CHLD 112: Principles of Early Childhood Education I

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 54
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

This course is designed to introduce students to the theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practice as applied to programs and environments with an emphasis on the role of relationships, constructive adult-child-parent interactions, and teaching strategies that support physical, social/emotional, creative and intellectual development for all young children regardless of their individual and diverse needs. Observation, analysis and assessment of programs for young children will be required. The course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics, professional identity and career pathways. 54 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Observe, assess and analyze effective methods of developing self-esteem, self-discipline and pro-social behavior in the preschool child
  • Observe, describe and analyze the ways teachers support creativity in children through use of materials, play environments, language and inquiry methods
  • Interpret best and promising teaching and care practices as defined within the field of early care and education's history, range of delivery systems, program types and philosophies and ethical standards.
  • Discuss personal philosophies of teaching, career pathways, ethics, and professionalism.
  • Assess early childhood physical environment set-up, curriculum and teaching strategies utilizing indicators of quality early childhood practice that support all children including those with diverse characteristics and their families.
  • Examine the value of play as a vehicle for developing skills, knowledge, dispositions and strengthening relationships among young children.
  • Examine a variety of guidance and interaction strategies to increase children's social competence and to promote a caring classroom community
  • Analyze the relationship between observation, planning, implementation and assessment in developing effective teaching strategies and positive learning and development.

Major Course Content

  1. Current and Historic Early Childhood Programs 
    1. Models/influences/approaches in the early childhood education field 
    2. Program types:  family day care, centers, license-exempt, infant-toddler, after-school programs, preschool and school-age
    3. Delivery systems:  non-profit, profit, public-funded
  2. Teacher Role
    1. Behavioral characteristics of an effective teacher in a setting with young children 
    2. Teacher-child relationships:  positive interactions and guidance strategies 
    3. Collaboration and partnerships with families, colleagues, health-care professionals and relevant agencies 
    4. Curriculum development
    5. Assessment
    6. Professionalism/ongoing professional development/professional organizations/career path options
  3. Developmentally Appropriate Practice
    1. Essentials of program planning:  the influence of environment on behavior and learning and the interrelationship of planning, observation and assessment 
    2. Play as a vehicle for development and learning
    3. Curriculum development via co-inquiry
    4. Importance of developmentally, culturally, linguistically appropriate practice
    5. Addressing the needs of the "whole child" in the areas of physical, creativity, social/emotional and cognitive development
    6. Attention to the different needs of children at various ages and stages: infancy through school-age
    7. Application of developmentally appropriate practice to normative and atypical development
    8. Standards and laws governing early childhood education regulations:  title XXll and V, fire code, staff requirements; NAEYC quality indicators for accreditation and code of ethics: certificates and State permits 
  4. Curriculum Development for the Whole Child 
    1. Fostering physical well-being
      1. routines
      2. health/safety/nutrition
    2. Fostering physical development
      1. outside and inside equipment
      2. developmental appropriate activities
    3. Fostering mental health
      1. establishing belonging/stability
      2. building trust and positive interactions
      3. encourage independence and competence
      4. promoting self-esteem, self-control and responsibility-taking
      5. creating an anti-bias program 
    4. Fostering social skills  
      1. teach conflict resolution and problem-solving 
      2. promote pro-social behavior
      3. encourage sharing and cooperation
      4. facilitate the constructive expression of all feelings
      5. build the capacity for empathy
    5. Creativity
      1. facilitate the process of self-expression
      2. support the elaboration of play
      3. promote originality of ideas and experiences
    6. Fostering language development
      1. encourage oral expressive and receptive language
      2. establish a print-rich environment
      3. assessment of both receptive and expressive language
      4. provide opportunities to explore reading/writing as interest and skills emerge
    7. Fostering intellectual development
      1. provide activities/experiences/interactions that encourage curiosity 
      2. encourage manipulation, exploration, observation, evaluation and drawing conclusions 
      3. provide activities that help children discover concepts: quantity, classification, seriation, conservation and STEM related experiences
      4. assess school readiness
      5. support interests, talents, abilities that children display through curriculum

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Students will visit licensed preschools to observe the activities and the relationships between teachers and children. Students will do at least 1 observation that is directed with guidelines from the instructor.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Written observations from visits to licensed preschools and evaluation of their program in terms of best practice

Examples of Outside Assignments

Students will evaluate the curriculum (activities) and relationships they observe at the preschools they visit using the criteria of best practice.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture