HIST 132: History of Modern Latin America

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2022
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 54
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
District General Education: D1. History and Political Science
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

The course is a survey of the social, economic and political history of Latin America from independence to the present. The legacy of colonialism will be considered as special emphasis is given to the development of cultural, political, and economic institutions. The course will give attention to the relationships between Latin America and the United States foreign policy. 54 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Identify and explain the major developments in the historiography of post-colonial Latin America
  • Demonstrate the ability to interpret primary and secondary sources and to compose an argument which uses them, as appropriate, for support.
  • Demonstrate an understanding through multiple analytical categories such as race, class, gender and ethnicity in the creation of independent Latin American states and modern international relationships.
  • Demonstrate quantitative knowledge of important historical patterns, processes, developments, figures and events.
  • Explain the historical significance of cultural developments such as art, music, architecture, literature and religion.
  • Analyze ways in which social, political, and economic structures are influenced by trade, migration, revolution, cultural exchange, and biological exchange.

Major Course Content

  1. The Nation Building Process (1821-1850)

    1. The aftermath of independence

    2. Consolidation of political power

    3.  The evaluation of war-torn economies

    4. Creating national identity and obtaining foreign recognition

  2.  The Growth of Latin American societies, economies and politics under growing United States’ Influence (1821-1910).

    1.  Slavery versus wage earners

    2. The era of Caciques

    3. The growth of external and internal economies

    4. From monarchy to republic

    5. The Monroe Doctrine, origins of US expansionism and foreign meddling

    6. The Paraguayan war

  3.         Early Industrialization and violent reaction

    1. The Mexican Revolution

    2. The end of the Brazilian Republic

    3. The Chaco war

    4. Urban labor movements

    5.  The Araucanians, Yaquiz and Guarani

  4.        World War II and the rise of authoritarian regimes

    1. Brazil and Vargas

    2.  Chile and Ibanez

    3. Argentina and Peron

    4. Mexico and Cardenas

    5. Import substitution industrialization

  5.         The hovering giant: Case studies of US intervention in Latin America

    1. Guatemala

    2.  Bolivia

    3. Nicaragua

    4. Cuba

    5. Chile     

  6. Growth versus Development

    1. Mexico’s rapid economic development

    2. Chile and copper

    3. Brazil sugar and coffee

    4.  Argentine Pampas

    5.  Central American export economies

  7.    Debt Crisis, illegal economies and their consequences

    1. The role of the International Monetary Fund

    2.  Grass-roots campaigns: community based organizations

    3.  Inter-American drug war

    4. The Malvinas War

    5. The Dirty War

    6. The Colombian Drug War

  8.  Economic Prosperity

    1. Maquiladoras and tourism

    2. NAFTA

    3. Mercosur

    4.  Informal economies

  9. Indigenous response to growing economies

    1. Brazil: the Yanomani

    2. Mexico: the Chiapanecos

    3. Guatemala: the Maya

  10.  Latin America today: its people, leaders and economies

    1. Argentina

    2. Brazil

    3. Central America

    4. Chile

    5. Mexico

    6. Peru

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Students will read supplemental texts to expose them to topical histories within the region, primary source collections, and the historiography of the region.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Students will write a 5-page formal essays in which they synthesize primary source readings and presented course material. Additionally, students will be asked to complete reflection essays, book reviews, short answer responses.

Examples of Outside Assignments

1.) Students will demonstrate their ability to identify a thesis, evaluate the evidence used to support the thesis, and consider the implications of the thesis within the structure of a formal essay/book review.
2.) Students will synthesis material from assigned readings and course presentations to present an original thesis that pertains to one of the course topics/themes.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture

IGETC Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences

4F. History