Catalog Addendum

The updates listed in this addendum apply to the 2024-2025 Citrus College Academic Catalog. This catalog addendum contains new and updated information, as well as corrections of errors in the original catalog.


  • From the Waitlist section of the Registration page, removed the sentence "Students on the waitlist will be automatically registered into the class if a seat opens and then notified via email if registration was successful or if any restrictions prevented registration." Students are not automatically registered into waitlists. Correction effective fall 2024. - 8/23/24

  • GEOG 150 Map Interpretation and Analysis should state "UC" after "CSU," indicating transferable to UC, effective fall 2021. - 9/4/24


  • Certificate of Achievement in Engineering Fundamentals approved to start summer 2024. - 8/13/24
  • Certificate of Competency in Basic Still-Life and Portrait Drawing for Older Adults (non-credit certificate) approved to start summer 2024. - 8/13/24
  • MUSP 137 approved to start fall 2024. - 9/6/24
    • MUSP 137 Percussion Ensemble II: Prerequisite: MUSP 136 or Audition. A course for beginning/intermediate percussionists in the study, rehearsal, and performance of classical, modern and novelty percussion ensemble chamber music with a focus on the small to medium size (4 - 16) ensemble setting. Students will explore more intricate rhythmic and stylistic idiosyncrasies of this group of musical styles in sectional and full ensemble settings, with the intention of public performance. Public performance required. 18 lecture hours, 26 lab hours.