundamentals of Global Art History
- ART 100A: Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages
- ART 100AH: Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages - Honors
- ART 100B: Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary
- ART 100BH: Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary - Honors
- ART 101: Art History - Ancient Art
- ART 102: Art History - Western Medieval Art
- ART 103: Art History - Renaissance and Baroque Art in Western Europe
- ART 104: Art History - Modern and Contemporary Art
- ART 105: Art History - Topics in Contemporary Art
- ART 106: Art History - Ancient Latin American Art
- ART 106H: Art History - Ancient Latin American Art - Honors
- ART 108: History of Photography
- ART 109: Survey of Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America
- ART 110: Introduction to the Visual Arts
- ART 111: Beginning Drawing
- ART 112: Intermediate Drawing
- ART 115: Figure Drawing I
- ART 116: Figure Drawing II
- ART 117: Figure Drawing III
- ART 120: Two-Dimensional Design
- ART 121: Three-Dimensional Design
- ART 127: Display and Exhibition Design
- ART 130: Beginning Painting
- ART 131: Intermediate Painting
- ART 140: Beginning Ceramics
- ART 141: Intermediate Ceramics
- ART 142: Experimental Ceramics
- ART 143: Beginning Ceramics - Handbuilding
- ART 145: Ceramic Design and Decoration
- ART 146: Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic
- ART 147: Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic - Intermediate
- ART 149: Studio Problems in Ceramics
- ART 150: Computer Art Basics
- ART 152: Introduction to Art: Mobile Digital Devices
- ART 153: Digital Media Productions I
- ART 158: Commercial Graphic Design
- ART 159: Introduction to Typography
- ART 162: Computer Graphics I
- ART 167: Web Design I
- ART 168: Animation I
- ART 180: Beginning Clay Sculpture
- ART 181: Intermediate Clay Sculpture
- ART 182: Advanced Clay Sculpture I
- ART 183: Advanced Clay Sculpture II
- ART 184: Sculpture and Metalwork
- ART 189: Art Portfolio and Resume Production
- ART 199: Motion Picture Appreciation
- ART 199H: Motion Picture Appreciation - Honors
- ART 200: History of Motion Pictures: 1895-1945
- ART 201: History of Motion Pictures 1945-Present
- ART 206: History of Latin American Art - Colonial through Contemporary
- ART 206H: History of Latin American Art - Colonial through Contemporary - Honors
- ART 207: History of Asian Art
- ART 207H: History of Asian Art - Honors
- ART 210: Art About You: Public Art
- ART 230: Advanced Painting
- ART 240: Advanced Ceramics I
- ART 241: Advanced Ceramics II
- ART 252: Introduction to Art: Mobile Digital Devices 2
- ART 267: Web Design II
- ART 268: Animation II
- ART 698A: Cooperative Education
- ART 698B: Cooperative Education
- ART 698C: Cooperative Education
- ART 698D: Cooperative Education
- ART 699A: Cooperative Education
- ART 699B: Cooperative Education
- ART 699C: Cooperative Education
- ART 699D: Cooperative Education
- ASL 101: American Sign Language I
- ASL 101H: American Sign Language I - Honors
- ASL 102: American Sign Language II
- ASL 102H: American Sign Language II - Honors
- ASL 103: American Sign Language III
- ASL 201: Introduction to Deaf Culture
- ASTR 115: Planetary Astronomy
- ASTR 115H: Planetary Astronomy - Honors
- ASTR 116: Stellar Astronomy
- ASTR 117: Life In The Universe
- AUTO 100: Automotive Technology and Maintenance for the Consumer
- AUTO 101: Fundamentals of Automotive Service, Diagnosis and Repair
- AUTO 140A: Vehicle Maintenance
- AUTO 141: Engine Mechanical Maintenance and Light Repair
- AUTO 144: Automotive Chassis MLR
- AUTO 145: Automotive Brakes Maintenance and Light Repair
- AUTO 146: Automotive Electrical Systems
- AUTO 147: Automotive Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning MLR
- AUTO 148: Engine Performance Maintenance and Light Repair
- AUTO 149: Diesel Engine Management Systems
- AUTO 151: Engine Service, Diagnosis and Repair
- AUTO 154: Chassis Service, Diagnosis, and Repair
- AUTO 156: Automotive Electrical & Electronic Systems I
- AUTO 163: Manual Drivetrain
- AUTO 166: Automotive Electrical & Electronic Systems II
- AUTO 167: Automotive HVAC Service, Diagnosis & Repair
- AUTO 168: Engine Control Systems Service, Diagnosis and Repair
- AUTO 172: Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles
- AUTO 190: Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines
- AUTO 191: Smog Check Inspector Training Level II
- AUTO 230A: Automotive Service and Repair Work Experience A
- AUTO 230B: Automotive Service and Repair Work Experience B
- AUTO 230C: Automotive Service and Repair Work Experience C
- AUTO 230D: Automotive Service and Repair Work Experience D
- AUTO 281: Advanced Toyota Technician Training
- AUTO 282: Electrified Powertrain Vehicles
- AUTO 283: Fuel-Cell Vehicle Technology
- AUTO 291: Engine Performance Enhancements and Tuning
- AUTO 295: Engine Design
- AUTO 296: Cylinder Head Development
- AUTO 297: Cylinder Block Development
- AUTO 299: Engine Dynamometer Operation and Testing Procedures
- AUTO 695A: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 695B: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 695C: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 695D: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 696A: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 696B: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 696C: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 696D: Special Topics: Automotive Technology
- AUTO 698A: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 698B: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 698C: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 698D: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 699A: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 699B: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 699C: Cooperative Education
- AUTO 699D: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 102: Human Genetics
- BIOL 105: General Biology
- BIOL 105H: General Biology - Honors
- BIOL 108: Biology of Cancer
- BIOL 110: Field Biology
- BIOL 117: Biology of Infectious Diseases
- BIOL 124: Molecular and Cellular Biology
- BIOL 125: Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity
- BIOL 145: Environmental Science
- BIOL 200: Human Anatomy
- BIOL 201: Human Physiology
- BIOL 220: Microbiology
- BIOL 698A: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 698B: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 698C: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 698D: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 699A: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 699B: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 699C: Cooperative Education
- BIOL 699D: Cooperative Education
- BIOT 107: Biotechnology: Transforming Society Through Biology
- BIOT 108: Intro to Biotechnology: Real World Biology Applications
- BIOT 110: Biotechnology I: Basic Lab Skills and Documentation
- BIOT 125: Quality and Regulatory Practices in Biotechnology
- BIOT 150: Biotechnology II: Biomanufacturing and Quality Principles
- BUS 130: Introduction to Business
- BUS 132: Business, Ethics and Society
- BUS 140: International Business
- BUS 141: International Marketing
- BUS 142: Fundamentals of Importing and Exporting
- BUS 146: Principles of Money Management
- BUS 152: Business Communications
- BUS 160: Business Law and the Legal Environment I
- BUS 161: Business Law and the Legal Environment II
- BUS 163: International Business Law
- BUS 170: Small Business Management
- BUS 171: Human Relations in the Workplace
- BUS 172: Human Resources Management
- BUS 175: Introduction to Management
- BUS 185: Elements of Marketing
- BUS 192: Advertising
- CHEM 103: College Chemistry I
- CHEM 104: College Chemistry II
- CHEM 110: Beginning General Chemistry
- CHEM 111: General Chemistry I
- CHEM 112: General Chemistry II
- CHEM 210: Organic Chemistry A
- CHEM 211L: Organic Chemistry A Laboratory
- CHEM 220: Organic Chemistry B
- CHEM 221L: Organic Chemistry B Laboratory
- CHEM 698A: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 698B: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 698C: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 698D: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 699A: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 699B: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 699C: Cooperative Education
- CHEM 699D: Cooperative Education
- CHIN 101: Chinese I
- CHIN 102: Chinese II
- CHIN 201: Chinese III
- CHLD 100: Introduction to Education and Teaching Grades K-12
- CHLD 110: Early Childhood Development
- CHLD 111: Child Development Youth - Adolescence
- CHLD 112: Principles of Early Childhood Education I
- CHLD 114: Home-Child-Community Relations
- CHLD 116: Introduction to Curriculum
- CHLD 120: Literacy for Children
- CHLD 121: Art for Children
- CHLD 122: Music and Rhythms for Children
- CHLD 123: Science Experiences for Children
- CHLD 124: Math for Children
- CHLD 130: Infant Development and Group Care
- CHLD 134: Parent-Child Interaction
- CHLD 144: Health, Safety and Nutrition for Young Children
- CHLD 150: Teaching in a Diverse Society
- CHLD 154: Observing and Recording Behavior
- CHLD 156: Practicum in Early Childhood Education
- CHLD 156L: Practicum Lab
- CHLD 160: Perceptual Motor and Movement Activities
- CHLD 164: The Child with Special Needs
- CHLD 166: Speech and Language Development and Disorders
- CHLD 168: Development Risk: Infants and Toddlers
- CHLD 169: Positively Guiding Challenging and Disruptive Behaviors
- CHLD 181: Infant and Toddler Caregiver: Relationships
- CHLD 182: Infant and Toddler Caregiver: Socialization and Emotional Development
- CHLD 183: Infant and Toddler Caregiver: Learning and Development
- CHLD 184: Infant and Toddler Caregiver: Environments and Routines
- CHLD 190: Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs I
- CHLD 191: Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs II
- CHLD 194: Adult Supervision and Mentoring
- CLNU 100: Introduction to Culinary Nutrition
- CM 110: Introduction and Fundamentals of Construction Management
- CM 120: Plans Reading
- CM 121: Construction Contract Documents, Codes and Specifications
- CM 130: Surveying Methods and Applications
- CM 140: Construction Materials, Methods and Assembly
- CM 145: Construction Inspection and Materials Testing
- CM 150: Current Technology Applications in Construction
- CM 155: Special Inspection - Reinforced Concrete
- CM 210: Construction Project Safety
- CM 270: Construction Equipment and Methods
- CM 275: Construction Estimating
- CM 280: Safety Program Management
- CM 281: Principles of Mechanical, Electrical and Piping Systems
- CM 282: Principles of Structural Design
- CM 285: Construction Quality Management
- CM 290: Construction Planning, Scheduling and Control
- CM 295: Construction Project Management Capstone
- CM 698A: Cooperative Education
- CM 698B: Cooperative Education
- CM 698C: Cooperative Education
- CM 699A: Cooperative Education
- CM 699B: Cooperative Education
- CM 699C: Cooperative Education
- COMM 100: Mass Media and Society
- COMM 101: Reporting and Writing News
- COMM 103: Freelance Journalism
- COMM 104: Public Relations
- COMM 111: Introduction to Popular Culture
- COMM 125: Beginning Podcasting and Radio Production
- COMM 136: Cultural History of American Films
- COMM 150: Communication Theory
- COMM 200: Visual Communications
- COMM 202: Writing Broadcast News
- COMM 230: Design for Media
- COMM 240A: Student Media: Beginning Staff
- COMM 240B: Student Media: Intermediate Staff
- COMM 240C: Student Media: Senior Staff
- COMM 240D: Student Media: Staff Leadership
- COMM 245A: Editorial Board
- COMM 250: Multimedia Reporting
- COMM 260: Social Media
- COMM 280: Magazine Production Staff
- COMM 280A: Magazine Production: Beginning Staff
- COMM 280B: Magazine Production: Intermediate Staff
- COMM 280C: Magazine Production: Advanced Staff
- COMM 280D: Magazine Production: Leadership Staff
- COMM 698A: Cooperative Education
- COMM 698B: Cooperative Education
- COMM 698C: Cooperative Education
- COMM 698D: Cooperative Education
- COMM 699A: Cooperative Education
- COMM 699B: Cooperative Education
- COMM 699C: Cooperative Education
- COMM 699D: Cooperative Education
- COS 141: Introduction to Cosmetology
- COS 151: Citrus Salon Experience
- COS 161: Haircolor
- COS 181: Haircutting
- COS 185: Skin Care
- COS 186: Nail Care
- COS 191: Hairstyling
- COS 201: Chemicals
- COS 202: Chemicals
- COS 211: Barbering Techniques
- COS 221: Hair Extension Techniques
- COS 231: Citrus Salon
- COUN 101: Career Self-Assessment
- COUN 103: Social Media for Job/Internship Search
- COUN 105: Success Strategies for Student Parents
- COUN 110: Introduction to Online Learning with Canvas and Enhancing Digital Literacy Skills
- COUN 120: Managing Stress and Anxiety for Emotional Well-Being
- COUN 123: Latina/o Experience and Success in Higher Education
- COUN 125: Becoming a Master Student-Athlete
- COUN 130: Understanding Addiction
- COUN 142: Careers In Teaching
- COUN 145: Career/Life Planning
- COUN 158: Transfer Preparation
- COUN 160: Strategies for College Success
- COUN 161: Higher Education Transitional Skills for Student Veterans/Families
- COUN 190: Making a Difference with Mentoring
- COUN 201: My Plan, My Classes, My Degree
- COUN 203: Building Grit and Resiliency for Life Long Learning and Career
- COUN 204: Pathways to Careers in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- COUN 205: Pathways to Healthcare Careers
- COUN 206: Pathways to Careers in STEM
- COUN 207: Pathways to Careers in Business and Information Technology/Systems
- COUN 208: Pathways in Career and Technical Education
- COUN 209: Pathways to Careers in Communication, Literature and Languages
- COUN 212: Valuing Diversity
- COUN 214: Managing Relationships
- CS 111: Introduction to Programming Concepts and Design
- CS 112: Introduction to Python Programming
- CS 140: Java Programming
- CS 157: iOS Programming I
- CS 177: Unity Game Programming I
- CS 225: Object Oriented Programming
- CS 232: Programming Concepts and Methodology II
- CS 242: Computer Architecture and Organization
- CS 252: Discrete Structures
- CS 257: iOS Game Programming I
- CS 277: Unity Game Programming II
- DANC 102: History of Dance
- DANC 103: Introduction to Dance
- DANC 130: Alignment and Correctives
- DANC 158: Beginning Hip-Hop Dance Techniques
- DANC 159: Beginning Tap
- DANC 160: Jazz Dance Techniques
- DANC 161: Beginning Modern Dance
- DANC 162: Beginning Ballet
- DANC 167: Latin Dance for Fitness
- DANC 172: Composition in Group Forms
- DANC 230: Alignment and Correctives Intermediate
- DANC 258: Intermediate Hip-Hop Dance
- DANC 259: Intermediate Tap I
- DANC 260: Intermediate Jazz Dance I
- DANC 261: Intermediate Modern Dance I
- DANC 262: Intermediate Ballet I
- DANC 263A: Dance for Musical Theatre - Beginning
- DANC 263B: Dance for Musical Theatre- Intermediate
- DANC 264: Beginning Popular Dance Techniques
- DANC 265A: Musical Staging: Rehearsal and Performance - Beginning
- DANC 265B: Musical Staging: Rehearsal and Performance- Intermediate
- DANC 266: Pop Dance: Rehearsal and Performance - Beginning
- DANC 268: Intermediate 2 Hip-Hop Dance
- DANC 269: Intermediate Tap II
- DANC 270: Intermediate Jazz Dance II
- DANC 271: Intermediate Modern Dance II
- DANC 272: Intermediate Ballet II
- DANC 279: Advanced Tap I
- DANC 281: Advanced Jazz Dance I
- DANC 284: Intermediate Popular Dance Techniques
- DANC 289: Dance Concert Production
- DANC 292: Advanced Ballet I
- DANC 296: Pop Dance: Rehearsal and Performance- Intermediate
- DENT 100: Dental Assisting Basics
- DENT 102: Dental Materials
- DENT 104: Chairside Assisting
- DENT 121: Human Anatomy for the Dental Professional
- DENT 122: Infection Control in the Dental Office
- DENT 123: Healthcare for the Dental Patient
- DENT 124: Dental Specialties
- DENT 125: Dental Practice Management
- DENT 201: Dental Radiology
- DENT 202: Advanced Dental Specialties
- DENT 203: Dental Practice Experience
- DENT 204: Preventative Clinical Procedures
- DENT 205: RDA/CDA Exam Review
- DENT 300: Orthodontic Assistant Permit
- DENT 698A: Cooperative Education
- DENT 698B: Cooperative Education
- DENT 698C: Cooperative Education
- DENT 698D: Cooperative Education
- DENT 699A: Cooperative Education
- DENT 699B: Cooperative Education
- DENT 699C: Cooperative Education
- DENT 699D: Cooperative Education
- DRAF 101: Beginning Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- DRAF 102: Visual Communication
- DRAF 103: Advanced Engineering Drawing
- DRAF 160: Foundation Digital Design Tools - Intermediate Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- DRAF 161: Advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD and Design Tools)
- DRAF 190: Advanced Digital Design Tools
- DRAF 290: Introduction to Maya Practices
- DRAF 291: Learning Maya Transitions
- DRAF 698C: Cooperative Education
- DRAF 699A: Cooperative Education
- DRAF 699C: Cooperative Education
- EAC 085: E-Text Basics
- EAC 088: Strategies for Stress and Anxiety Management
- EAC 090: Empowerment for Students with Disabilities
- EAC 092: Study Skills for Higher Education
- ECON 100: Survey of Economics
- ECON 101: Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 101H: Principles of Macroeconomics - Honors
- ECON 102: Principles of Microeconomics
- EMER 162: Principles of Emergency Management
- EMER 163: Terrorism and Emergency Management
- EMER 164: Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents
- EMER 166: Emergency Planning and Methodology
- EMER 167: Practical Applications of Emergency Management
- EMER 168: Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management
- ENGL 101: Reading and Composition
- ENGL 101E: Reading and Composition, Enhanced
- ENGL 101H: Reading and Composition - Honors
- ENGL 102: Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 103: Composition and Critical Thinking
- ENGL 103H: Composition and Critical Thinking - Honors
- ENGL 104: Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
- ENGL 104H: Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking - Honors
- ENGL 202: Introduction to Poetry
- ENGL 210: Creative Writing: Fiction and Non-Fiction
- ENGL 211: Creative Writing: Poetry
- ENGL 213: Horror Literature
- ENGL 213H: Horror Literature - Honors
- ENGL 216: American Latino Literature
- ENGL 224: Queer Literature
- ENGL 224H: Queer Literature - Honors
- ENGL 233: Asian American Literature
- ENGL 243: African American Literature
- ENGL 251: Introduction to English Literature I
- ENGL 252: Introduction to English Literature II
- ENGL 261: Introduction to U.S. American Literature I
- ENGL 262: Introduction to U. S. American Literature II: 1865-The Present
- ENGL 271: Introduction to World Literature: Ancient - Early Modern
- ENGL 272: Introduction to World Literature: 1600's through Twentieth Century
- ENGL 280: Introduction to Women's Literature
- ENGL 290: Ethnic Voices in Film
- ENGL 291: Film as Literature
- ENGL 291H: Film as Literature - Honors
- ENGL 293: Children's Literature
- ENGL 293H: Children's Literature - Honors
- ENGL 294: Introduction to Shakespeare
- ENGL 295: Ethnic Voices in U.S. Literature from 1900 to Present
- ENGL 298: Literature of the Bible
- ENGR 101: Introduction to Engineering
- ENGR 130: Engineering Graphics
- ENGR 132: Introduction to Surveying
- ENGR 135: Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- ENGR 138: Computer Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers
- ENGR 140: Mechanics of Materials
- EOPS 210: EOP&S Summer Bridge
- EOPS 211: First-Generation College Student Seminar
- ESCI 110: Earth Science
- ESCI 119: Physical Geology without Laboratory
- ESCI 120: Physical Geology
- ESCI 121: Historical Geology
- ESCI 122: Earth History
- ESCI 124: Natural Disasters
- ESCI 130: Physical Oceanography
- ESCI 140: The Geology of Death Valley National Park
- ESCI 144: Field Geology of Southern California
- ESCI 180: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- ESCI 698A: Cooperative Education
- ESCI 698B: Cooperative Education
- ESCI 698C: Cooperative Education
- ESCI 698D: Cooperative Education
- ESCI 699A: Cooperative Education
- ESCI 699B: Coopertive Education
- ESCI 699C: Cooperative Education
- ESCI 699D: Cooperative Education
- ESL 003A: Low-Intermediate Reading & Writing Skills
- ESL 003B: Low-Intermediate Grammar
- ESL 004A: High-Intermediate Reading and Writing Skills
- ESL 004B: High-Intermediate Grammar
- ESL 005A: Advanced College Reading & Writing Skills
- ESL 005B: Advanced Grammar
- ESTH 140: Esthetician I
- ESTH 141: Esthetician II
- ESTH 142: Salon Success - Full-time
- ESTH 144: Salon Success Part I - Part-time
- ESTH 145: Esthetician Salon Success Part II
- ETHN 101: Introduction to Ethnic Studies
- ETHN 116: Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies
- FOR 101: Introduction to Forestry
- FOR 102: Introduction to Forest Ecology
- FOR 103: Plant Identification
- FOR 104: Introduction to Outdoor Recreation
- FOR 105: Wildland Fire Management
- FOR 106: Principles of Wildlife Management and Ecology
- FOR 698A: Cooperative Education
- FOR 698B: Cooperative Education
- FOR 698C: Cooperative Education
- FOR 698D: Cooperative Education
- FOR 699A: Cooperative Education
- FOR 699B: Cooperative Education
- FOR 699C: Cooperative Education
- FOR 699D: Cooperative Education
- FREN 101: French I
- FREN 102: French II
- GAME 190: Introduction to 3D Modeling
- GAME 191: Photoshop for Game Art & Animation
- GAME 192: Game Modeling & Texturing
- GAME 193: Advanced Environment and Vehicle Modeling
- GEOG 102: Cultural Geography
- GEOG 103: Introduction to Global Studies
- GEOG 104: World Regional Geography
- GEOG 105: Global Issues
- GEOG 118: Physical Geography
- GEOG 130: Introduction to Weather and Climate
- GEOG 140: California Geography
- GEOG 150: Map Interpretation and Analysis
- GER 101: German I
- GER 102: German II
- GER 201: German III
- GER 202: German IV
- HEAL 100: Emergency Medical Services Career Preparation
- HEAL 161: Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
- HIST 102: Western Civilization 1715 to the Present
- HIST 103: History of World Civilization up to 1500 C.E.
- HIST 103H: History of World Civilization up to 1500 C.E./Honors
- HIST 104: History of World Civilization since 1500
- HIST 104H: History of World Civilization since 1500 - Honors
- HIST 107: History of the United States before 1877
- HIST 107H: History of the United States before 1877 - Honors
- HIST 108: History of the United States since 1877
- HIST 108H: History of the United States since 1877 - Honors
- HIST 109: The World in Conflict - The 20th Century, a History
- HIST 111: History of the African-Americans to 1876
- HIST 112: History of the African-Americans since 1876
- HIST 130: Latin American Culture and Civilization
- HIST 131: History of Latin America to 1825
- HIST 132: History of Modern Latin America
- HIST 139: History of California
- HIST 140: History of the American West
- HIST 145: History of Mexico
- HIST 155: History of the Vietnam War
- HIST 160: History of Women in the United States
- HIST 172: American Environmental History
- HIST 222: History of World War II
- HUM 101: Humanities - Prehistory through the Medieval Period
- HUM 101H: Humanities - Prehistory through the Medieval Period - Honors
- HUM 102: Humanities from the Renaissance through the 19th Century
- HUM 110: Humanities in the Modern Period
- HUM 115: Multi-Cultural Mythologies
- HUM 120: British Civilization
- HUM 123: Introduction to Peace Studies - Saving Civilization
- HUM 125: Italian Civilization
- HUM 127: Spanish Civilization
- HUM 129: French Culture and Civilization
- HUM 130: Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- HUM 162: Japanese Culture through Anime and Manga
- ITAL 101: Italian I
- ITAL 102: Italian II
- ITAL 105: Conversational Italian I
- ITIS 099: Introduction to Microsoft Windows
- ITIS 104: Information Technology
- ITIS 107: Network Technology
- ITIS 108: Network Operating Systems
- ITIS 109: Network and Computer Security
- ITIS 112: Microsoft Desktop Support
- ITIS 115: Computer Information Systems
- ITIS 119: Web Design Using HTML
- ITIS 120: Cybersecurity: Ethical Hacking
- ITIS 130: Microcomputer Applications I
- ITIS 141: Programming Fundamentals
- ITIS 150: Web Design with Dreamweaver
- ITIS 160: Introduction to Database Concepts
- ITIS 165: Database Principles Using SQL
- ITIS 168: Designing Web Sites
- ITIS 170: Database Programming
- ITIS 180A: Introduction to Cloud Computing
- ITIS 180B: Database Essentials in Amazon Web Services
- ITIS 180C: Compute Engines in Amazon Web Services
- ITIS 180D: Security in Amazon Web Services
- ITIS 698B: Cooperative Education
- ITIS 698D: Cooperative Education
- ITIS 699B: Cooperative Education
- ITIS 699D: Cooperative Education
- KIN 100: Introduction to Kinesiology
- KIN 101: Badminton
- KIN 103: Golf
- KIN 104: Self-Defense and Personal Safety
- KIN 105: Pickleball
- KIN 108: Tennis
- KIN 116: Yoga
- KIN 117: Vinyasa, Aerial, and Acroyoga
- KIN 118: Meditation and Mindfulness
- KIN 119: Personal Training
- KIN 120: Body Weight Suspension Training
- KIN 122: Outdoor Fitness
- KIN 130: Basketball
- KIN 133: Soccer
- KIN 134: Softball
- KIN 135: Volleyball
- KIN 141: Lifeguard Training
- KIN 142: Swimming - Beginning
- KIN 143: Swimming - Intermediate/Advanced
- KIN 144: Water Safety Instructor
- KIN 145: Strength Training, Balance and Agility
- KIN 146: Water Exercise
- KIN 147: Swimming for Cardiovascular Improvement
- KIN 148: Adapted Aquatic Exercises
- KIN 150: Adapted Physical Education
- KIN 151: Body Conditioning
- KIN 152: Weight Training
- KIN 153: Walking/Jogging
- KIN 159: Cardiovascular Training
- KIN 163: Sports Officiating
- KIN 164: Functional Anatomy
- KIN 165: Introduction to Recreation, Individual, and Team Sports
- KIN 166: American Food And Culture: Global Origins, History, and Current Impacts
- KIN 167: Women in Sport
- KIN 168: Introduction to Public Health
- KIN 169: Introduction to Coaching
- KIN 170: Fitness for Life
- KIN 171: Health and Wellness in Society
- KIN 171H: Health and Wellness - Honors
- KIN 172: Introduction to Physical Education
- KIN 173: Introduction to Nutrition
- KIN 176: Elementary School Physical Education
- KIN 177: First-Aid Responding To Emergencies
- KIN 178: Race, Gender and Sports
- KIN 179: Health and Social Justice
- KIN 180: Introduction to Sport Management
- KIN 181: Sport and Exercise Psychology
- KIN 182: Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
- KIN 183: Introduction to Sports Information
- KIN 185: Softball Theory
- KIN 186: Baseball Theory
- KIN 188: Basketball Theory
- KIN 192: Aquatic Theory and Techniques
- KINC 101: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Volleyball
- KINC 102: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Soccer
- KINC 103: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Water Polo
- KINC 104: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Football
- KINC 105: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Cross Country
- KINC 106: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Golf
- KINC 107: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Softball
- KINC 108: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Baseball
- KINC 109: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Swimming
- KINC 110: Physical Conditioning for Varsity Basketball
- KINC 130: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Basketball
- KINC 131: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Volleyball
- KINC 132: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Soccer
- KINC 133: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Water Polo
- KINC 134: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Football
- KINC 135: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Cross Country
- KINC 137: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Softball
- KINC 138: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Baseball
- KINC 139: Off Season Conditioning for Varsity Swimming
- KINC 145: Strength Training, Balance and Agility for Varsity Athletes
- KINC 209: Women's Varsity Soccer
- KINC 210: Varsity eSports
- KINC 211: Women's Varsity Volleyball
- KINC 212: Varsity Swimming
- KINC 213: Women's Varsity Basketball
- KINC 214: Women's Varsity Softball
- KINC 216: Varsity Cross Country
- KINC 220: Men's Varsity Football
- KINC 221: Men's Varsity Basketball
- KINC 224: Men's Varsity Baseball
- KINC 225: Men's Varsity Golf
- KINC 227: Women's Varsity Golf
- KINC 229: Men's Varsity Water Polo
- KINC 230: Women's Varsity Water Polo
- KINC 231: Men's Varsity Soccer
- KINC 232: Intercollegiate Basketball for Men
- KINC 233: Intercollegiate Basketball for Women
- KINC 234: Intercollegiate Softball
- KINC 235: Intercollegiate Baseball
- KINC 236: Intercollegiate Swimming
- MATH 065: Corequisite Support For Introductory Statistics
- MATH 075: Corequisite Support for Pre-Calculus
- MATH 080: Corequisite Support for Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
- MATH 090: Corequisite Support for Calculus I
- MATH 144: Technical Mathematics
- MATH 151: Plane Trigonometry
- MATH 160: Mathematics for Everyday Living - A Liberal Arts Course
- MATH 165: Introductory Statistics
- MATH 165H: Introductory Statistics - Honors
- MATH 168: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers l
- MATH 169: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers ll
- MATH 170: College Algebra
- MATH 175: Pre-Calculus
- MATH 180: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
- MATH 190: Calculus with Analytic Geometry l
- MATH 191: Calculus with Analytic Geometry ll
- MATH 210: Calculus with Analytic Geometry lll
- MATH 211: Differential Equations
- MATH 212: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- MTRK 101: Introduction to Medium and Heavy Truck Maintenance and Inspection
- MTRK 148: Medium and Heavy Truck Maintenance and Inspection
- MTRK 152A: Medium and Heavy Truck Engines Service, Diagnosis, and Repair
- MTRK 156A: Medium/Heavy Truck Electrical/Electronic Systems I
- MTRK 156B: Medium/Heavy Truck Electrical/Electronic Systems II
- MTRK 159: Diesel Engine Management Systems
- MTRK 160: Medium and Heavy Truck Hydraulics
- MTRK 163: Medium and Heavy Truck Drivetrain Service, Diagnosis, and Repair
- MTRK 164: Medium and Heavy Truck Chassis Service, Diagnosis and Repair
- MTRK 167: Medium and Heavy Truck HVAC Service, Diagnosis & Repair
- MTRK 698A: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 698B: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 698C: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 698D: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 699A: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 699B: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 699C: Cooperative Education
- MTRK 699D: Cooperative Education
- MUSC 100: Styles, Technique, and the Soul of Popular Singing
- MUSC 104: Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles I
- MUSC 105: Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles II
- MUSC 106: Citrus College Show Choir I
- MUSC 107: Show Choir II
- MUSC 108: Chamber Vocal Jazz I
- MUSC 109: Chamber Vocal Jazz II
- MUSC 118: Music Performance for Events
- MUSC 120: Studio Laboratory Band I
- MUSC 121: Studio Laboratory Band II
- MUSC 122: Jazz Ensemble I
- MUSC 123: Jazz Ensemble II
- MUSC 130: Studio Orchestra I
- MUSC 131: Studio Orchestra II
- MUSC 140: Jazz Improvisation I
- MUSC 141: Jazz Improvisation II
- MUSC 142: Jazz Combos I
- MUSC 143: Jazz Combos II
- MUSC 146: Chamber Jazz
- MUSC 148: Jazz Vocal Techniques I
- MUSC 149: Jazz Vocal Techniques II
- MUSC 151: Songwriting I
- MUSC 152: Songwriting II
- MUSC 160: Sight Reading for the Studio I
- MUSC 161: Sight Reading for the Studio II
- MUSC 170: Classical Performance Techniques Tour (Vocal)
- MUSC 171: Commercial Performance Techniques Tour (Vocal)
- MUSC 175: Jazz Ensemble Tour I
- MUSC 177: Professional Performance Techniques
- MUSC 179: Concert Promotion Touring
- MUSC 190: Career Opportunities in the Music Entertainment Industry
- MUSC 204: Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles III
- MUSC 205: Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles IV
- MUSC 206: Show Choir III
- MUSC 207: Show Choir IV
- MUSC 208: Chamber Vocal Jazz III
- MUSC 209: Chamber Vocal Jazz IV
- MUSC 220: Studio Laboratory Band III
- MUSC 221: Studio Laboratory Band IV
- MUSC 222: Jazz Ensemble III
- MUSC 223: Jazz Ensemble IV
- MUSC 230: Studio Orchestra III
- MUSC 231: Studio Orchestra IV
- MUSC 240: Jazz Improvisation III
- MUSC 241: Jazz Improvisation IV
- MUSC 242: Jazz Combos III
- MUSC 243: Jazz Combos IV
- MUSC 248: Jazz Vocal Techniques III
- MUSC 249: Jazz Vocal Techniques IV
- MUSC 251: Professional and Transfer Audition Preparation
- MUSC 253: Songwriting III
- MUSC 254: Songwriting IV
- MUSC 271: Professional Performance Techniques (Vocal)
- MUSE 100: Music Fundamentals
- MUSE 101: Musicianship I
- MUSE 102: Harmony I
- MUSE 103: Musicianship II
- MUSE 104: Harmony II
- MUSE 109: Music Appreciation
- MUSE 110: History of Music I
- MUSE 111: History of Music II
- MUSE 112: History of Jazz
- MUSE 113: History of Rock and Roll
- MUSE 114: Introduction to American Music
- MUSE 120: Elementary Piano I
- MUSE 121: Elementary Piano II
- MUSE 122: Introduction to Jazz Piano
- MUSE 130: Voice - Beginning
- MUSE 131: Voice - Intermediate
- MUSE 140: Beginning Guitar I
- MUSE 141: Beginning Guitar II
- MUSE 150: Beginning Strings
- MUSE 151: Intermediate Strings
- MUSE 160: Standard Percussion Instrumentation/Techniques
- MUSE 161: World Percussion Instrumentation/Techniques
- MUSE 170: Musical Theatre Academy Techniques
- MUSE 171: Musical Theatre Techniques I
- MUSE 180: Summer Instrumental Music Academy
- MUSE 188: Music Production Software/Hardware I
- MUSE 189: Music Production Software/Hardware II
- MUSE 190A: Instrumental Master Class I Beginning
- MUSE 190B: Vocal Master Class I Beginning
- MUSE 191A: Instrumental Master Class II Intermediate
- MUSE 191B: Vocal Master Class II Intermediate
- MUSE 201: Musicianship III
- MUSE 202: Harmony III
- MUSE 220: Intermediate Piano I
- MUSE 221: Intermediate Piano II
- MUSE 222: Advanced Piano I
- MUSE 223: Advanced Piano II
- MUSE 230: Voice- Intermediate/Advanced
- MUSE 231: Voice - Advanced
- MUSE 240: Intermediate Guitar I
- MUSE 241: Intermediate Guitar II
- MUSE 270: Musical Theatre Academy Techniques II
- MUSE 271: Musical Theatre Techniques II
- MUSP 100: Concert Choir I - Beginning
- MUSP 101: Concert Choir II-Intermediate
- MUSP 105: Women’s Ensemble I - Beginning
- MUSP 106: Women's Ensemble II - Intermediate
- MUSP 110: Vocal Ensemble I - Beginning
- MUSP 111: Vocal Ensemble II Intermediate
- MUSP 115: Chamber Chorale I - Beginning
- MUSP 120: Chamber Singers I - Beginning
- MUSP 121: Chamber Singers II - Intermediate
- MUSP 125: Treble Chorus I
- MUSP 126: Treble Chorus II
- MUSP 127: Treble Chorus III
- MUSP 128: Treble Chorus IV
- MUSP 129: Choral Techniques I
- MUSP 130: Choral Techniques II
- MUSP 131: Choral Techniques III
- MUSP 132: Choral Techniques IV
- MUSP 133: Brass Choir I
- MUSP 134: Brass Choir II
- MUSP 136: Percussion Ensemble I
- MUSP 138: World Percussion Ensemble I
- MUSP 140: Chamber Winds I
- MUSP 141: Chamber Winds II
- MUSP 145: Wind Symphony I
- MUSP 146: Wind Symphony II
- MUSP 151: Individual Performance Techniques
- MUSP 155: Chamber Strings Ensemble I
- MUSP 156: Chamber Strings Ensemble II
- MUSP 170: Musical Theatre Academy Production
- MUSP 171: Musical Theatre Workshop Production
- MUSP 173: Musical Theatre Production I - Beginning
- MUSP 178: Opera Workshop
- MUSP 181: Musical Theater Orchestra I
- MUSP 182: Musical Theatre Orchestra II
- MUSP 200: Concert Choir III - Intermediate/Advanced
- MUSP 201: Concert Choir IV - Advanced
- MUSP 202: Competitive Collegiate Tenor Bass Ensemble
- MUSP 215: Master Chorale
- MUSP 220: Chamber Singers III - Intermediate/Advanced
- MUSP 221: Chamber Singers IV - Advanced
- MUSP 225: Competitive Collegiate Choir
- MUSP 226: Competitive Collegiate Chamber Choir
- MUSP 227: Competitive Collegiate Treble Chorus
- MUSP 235: Competitive Collegiate Show Choir
- MUSP 236: Competitive Collegiate Vocal Jazz Ensemble
- MUSP 240: Chamber Winds III
- MUSP 241: Chamber Music IV
- MUSP 245: Wind Symphony III
- MUSP 246: Wind Symphony IV
- MUSP 254: Competitive Collegiate Jazz Combos
- MUSP 255: Competitive Collegiate Jazz Ensemble
- MUSP 258: Competitive Collegiate Mariachi Ensemble
- MUSP 265: Competitive Collegiate Large Studio Jazz Ensemble
- MUSP 270: Musical Theatre Academy Production II
- MUSP 281: Musical Theatre Orchestra III
- MUSP 282: Musical Theatre Orchestra IV
- MUSP 285: Competitive Collegiate Wind Band
- MUSP 290: Applied Music I Beginning
- MUSP 291: Applied Music II Intermediate
- MUSP 292: Applied Music III Intermediate/Advanced
- MUSP 293: Applied Music IV Advanced
- MUSP 295: Applied Instruction for Career Development
- NAT 180A: Natural History Series - Death Valley
- NAT 180B: Natural History Series - Deserts
- NAT 181A: Natural History Series - Coastlines
- NAT 181B: Natural History Series - Coastal Mountains and Islands
- NAT 182A: Natural History Series - Inland Mountains
- NAT 182B: Natural History Series - Inland Valleys
- NC 107: Drone Pilot License
- NC 108: Drone Mapping
- NC 109: Commercial Drone Applications & Flight Training
- NC 110: Drone Applications in Public Safety
- NC 111: Autonomous Applications in Drones
- NC 112: Environmental Science Applications in Drones
- NC 140: Esthetician I
- NC 191: Smog Check Inspector Training Level II
- NC 1: Supervised Tutoring
- NC 200: Preparation for Academic Success
- NC 201: Career Self-Assessment
- NC 208A: Algebra IA
- NC 208B: Algebra IB
- NC 210A: Freshman English A
- NC 210B: Freshman English B
- NC 211A: Sophomore English A
- NC 211B: Sophomore English B
- NC 212A: Junior English A
- NC 212B: Junior English B
- NC 213A: Senior English A
- NC 213B: Senior English B
- NC 214A: United States History A
- NC 214B: United States History B
- NC 215A: World History A
- NC 215B: World History B
- NC 216: American Government
- NC 217: Economics
- NC 218A: Biology A
- NC 218B: Biology B
- NC 219A: Physical Science A
- NC 219B: Physical Science B
- NC 220A: Earth Science A
- NC 220B: Earth Science B
- NC 221A: Chemistry A
- NC 221B: Chemistry B
- NC 224A: Geometry A
- NC 224B: Geometry B
- NC 225A: Pre-Calculus A
- NC 225B: Pre-Calculus B
- NC 226A: Integrated Math IA
- NC 226B: Integrated Math IB
- NC 227A: Integrated Math IIA
- NC 227B: Integrated Math IIB
- NC 228A: Integrated Math IIIA
- NC 228B: Integrated Math IIIB
- NC 251: Bridge to Credit English
- NC 266: Sixth Grade Mathematics
- NC 267: Seventh Grade Mathematics
- NC 268: Eighth Grade Mathematics
- NC 269: Ninth Grade Mathematics
- NC 270A: Math Boot Camp
- NC 305: ESL Multiskills - Beginning 1
- NC 306: ESL Multiskills - Beginning 2
- NC 307: ESL Multiskills - Intermediate 1
- NC 308: ESL Multiskills - Intermediate 2
- NC 309: ESL Multiskills - Advanced
- NC 310: ESL: Grammar - Beginning 1
- NC 311: ESL: Grammar - Beginning 2
- NC 312: ESL: Grammar - Intermediate 1
- NC 313: ESL: Grammar - Intermediate 2
- NC 315: ESL and Computer Literacy 1: Introduction to Computers
- NC 316: ESL and Computer Literacy 2: Common Computer Applications
- NC 318: ESL: American English Pronunciation I
- NC 319: ESL: American English Pronunciation II
- NC 324: Preparation for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Exam
- NC 325: ESL: Speaking - Beginning
- NC 326: ESL: Speaking - Intermediate
- NC 327: ESL: Speaking - Advanced
- NC 330: ESL: College Readiness - Reading and Writing
- NC 331: ESL: Preparation for Academics
- NC 332: ESL: Preparation for the Workplace
- NC 400: Citizenship
- NC 402: ESL: English for Employment and Academics
- NC 504: Social Skills for Success
- NC 505: Skills for Career Success
- NC 602: Basic Life Support (BLS) - American Heart Association
- NC 604: Life Skills
- NC 605: Introduction to Health Occupations
- NC 621: ASL - Insights into the Deaf Community
- NC 622: ASL - Fundamentals of ASL
- NC 623: ASL - Careers in ASL
- NC 630: BAR Specified Diagnostic and Repair Training: Level 1 Alternative
- NC 631: Smog Check Repair Technician Update Course
- NC 644: Introduction to Automotive Service I
- NC 645: Introduction to Automotive Service II
- NC 650: Introduction to Microsoft Office Applications
- NC 651: Filing and Records Management
- NC 652: Computer Keyboarding and Document Processing
- NC 653: Introduction to Online Learning
- NC 654: Introduction to Accounting Principles and QuickBooks
- NC 655: Small Business Operations
- NC 656: Marketing and Social Media for Small Business
- NC 657: Medical Front Office Clerk Procedures
- NC 658: Medical Terminology I: Fundamentals
- NC 659: Medical Terminology II: Advanced Terminology
- NC 660: Principles of Human Resource Management
- NC 661: Business Mathematics
- NC 662: Principles of International Business
- NC 663: Principles of Small Business Management
- NC 664: Business Communications
- NC 665: Principles of Business
- NC 680: Writing in the Workplace
- NC 682: Customer Service I: Fundamentals
- NC 683: Customer Service II: Essentials
- NC 684: Telephone Skills for the Workplace
- NC 685: Customer Service for Retail
- NC 686: Communication Skills for the Workplace
- NC 690: Bloodborne Pathogens
- NC 691: HIPAA and Introduction to Electronic Health Records
- NC 702: Reasoning and Cognitive Fitness for Older Adults
- NC 703: Mastering Every Day Computer Technologies and Mobile Devices
- NC 705: Art - Still-Life Drawing for Older Adults
- NC 706: Art - Portrait Drawing for Older Adults
- NC 709: Flexibility Training for Older Adults
- NC 711: Cardio & Strength Training for Older Adults
- NC 717: Overall Health and Wellness for the Older Adult
- NC 718: Health Fitness and Nutrition for Older Adults
- NC 901: Water Aerobics
- NC 902: Yoga Fundamentals
- NC 905: Body Contouring
- NRS 100: Introduction to Vocational Nursing
- NRS 101: Nurse Assistant
- NRS 102: Home Health Aide
- OFF 101: Introduction to Microsoft Office Applications
- OFF 120: Microsoft Excel
- OFF 215: Microsoft Outlook
- OFF 260: Computer Keyboarding and Document Processing
- OFF 281: Filing and Records Management
- OFF 285: Administrative Office Procedures
- OFF 294: Microsoft Word
- OFF 698A: Cooperative Education
- OFF 698B: Cooperative Education
- OFF 698C: Cooperative Education
- OFF 698D: Cooperative Education
- PHIL 101: Great Religions of the World
- PHIL 106: Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 106H: Introduction to Philosophy - Honors
- PHIL 108: Philosophy - Ethics
- PHIL 110: Philosophy/Logic
- PHIL 130: History of Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 131: History of Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 140: Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 210: Symbolic Logic
- PHTO 101: Basic Photography
- PHTO 102: Intermediate Photography
- PHTO 103: Advanced Photography
- PHTO 108: History of Photography
- PHTO 125: Photography as an Art Medium
- PHTO 202: Photojournalism
- PHTO 204: Video for Photographers
- PHTO 205: Advanced Imaging Techniques
- PHTO 207: Intermediate Video for Photographers
- PHTO 213: Portraiture on Location
- PHTO 216: Business Practices for the Photographer
- PHYS 109: Physics and the Arts
- PHYS 110: Physics in Everyday Life
- PHYS 110H: Physics in Everyday Life - Honors
- PHYS 111: College Physics A
- PHYS 111H: College Physics A - Honors
- PHYS 112: College Physics B
- PHYS 201: Physics A: Mechanics
- PHYS 201H: Physics A: Mechanics - Honors
- PHYS 202: Physics B: Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism
- PHYS 203: Physics C: Waves, Optics & Modern Physics
- PHYS 210: Introduction to Computational Physics
- PHYS 220A: Introduction to Independent Research in Physics
- PHYS 225: Team-Based Research in Physics I
- PHYS 226: Team-Based Research Physics II
- PMET 130: Product Design and Development
- PMET 131: Tooling and Machining
- PMET 132: Additive Manufacturing
- POLI 103: American Government and Politics
- POLI 103H: American Government and Politics - Honors
- POLI 105: Comparative Politics
- POLI 108: Political Theory
- POLI 116: International Relations
- POLI 120: Principles of United Nations
- PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 101H: Introduction to Psychology - Honors
- PSY 102: Psychobiology
- PSY 103: Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- PSY 203: Research Methods in Psychology
- PSY 205: Developmental Psychology
- PSY 206: Child Growth and Development
- PSY 212: Psychological Disorders
- PSY 220: Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSY 225: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- PSY 226: Psychology of Women
- PUB 150: Introduction to Public Works
- PUB 151: Street Construction and Maintenance
- PUB 155: Public Works Construction Inspection
- PUB 157: Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete
- PUB 158: Municipal and Urban Tree Care
- PUB 159: Urban Forest Management Planning
- PUB 160: Public Administration
- PUB 161: California Occupational Safety and Health
- PUB 163: Turf and Landscape Management
- PUB 164: Plan Reading and Cost Estimating
- PUB 165: Environmental Management
- PUB 166: Supervision in Public Works
- REAL 210: Real Estate Principles
- REAL 212: Real Estate Practice
- REAL 214: Real Estate Finance
- REAL 215: Advanced Real Estate Finance and Investments
- REAL 216: Legal Aspects of Real Estate
- REAL 220: Real Estate Property Management
- REAL 222: Real Estate Economics
- REAL 224: Escrow I
- REAL 226: Appraisal I: Principles and Procedures
- REAL 228: Appraisal II: Residential Real Estate Appraisal
- REAL 230: Residential Report Writing and Case Studies
- REAL 232: 15-Hour National Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
- REC 100: Survey of Entertainment Technology
- REC 102: Record Production Basics
- REC 103: Introduction to Audio Engineering
- REC 105: Fundamentals of Audio Technology
- REC 106: Introduction to Touring Technology
- REC 107: Introduction to Audio for Video
- REC 115: Recording Studio Workshop I
- REC 125: Digital Audio Technology I
- REC 135: Live Sound Reinforcement
- REC 140: Music Theory for Engineers
- REC 145: Critical Listening Skills for Engineers
- REC 205: Advanced Audio Technology
- REC 215: Recording Studio Workshop II
- REC 225: Digital Audio Technology II
- REC 235: Acoustics for Engineers
- REC 245: Music Business/ Audio Careers
- REC 255: Live Sound Workshop
- RNRS 190: Foundations of Nursing
- RNRS 191: Introduction to Medical/Surgical Nursing I
- RNRS 193: Pediatric Nursing
- RNRS 194: Obstetrics/Maternity Nursing
- RNRS 195: Beginning Medical/Surgical Nursing II
- RNRS 200: Role Transitions: LVN to RN
- RNRS 201: Medical-Surgical Nursing III
- RNRS 203: Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing
- RNRS 251: Medical-Surgical Nursing IV
- SOC 114: Marriage, Family, and Intimate Relations
- SOC 118: Race and Ethnicity
- SOC 130: Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
- SOC 201: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 201H: Introduction to Sociology - Honors
- SOC 202: Contemporary Social Problems
- SOC 220: Introduction to Gender
- SPAN 101: Spanish I
- SPAN 102: Spanish II
- SPAN 127: Spanish Civilization
- SPAN 130: Latin American Culture and Civilization
- SPAN 140: Beginning Conversational Spanish
- SPAN 141: Intermediate Conversational Spanish
- SPAN 201: Spanish III
- SPAN 201H: Spanish III - Honors
- SPAN 202: Spanish IV
- SPAN 210: Intermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I
- SPAN 211: Intermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II
- SPCH 100: Interpersonal Communication
- SPCH 100H: Interpersonal Communication - Honors
- SPCH 101: Public Address
- SPCH 101H: Public Address - Honors
- SPCH 103: Argumentation and Debate
- SPCH 106: Small Group Communication
- SPCH 150: Intercultural Communication
- SPWG 170A: Power Systems 1
- SPWG 170B: Power Systems 2
- SPWG 171: Advanced Power Systems Controls
- STEM 250H: Team-based Research in STEM I
- STEM 251H: Team-based Research in STEM II
- STEM 260H: Introduction to Independent Research in STEM
- STEM 698AH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 698BH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 698CH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 698DH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 699AH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 699BH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 699CH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- STEM 699DH: Cooperative Education in STEM
- THEA 101: Introduction to Theatre Arts
- THEA 101H: Introduction to Theatre Arts - Honors
- THEA 104A: Voice and Movement for the Actor I - Beginning
- THEA 104B: Voice and Movement for the Actor II - Intermediate
- THEA 105A: Improvisation for the Theatre - Beginning
- THEA 105B: Improvisation for the Theatre - Intermediate
- THEA 120: Introduction to Tech for Theatre, TV and Film
- THEA 122: Stagecraft
- THEA 125: Technical Theatre Production
- THEA 126: Technical Theatre Technician
- THEA 127: Technical Theatre Crew Lead
- THEA 130: Introduction to Scenic Design & Art Direction for Theatre and Film
- THEA 140: Introduction to Lighting for Theatre, Television and Film
- THEA 145: Anatomy of Intelligent Lighting Instruments
- THEA 150: Introduction to Intelligent Lighting Consoles
- THEA 155: Single Camera Production
- THEA 160: Computer Aided Design for Theatre
- THEA 200: The Art of the Theatre
- THEA 201: Stage Acting I - Beginning
- THEA 202: Stage Acting II - Intermediate
- THEA 204A: Stage and Screenwriting - Beginning
- THEA 204B: Stage and Screenwriting - Intermediate
- THEA 204C: Stage and Screenwriting - Intermediate/Advanced
- THEA 204D: Stage and Screenwriting - Advanced
- THEA 205: Stage Acting III - Intermediate/Advanced
- THEA 206: Stage Acting IV - Advanced
- THEA 210: Rehearsal and Performance in Production
- THEA 211A: Camera Acting I - Beginning
- THEA 211B: Camera Acting II - Intermediate
- THEA 211C: Camera Acting III - Intermediate/Advanced
- THEA 211D: Camera Acting IV - Advanced
- THEA 212: The Business of Acting
- THEA 220: Rehearsal and Performance II
- THEA 221: Theatre Practicum/Special Projects I - Physical Life
- THEA 222: Theatre Practicum/Special Projects II - Storytelling
- THEA 226: Concert Touring
- THEA 227: Concert Touring Technician
- THEA 228: Concert Touring Assistant
- THEA 229: Concert Touring Lighting Designer
- THEA 230: Concert Touring Production Manager
- THEA 231: Concert Touring Technical Director
- THEA 232: Concert Touring Master Electrician
- THEA 240: Introduction to Live Video Event Production
- THEA 241A: Fundamentals of Stage Direction - Beginning
- THEA 241B: Fundamentals of Stage Direction - Intermediate
- THEA 245: Stage and Project Management for Theatre, TV and Film
- THEA 250: Theatre Appreciation
- THEA 255: Entertainment Production for Theme Parks and Themed Environments
- THEA 262: Rigging and Automation for Theatre and Live Events
- THEA 270: Introduction to Production Management
- THEA 272: Introduction to Production Management Practicum
- THEA 274: Advanced Production Management
- THEA 276: Advanced Production Management Practicum
- THEA 284: Acting Shakespeare
- THEA 290: Citrus Theatre Academy
- THEA 291: Citrus Theatre Academy II
- THEA 292A: Special Techniques in Acting - Beginning
- THEA 292B: Special Techniques in Acting - Intermediate
- THEA 293A: Theatre for Young Audiences- Beginning
- THEA 293B: Theatre for Young Audiences - Intermediate
- THEA 294: Shakespeare in Production
- THEA 295: Summer Concert Touring Production
- THEA 296: Summer Concert Touring Production
- THEA 297: Summer Concert Touring Production Practicum
- THEA 698C: Cooperative Education
- VNRS 150: Fundamentals of Nursing
- VNRS 151L: Fundamentals of Nursing Lab
- VNRS 152: Pharmacology I
- VNRS 153: Introductory Nutrition for the Vocational Nurse
- VNRS 154: Body Structure Function for the Vocational Nurse I
- VNRS 155: Social Psychology for the Vocational Nurse
- VNRS 160: Medical - Surgical Nursing I
- VNRS 161L: Medical - Surgical Nursing I Lab
- VNRS 162: Pharmacology II
- VNRS 163: Diet Therapy for the Vocational Nurse
- VNRS 164: Body Structure and Function for the Vocational Nurse II
- VNRS 165: Adult Growth and Development for the Vocational Nurse
- VNRS 170: Medical-Surgical Nursing II
- VNRS 171L: Medical-Surgical Nursing II Lab
- VNRS 172: Advanced Pharmacology
- VNRS 173: Psychology for Vocational Nurses
- VNRS 180: Pediatric Nursing
- VNRS 181: Growth and Development: Infancy-Adolescence
- VNRS 182: Obstetrical-Gynecological Nursing
- VNRS 183: Leadership in Nursing