NC 680: Writing in the Workplace

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2020
Credits: 0
Total Contact Hours: 36
Lecture Hours : 36
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 72
Transferable to CSU: No
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Non-Credit Course

Catalog Course Description

This course will introduce students to the various methods of written communication within the workplace setting. It will focus on numerous methods of writing etiquette and different forms of technical media for effective workplace communication. 36 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Demonstrate effective communication (in writing) in business situations by preparing numerous written documents commonly used in the business context, including email messages, memos, letters, and/or reports.
  • Use technology.
  • Prepare word processed assignments according to accepted or designated business formats using applications such as Word, Word Pad, and Note Pad.
  • Organize assignments using a computer for documents maintenance, storage and retrieval.
  • Retrieve documents from storage and attach to emails.
  • Understand email etiquette: structure, length, tone, copying senders.
  • Define elements of communications necessary to resolve various business situations and produce written communications to accomplish the desired results by preparing numerous written documents commonly used in the business context, including email messages, memos, letters, and/or reports.
  • Produce effectively written sentences as replies to inquiries derived from a variety of communicative forms using appropriate vocabulary.
  • Compose basic topic outlines (written notes) as response strategies that demonstrate understanding of main ideas and major supporting details presented in textual and oral formats.
  • Write in own words, implied main ideas presented in reading selections and in assigned exercises.
  • Formulate written conclusions and generalizations based on interpretations and evaluations represented in a variety of communicative patterns and complexities.
  • Internalize the idea of learning as a life-long process that increases knowledge and enhances personal growth within the workplace environment through increased learned vocabulary, and the exploring of knowledge through various forms of reading pertaining to workplace-related issues.
  • Practice integrity by observing ethical and honest behaviors in completing assignments while working conscientiously as a member of a learning pair/group.
  • Collaborate with learning partner(s) to complete assignments.

Major Course Content

  1. Lecture
    1. Common Document Formats
      1. Word
        1. Opening and saving a Word document
          1. Using a USB for storage and retrieval
          2. Utilizing internal storage for storage and retrieval
          3. Utilizing a search to find a document
        2. Formatting a Word document
          1. Page layout: letter vs. landscape
          2. Margins and indentations
          3. Choosing font size
        3. Discussion of basic Word document tools
          1. Page layout
          2. Margins and indentations
          3. Size 
          4. Columns
          5. Creating watermarks
          6. Creating page breaks
          7. Inserting page numbers   
          8. Inserting objects/pictures/graphs
          9. Changing font
          10. Adding headers and footers
          11. Signature lines
          12. Dates and times
          13. Hyperlinks
          14. Text boxes
          15. Word art
          16. Equations
          17. Symbols
          18. Tables
          19. Blank pages
          20. References
      2. Meeting notes (hard copy)
        1. Using abbreviations
        2. Taking notes and making memos and/or transcriptions
      3. Email correspondence
        1. Etiquette
          1. Mr/Mrs./Ms.
          2. Non-binary pronouns: they, them, themselves
          3. Greetings
          4. Brevity
          5. Content
          6. Closings: Sincerely, Regards, Yours Truly, etc.
          7. Inserting hyperlinks
          8. Grammar do's and don'ts: Capitalization and punctuation (.,!?)
          9. Do's and don'ts of sharing information: Confidentiality and disclosure of information      
      4. Common circulation       
        1. Post-it notes
        2. Interoffice memos and correspondences
    2. Technological Formats   
      1. Microsoft Office
        1. Microsoft Word
          1. Tools and applications
        2. Microsoft PowerPoint
          1. Tools and applications
        3. Microsoft Publisher
          1. Tools and applications
      2. Google Documents
        1. Word
        2. Excel
        3. PowerPoint
        4. Publisher
      3. Email/Internet platforms
        1. For businesses:
          1. Outlook
        2. For personal and businesses
          1. Gmail
          2. Hotmail
          3. Yahoo
        3. Host supported emails      
          1. .edu
          2. .gov
          3. .net
          4. .org
          5. .bus
      4. Data storage and retrieval 
        1. USB drives   
        2. Internet-based storage   
          1. Google applications      
          2. Cloud
          3. Others
    3. Workplace Communicative Forms and Best Practices
      1. Documents   
        1. Memos
          1. Headings/titles
          2. Content/word choices
          3. Length: Situational knowledge of importance
          4. Confidentiality
          5. Proofreading and clarity
        2. Emails
          1. Length and content
          2. Proofreading and clarity
        3. Notes/meetings
          1. Transcriptions
          2. Filing
          3. Sharing information
        4. Interpersonal
          1. Co-worker to co-worker communications   
        5. Intrapersonal 
          1. External office communications 
      2. Writing structure and grammar   
        1. Sentence level forms         
        2. Content length and breadth
        3. Mixed forms
        4. Making corrections
        5. Responding to feedback
        6. Making corrections
  2. Demonstrations: How to use
    1. Formatting
      1. Word
      2. PowerPoint
      3. Publisher   
      4. Excel   
    2. Writing
      1. Summaries and paragraphs   
      2. Essays as models for memos
      3. Note-taking formats
    3. Email
      1. Uploading documents
      2. Downloading documents
    4. Making Presentations
      1. Sharing your workplace writings with co-workers and clients
  3. Lecture/Discussion
    1. Best practices: workplace writing situations
    2. Making workplace decisions about writing
  4. Study
    1. Case studies
    2. Role-playing
    3. Problem-solving
    4. Guided practice
    5. Sharing of responses
    6. Inquiry strategies
    7. Collaborative discussions

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Students should expect to read various business websites in order examine best practices of communication within the workplace. Students should visit the college library to read business circulations such as magazines and newspapers in order to understand further the conventions of writing for the workplace.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Students should expect to perform writing assignments such as memos, mock emails, and short responses to articles whether viewed online, in the classroom, or in the textbook. Students should expect to evaluate their peers on best practice presentations in writing.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Students should be prepared to examine business websites concerning workplace communication and write short responses in LMS discussion boards linked to the class. Students should expect to compose emails and send them to either the instructor or classmates for evaluation and feedback of knowledge of writing conventions. Students should expect to prepare for role-plays and presentations discussing writing practices in the workplace.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture