A.A. in English Literature

The Associate of Arts Degree in English Literature provides students with a strong foundation in literature to better prepare them for transfer into a four-year English program. Core course work explores primarily British and American writers through an array of literary traditions, providing opportunities for students to express their understanding and appreciation of the literary world through analysis, research and composition. This degree requires nineteen - twenty units, of which thirteen - fourteen are required courses. An additional six units must be selected from the listed optional courses.

A.A. Degree Level Student Learning Outcomes

Students completing the English Literature A.A. Degree will:

  1. Critically analyze and evaluate the subtext of literature texts in order to demonstrate knowledge of literary terminology.
  2. Identify and evaluate the writer’s use of literature as a persuasive tool to identify and assess the effectiveness of literary works.
  3. Recognize the historical and cultural context of material to evaluate the impact of various cultural phenomena on perspectives presented in literature.
  4. Employ established modes of reasoning in the defense and development of thesis/judgments to clearly demonstrate knowledge of critical analysis tools in all written work.
  5. Critically analyze and synthesize source material to demonstrate ability to write at the college level.
  6. Demonstrate cultural awareness, personal responsibility, and ethical behavior in evaluating and writing about literature.

Students receiving this degree must meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete the District General Education Pattern, CSUGE or IGETC.
    If transferring to a CSU or UC students are strongly recommended to complete the CSUGE or IGETC General Education Patterns. Students looking to transfer to an out of state or private college should consult with a counselor for the appropriate GE pattern selection.
  2. Complete with a “C” or better each course as specified by the major.
  3. Maintain an overall GPA of a 2.0 or better in all degree applicable coursework.
  4. Meet the local area requirement of Kinesiology/Dance.
Required courses:
ENGL 101Reading and Composition4-5
or ENGL 101H Reading and Composition - Honors
or ENGL 101E Reading and Composition, Enhanced
ENGL 103Composition and Critical Thinking3
or ENGL 103H Composition and Critical Thinking - Honors
or ENGL 104 Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
or ENGL 104H Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking - Honors
ENGL 251Introduction to English Literature I3
or ENGL 252 Introduction to English Literature II
ENGL 261Introduction to U.S. American Literature I3
or ENGL 262 Introduction to U. S. American Literature II: 1865-The Present
Select two (2) of the following courses:
Introduction to Poetry3
Creative Writing: Poetry3
Horror Literature3
Horror Literature - Honors
American Latino Literature3
Queer Literature3
Queer Literature - Honors
Asian American Literature3
African American Literature3
Introduction to English Literature I3
Introduction to English Literature II3
Introduction to U.S. American Literature I3
Introduction to U. S. American Literature II: 1865-The Present3
Introduction to World Literature: Ancient - Early Modern3
Introduction to World Literature: 1600's through Twentieth Century3
Introduction to Women's Literature3
Ethnic Voices in Film3
Film as Literature3
Film as Literature - Honors
Children's Literature3
Children's Literature - Honors
Introduction to Shakespeare3
Ethnic Voices in U.S. Literature from 1900 to Present3
Literature of the Bible3
Total Units19-20

2-Year Curriculum Map Example
This map represents one possible pathway through the program and is only for reference.

*It is highly recommended that you make an appointment to create a customized education plan that fits your needs.

Note: Co-requisite MATH course (2 units) and/or substitute ENGL 101E (5 units) may be needed based on placement.

Plan of Study Grid
Fall Term 1Units
ENGL 101
Reading and Composition
or Reading and Composition - Honors
MATH 160
Mathematics for Everyday Living - A Liberal Arts Course
or Introductory Statistics
or Introductory Statistics - Honors
ARCH 250
History of Architecture: Prehistory to Mannerism
or History of Architecture: Baroque to the Present Day
or Art History - Fundamentals of Global Art History
or Art History - Topics in Contemporary Art
or History of Photography
or Introduction to the Visual Arts
or Motion Picture Appreciation
or Motion Picture Appreciation - Honors
or History of Dance
or History of Rock and Roll
or Introduction to Theatre Arts
or Introduction to Theatre Arts - Honors
KIN 170
Fitness for Life
or Health and Wellness in Society
or Health and Wellness - Honors
or Introduction to Nutrition
Winter Term 1
ENGL 103
Composition and Critical Thinking
or Composition and Critical Thinking - Honors
Spring Term 1
ENGL 251
Introduction to English Literature I
or Introduction to English Literature II
ETHN 101
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
or Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies
ENGL 261
Introduction to U.S. American Literature I
or Introduction to U. S. American Literature II: 1865-The Present
FREN 101
French I
or German I
or Spanish I
Summer Term 1
POLI 103
American Government and Politics
or American Government and Politics - Honors
Fall Term 2
ENGL 251
Introduction to English Literature I
or Introduction to English Literature II
ANTH 212
Introduction to Physical Anthropology
and Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab
FREN 102
French II
or German II
or Spanish II
Winter Term 2
SPCH 100
Interpersonal Communication
or Interpersonal Communication - Honors
or Public Address
or Public Address - Honors
Spring Term 2
ENGL 102 Introduction to Literature 3
ENGL 271
Introduction to World Literature: Ancient - Early Modern
or Introduction to World Literature: 1600's through Twentieth Century
ASTR 116
Stellar Astronomy
or Earth Science
or Physical Geology
or Physics in Everyday Life
or Physics in Everyday Life - Honors
HIST 107
History of the United States before 1877
or History of the United States before 1877 - Honors
or History of the United States since 1877
or History of the United States since 1877 - Honors
or History of the African-Americans to 1876
or History of the African-Americans since 1876
or History of Women in the United States
 Total Units62

 Note: Course selections may affect total unit value.  

Career Opportunities

There are a variety of careers you can do with this major.


To explore more about this major, schedule an appointment with a career counselor.