Visual Art and Photography

Visual Arts and Photography includes the study of art history as well as theoretical and skills-based courses in traditional artistic studio practices, new-genre, and digital arts. The Visual Arts and Photography Department offers a creative learning environment where students can explore and develop necessary skills and knowledge for successful transfer or for employment in the visual arts and related fields.

Areas of study include:

  • Art History
  • Ceramics
  • Drawing
  • Digital Media
  • Film
  • Game Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Painting
  • Photography

Courses in Visual Arts and Photography satisfy general education requirements for: AD-T in Art History, AD-T in Studio Arts, AA in Film Studies, AA in Visual Arts, AS in Photography, AA in Liberal Arts - Humanities, and AS in Digital and Web Design; and lower division transfer. Students may earn a Certificate in Ceramics-One Year, a Certificate in Ceramics-Two Years, a Certificate in Media Arts, a Certificate in Photography, and/or a Certificate in Digital and Web Design.


NameOffice Room NumberPhoneEmail
Besancon, Cathrine VA
Duffy, Dyane VA
Hillman, Michael VA
Konya, Amanda VA
Marquez, Gilbert VA
Rachford, Maryann VA

Contact Information

Visual and Performing Arts
John Vaughan
Administrative Secretary
Nora Salas
Division Office
VA 120
Division Phone Number

These disciplines prepare students to do the following:

Visual Arts

  • Utilize proper vocabulary in the study, discussion and creation of visual arts and art history.
  • Create and analyze works in a variety of styles within a studio environment.
  • Research, identify, and evaluate historical periods in art history, and work within a specified framework.
  • Recognize how cultural and world views influence visual arts and art history traditions.


  • Utilize photographic techniques for creative application in communicating specific concepts.
  • Create a variety of projects utilizing basic photographic knowledge in digital formats.
  • Examine and evaluate gallery and museum exhibitions, photography documentaries, periodicals and books.
  • Demonstrate computer proficiency in specialized programs related to digital photography workflow.
  • Review, analyze and critique photographic work in terms of aesthetics, techniques and concepts.

Important Information About Art and Photography Course Descriptions

Most art and photography courses are now grouped together as course "families." Students are allowed to take only four courses from each "family." All grades received, including F, WD, and NC grades count towards the four courses.


ART 110Introduction to the Visual Arts3
ART 111Beginning Drawing3
ART 130Beginning Painting3
ART 140Beginning Ceramics3
ART 143Beginning Ceramics - Handbuilding3
ART 141Intermediate Ceramics3
ART 142Experimental Ceramics3
ART 240Advanced Ceramics I3
ART 241Advanced Ceramics II3
Commercial Ceramics
ART 146Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic3
ART 147Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic - Intermediate3
ART 120Two-Dimensional Design3
ART 121Three-Dimensional Design3
ART 145Ceramic Design and Decoration3
ART 149Studio Problems in Ceramics1
Digital Art
ART 153Digital Media Productions I3
ART 162Computer Graphics I3
ART 167Web Design I3
ART 168Animation I3
Digital Art, Advanced
ART 267Web Design II3
ART 268Animation II3
ART 112Intermediate Drawing3
ART 115Figure Drawing I3
ART 116Figure Drawing II3
ART 117Figure Drawing III3
Game Concept Design
GAME 191Photoshop for Game Art & Animation3
Game Modeling
GAME 190Introduction to 3D Modeling3
GAME 192Game Modeling & Texturing3
GAME 193Advanced Environment and Vehicle Modeling3
Graphic Design
ART 150Computer Art Basics3
ART 158Commercial Graphic Design3
ART 159Introduction to Typography3
ART 189Art Portfolio and Resume Production3
ART 131Intermediate Painting3
ART 230Advanced Painting3
ART 180Beginning Clay Sculpture3
ART 181Intermediate Clay Sculpture3
ART 182Advanced Clay Sculpture I3
ART 183Advanced Clay Sculpture II3
ART 184Sculpture and Metalwork3


Photography Skills
PHTO 101Basic Photography3
PHTO 102Intermediate Photography3
PHTO 103Advanced Photography3
Commercial Photography
PHTO 216Business Practices for the Photographer3
Photographic Genres
PHTO 125Photography as an Art Medium3
PHTO 202Photojournalism3
PHTO 205Advanced Imaging Techniques3
PHTO 213Portraiture on Location3
Video for Photographers
PHTO 204Video for Photographers3
PHTO 207Intermediate Video for Photographers3

ART 100
Art History - Fundamentals of Global Art History
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Utilizing artworks and monuments from around the world, from ancient times to the present, this course will examine basic art principles, media and methodological approaches to art history.

ART 100A
Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course provides an overview of western art and architecture from prehistory through the medieval period.

Survey of Western Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course provides an overview of western art and architecture from prehistory through the medieval period. Particular focus will be on placing artworks within their cultural, historical, political and religious contexts. Students are expected to work and participate at an honors level which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of art historical readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentations.

ART 100B
Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course provides an overview of art and architecture from the Renaissance to the Contemporary period.

Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course provides an overview of art and architecture from the Renaissance to the Contemporary period. Particular focus will be on placing artworks within their cultural, historical, political and religious contexts. Students are expected to work and participate at an honors level which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of art historical readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentations.

ART 101
Art History - Ancient Art
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course covers the history of western art from its prehistoric beginnings to the fall of Rome.

ART 102
Art History - Western Medieval Art
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course covers the history of western art from the fall of Rome to the beginning of the Renaissance.

ART 103
Art History - Renaissance and Baroque Art in Western Europe
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course covers the history of western art from the early Renaissance through the Baroque period.

ART 104
Art History - Modern and Contemporary Art
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course covers the history of Western art from the French Revolution to today.

ART 105
Art History - Topics in Contemporary Art
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An investigation of artists and issues in the global contemporary art world.

ART 106
Art History - Ancient Latin American Art
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 106H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

The study of pre-Columbian cultures and art in Meso and South America from the early formative stage to the Spanish Conquest.

ART 106H
Art History - Ancient Latin American Art - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 106

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

The study of pre-Columbian cultures and art in Meso and South America from the early formative stages to the Spanish Conquest. Students are expected to work and participate at an honors level, which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of art historical readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentations.

ART 108
History of Photography
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3A; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: PHTO 108

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

A survey of the history of photography from its origins to the present. An examination of critical and theoretical approaches to the photographic medium.

ART 109
Survey of Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course provides an overview of the art and architecture of Africa, Oceania and Indigenous North America.

ART 110
Introduction to the Visual Arts
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

A course designed to further the general education of all students. Students will be introduced to the visual arts through aesthetics, critique, history, and by creating art using various mediums.

ART 111
Beginning Drawing
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC; CSUGE C1)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

A basic course in drawing and composition to develop a student's ability to perceive and define shape, mass, contour, volume, space and light, using a variety of media and subject matter. This course is required of all art majors.

ART 112
Intermediate Drawing
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC; CSUGE C1)

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 111.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Emphasis is on conceptual art through advanced, imaginative and subjective approaches to drawing. Includes experimental use of media, theoretical and conceptual approaches to content, and examination of aesthetics within contemporary drawing concerns. Required of all art majors. 36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours.

ART 115
Figure Drawing I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours
Equivalent to: ART 215

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 111, ENGL 101.

An introduction to the structural understanding of the human form, based on study of the figure in history, theory, and aesthetics and its practical application to drawing from live model.

ART 116
Figure Drawing II
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours
Equivalent to: ART 216

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 115.

A continuation of the structural study of the figure with emphasis on the exploration of expressive concepts, media, and techniques. Included will be reading for historical, theoretical, and aesthetic application to class material.

ART 117
Figure Drawing III
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 116.

This course provides advanced instruction in drawing the human figure from the live model. Instruction will include structure, proportion, foreshortening, composition and expressive exaggeration, with emphasis on compositional arrangement and exploration of complex media. Included will be reading for historical, theoretical and aesthetic application to class material.

ART 120
Two-Dimensional Design
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An investigation of the elements of art: especially color and composition. Emphasis is placed on individual solutions to visual problems by observing the principles of design. Required of all art majors. 36 hours lecture,

ART 121
Three-Dimensional Design
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Experiments involving the design elements and principles of art, in the creation of three-dimensional form and spatial relationships. Critical evaluation of designs for aesthetic, technical, and theoretical concerns. Required of all art majors. Material fee.

ART 127
Display and Exhibition Design
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 18 lab hours, 54 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Explores concepts and hands-on applications of the curatorial processes, gallery operations and gallery management skills. Examines the professional side of the arts, emphasizing contemporary art, theories, practices and media.

ART 130
Beginning Painting
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC; CSUGE C1)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 111, ENGL 101.

An objective approach to form, space, and color concepts using oil or acrylic paint. Includes critical examination of paintings for technical and aesthetic concerns, content, and historical/cultural influences.

ART 131
Intermediate Painting
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 130.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Development of expressive painting concepts and techniques in oil and acrylic, with emphasis on historical, theoretical, and cultural meanings. Standard painting media.

ART 140
Beginning Ceramics
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC; CSUGE C1)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

This course explores basic techniques of pottery making. It may include aspects of handbuilding and throwing on the potter's wheel. Emphasis is on understanding the qualities of clay, appreciation of basic pottery forms, glazing techniques and the development of personal expression. Historical and cultural concerns in ceramics are included. Material fee.

ART 141
Intermediate Ceramics
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 140.

This course further develops basic pottery skills by introducing new forms on the potter's wheel and handbuilding techniques. Decorating and glazing techniques will also be expanded upon. Material fee.

ART 142
Experimental Ceramics
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

A course for beginning to advanced students to explore the creative possibilities of clay in a workshop setting. Individual projects using hand building or the potter's wheel will be used to create sculpture or pottery. Material fee.

ART 143
Beginning Ceramics - Handbuilding
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

This beginning course is an introduction to ceramic handbuilding techniques and processes. Traditional methods of forming, joinery, construction, glazing and firing are introduced. Material fee.

ART 145
Ceramic Design and Decoration
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 141.

This course involves projects that will include problem solving in pottery form and surface design and decorative techniques. Other related topics include the effect of various firing and glazing methods and exhibit preparation.

ART 146
Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

This course will explore techniques in creating and glazing handmade and commercial tile, from Cuenca to Cuerda Seca. The tile industry, cutting, grouting and installation will also be explored. Mosaic techniques will be a secondary focus. Material fee.

ART 147
Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic - Intermediate
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 146.

This intermediate course will further explore techniques in creating, glazing and firing handmade tile. The tile industry, cutting, grouting and installation and mosaics methods will also be a focus. Materials fee.

ART 149
Studio Problems in Ceramics
1 Unit (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
18 lecture hours, 18 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 141.

Independent problem solving involving intermediate or advanced projects in studio ceramics. Materials used include clay, engobe, stain and glaze. Firing techniques, studio practices, display, and exhibition design is included. Material fee.

ART 150
Computer Art Basics
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

This introductory computer art course is designed for people interested in learning the basics of computer art. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are utilized to create computer graphics and Microsoft Word is used for word processing. Operating system, printers, scanners, and digital cameras are also explored in this course. Material fee.

ART 152
Introduction to Art: Mobile Digital Devices
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 54 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Using the iPad and iPhone as creative tools for original image making. This course is designed to further the education of all students by introducing them to the visual arts through survey of traditional and contemporary drawing, painting, photographic, videographic and graphic design techniques using computer technologies: mobile devices, apps, scanners and printers. Students will investigate the pictorial elements of line, shape, space, color, and texture as well as technology, concepts, and practices of digital art production.

ART 153
Digital Media Productions I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours
Equivalent to: ENGR 110

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 150 or Portfolio review.

An overview of multimedia production and associated technology. The course will use Illustrator, PhotoShop and other software in the development of graphic presentations for use in business and communications. Students will be provided an opportunity to produce computer graphics merging images and text for large format printing. Material fee.

ART 158
Commercial Graphic Design
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 111, ART 120 and ART 150.

Students will examine graphic design in advertising, corporate identity, video, billboards and print media. Utilizing Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop and InDesign computer software. Students will apply principles of color theory, layout and typography to their design concepts preparing projects for commercial printing. Material fee.

ART 159
Introduction to Typography
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 54 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 150.

Introduction to fundamental concepts, practices, and theories of typography. Topics include terminology, history, vocabulary, classification, design and contemporary use of type. Utilizing board skills and software programs students will creatively manipulate type fonts in designs and layout applications, demonstrating a sensitivity to the characteristics and communicative values of typography.

ART 162
Computer Graphics I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 150 and/or ART 158.

An introduction and skill development course using the computer as a tool for graphic design and page layout projects where basic design, personal creativity, typography, illustration, and production techniques are implemented. An emphasis is placed on understanding the role of graphic design and the designer in contemporary society and how computer technology plays a major part in this rapidly developing career field. Software includes: current software applications.

ART 167
Web Design I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours
Equivalent to: ENGR 112

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 150.

An overview of the World Wide Web with emphasis on design and publishing. This course utilizes various developmental tools in the design of pages to be used on the Internet for commercial or personal use.

ART 168
Animation I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly Recommended: ART 150 and/or Portfolio review.

The focus of this course is to introduce the fundamentals of two-dimensional animation with emphasis on the computer as a tool. Student projects involve scripting, storyboarding, action, transition, and timing character development, and portfolio enhancement.

ART 180
Beginning Clay Sculpture
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Clay sculpture classes will include clay techniques, application of color, sculpting methods, and sculpture concepts. Students will learn the fundamentals of building and coloring ceramic hand built sculpture. Historical, critical and cultural concerns will also be topics of the course. Material fee.

ART 181
Intermediate Clay Sculpture
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 180.

Intermediate clay sculpture classes will include modeling techniques, application of color, clay sculpting methods and sculpture concepts. Students may work with human models, animals, birds and other topics with emphasis on composition and craftsmanship. Material fee.

ART 182
Advanced Clay Sculpture I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 181.

Clay sculpture classes will include clay techniques, application of color, sculpting methods, and sculpture concepts. Students will design and construct medium size hand built sculpture of the human model, human head, animal, bird, or other topic. Material fee.

ART 183
Advanced Clay Sculpture II
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 182.

Clay sculpture classes will include clay techniques, application of color, sculpting methods, and sculpture concepts. Students will design and construct large hand-built sculpture pieces of the human model, human head, animals, or other topic. Material fee.

ART 184
Sculpture and Metalwork
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 121.

An introduction of sculpture materials and techniques. Student explores the potential of expressive form, structure, and space in various materials and processes. Study of aesthetics, technique and theoretical concerns as applied to sculpture.

ART 189
Art Portfolio and Resume Production
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 111, ART 120, ART 150, ART 158, ART 159, ART 162, and ART 167.

An advanced course to prepare a portfolio that best represents the student's art/design work for the purpose of a job interview or advanced university placement. The final presentation will be based upon the students's studio discipline and may include traditional studio work, computer (CGI) art and graphic design. Additionally, the production of a professional appearing resume plus participation in mock interviews will be a part of the class.

ART 199
Motion Picture Appreciation
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 199H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introductory course in which the student will learn how to analyze films on technical, aesthetic, and thematic levels. Historically significant films will be used as source material.

ART 199H
Motion Picture Appreciation - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 199

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introductory course in which the student will learn how to analyze films on technical, aesthetic, and thematic levels. Historically and culturally significant films will be used as source material. Students are expected to work and participate at an honors level which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of film critiques and readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentations.

ART 200
History of Motion Pictures: 1895-1945
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introductory course in motion picture history covering the years 1895-1945. The historically significant technical and thematic developments of world cinema are analyzed in detail in the context of production systems.

ART 201
History of Motion Pictures 1945-Present
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introductory course providing an overview of motion picture history from 1945 to the present. The historically significant thematic developments in world cinema are analyzed in a technical and production context.

ART 206
History of Latin American Art - Colonial through Contemporary
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 206H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Survey of the art of Mexico and Central and South America from the Spanish Colonial period forward to the present.

ART 206H
History of Latin American Art - Colonial through Contemporary - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 206

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Survey of the art of Mexico and Central and South America from the Spanish Colonial period forward to the present. Students are expected to work and participate at an honors level, which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of art historical readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentations.

ART 207
History of Asian Art
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 207H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Survey of the visual arts and architecture in India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan from the prehistoric era to the present. The course is intended to provide a cultural perspective and offer an historical framework for understanding the major monuments of Asian art as well as the religious, philosophical and political ideas that generated their production.

ART 207H
History of Asian Art - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 207

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Survey of the visual arts and architecture in India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan from the prehistoric era to the present. The course is intended to provide a cultural perspective and offer an historical framework for understanding the major monuments of Asian art as well as the religious, philosophical and political ideas that generated their production. Students are expected to work and participate at an honors level, which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of art historical readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentations.

ART 210
Art About You: Public Art
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

This beginning level art course will focus on art that is about you: home, street, community, transit, galleries and museums. The course will involve extensive use of local public transportation, art museums & galleries, and architecture as resources. Field trips are required. Funding percentage for arts programs, historical and current practices, will also be topics.

ART 230
Advanced Painting
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours
Equivalent to: ART 232

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 130 and ART 131.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Personalized exploration of expressive painting concepts and techniques in oil and acrylic paint. Includes critical examination of paintings for technical and aesthetic concerns, content, and historical/cultural influences.

ART 234
Beginning Watercolor Painting
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 111, ENGL 101.

This is an introductory course to water media painting with emphasis on watercolor technique, composition, and formal theory. A spectrum of wash, glaze, and gouache techniques are explored using principles of color theory, composition, and space building concepts.

ART 240
Advanced Ceramics I
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 141.

An advanced course in pottery making: potter's wheel, handbuilding, with an emphasis on larger forms and development of a distinctive artistic voice. Also included is glaze technology and basic kiln operation. Material fee.

ART 241
Advanced Ceramics II
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 240.

An advanced experience in ceramics is the emphasis of this course. Work on the potter's wheel and handbuilding techniques along with independent visits to craft galleries and special ceramic exhibits, research on selected topics and exploration of topical currents in clay will be investigated. Material fee.

ART 252
Introduction to Art: Mobile Digital Devices 2
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 152.

Advanced use of the iPad and iPhone as creative tools for original image making. This course is designed to further the education and experience of students by exposing them to more advanced exploration of the visual arts through survey of traditional and contemporary drawing, painting, photographic, videographic and graphic design techniques using computer technologies: mobile devices, apps, scanners and printers. Students will investigate the pictorial elements of line, shape, space, color, and texture as well as technology, concepts, and practices of digital art production.

ART 267
Web Design II
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours
Equivalent to: ENGR 113

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 167.

Advanced application and integration of website software and various scripting languages. Students create web environments and applicably utilize various programs including but not limited to Dreamweaver, Animate and Adobe PhotoShop. Emphasis will be placed on design, animation, quality, and application employment-related situations.

ART 268
Animation II
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ART 168.

This intermediate level animation course focuses on the development of one's personal creativity and the improvement of computer skills with the goal of producing a personal video portfolio.

ART 698A
Cooperative Education
1 Unit (AA/AS)
60 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of volunteer employment or training sites.

ART 698B
Cooperative Education
2 Units (AA/AS)
120 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of volunteer employment or training sites.

ART 698C
Cooperative Education
3 Units (AA/AS)
180 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of volunteer employment or training sites.

ART 698D
Cooperative Education
4 Units (AA/AS)
240 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of volunteer employment or training sites.

ART 699A
Cooperative Education
1 Unit (AA/AS)
75 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of paid employment or training sites.

ART 699B
Cooperative Education
2 Units (AA/AS)
150 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of paid employment or training sites.

ART 699C
Cooperative Education
3 Units (AA/AS)
225 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of paid employment or training sites.

ART 699D
Cooperative Education
4 Units (AA/AS)
300 lab hours arranged

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

The student must be simultaneously enrolled in a class that relates to the Cooperative Education class. A course designed to assist students in planning and accomplishing meaningful learning objectives related to Art at their place of paid employment or training sites.

GAME 190
Introduction to 3D Modeling
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ART 150, GAME 191.

This course introduces the concepts of 3D Modeling in a virtual environment. Emphasis is on the introduction of three-dimensional concepts, the use of modeling tools, and menu structures within applications of 3D design systems. Skills taught in this course will give students the ability to create original three-dimensional computer generated models of organic or mechanical design.

GAME 191
Photoshop for Game Art & Animation
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop including mastery of digital image editing and techniques for painting custom textures for game art and animation. Use of Layers, Layer Styles, Adjustment Layers and Blending Modes. Adjusting and correcting colors for textures and images to be used in 3D modeling software such as Autodesk's Maya and in game engines such as Unreal Engine or Unity, as well as an introduction to all aspects of Adobe Photoshop for use in digital image editing.

GAME 192
Game Modeling & Texturing
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): GAME 190 and GAME 191.

Strongly recommended: ART 150.

An intermediate 3D modeling class focusing on low poly modeling and texture mapping for games. Topics include the basics of lighting an object, advanced Photoshop skills and presentation skills. This class will also take a look at emerging technologies that address texturing for game art.

GAME 193
Advanced Environment and Vehicle Modeling
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): GAME 190 and GAME 191.

Strongly recommended: ART 150.

A comprehensive study of game industry modeling techniques for both hard surface and organic models. Advanced 3D modeling techniques in creating environment and vehicle models with specific limitations on tri/poly count. Topics include Polygonal modeling tools, Subdivision Surface tools, and NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B Splines) modeling tool sets. An introduction to background design and layout as well as shot planning and composition as it applies to storytelling in a game/simulation environment with a focus on creating architectural interiors and exteriors representing houses, buildings and entire worlds contained under a roof.

PHTO 101
Basic Photography
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Fundamentals of digital photography with a concentration on camera operation and image composition. Exposure basics including ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed will be emphasized with the use of aperture priority, shutter priority & manual exposure modes. Execution of basic postproduction digital workflow and image output using Adobe Lightroom and ink jet printer technology. This course is the prerequisite for all other photography courses. Material fee.

PHTO 102
Intermediate Photography
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 101 or PHTO 202.

Provides emphasis on artificial lighting control and studio photography fundamentals including: various lighting systems, tethered shooting, use of modifiers and studio backdrops. Both continuous and strobe lighting will be used to explore basic lighting principles. Students will acquire intermediate postproduction digital workflow skills and advanced printing methods using Adobe Photoshop and ink jet printer technology. Material fee.

PHTO 103
Advanced Photography
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 102.

A study of advanced photographic techniques as applied to commercial and industrial careers working with specialized equipment. The continuation of studio applications including tabletop photography is emphasized for the production of product imagery. Artificial light, backgrounds, props and styling techniques are utilized to photograph products with challenging surfaces such as glass or metal. Material fee.

PHTO 108
History of Photography
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; IGETC 3A; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C1)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ART 108

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

A survey of the history of photography from its origins to the present. An examination of critical and theoretical approaches to the photographic medium.

PHTO 125
Photography as an Art Medium
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 101 or PHTO 202.

Traditional uses of photographic production will be challenged through non-traditional and conceptual project production. Artists’ works that have influenced the photographic field will be explored thought the process of image description, interpretation and judgment to reflect broader issues in visual culture. Material fee.

PHTO 202
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 54 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: PHTO 101.

This course introduces students to the theory and practice of photojournalism. Students learn the fundamentals of camera operation while photographing current events both on and off campus. The ethics of photojournalism is explored through study of the top press organization’s code of ethics and through critique of real world ethical violations. Photographers will learn the skill of caption writing, as well as, an industry standard digital workflow. In addition to class assignments students have the opportunity to collaborate with a reporter from a Citrus College publication. Material fee.

PHTO 204
Video for Photographers
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; CSU; UC)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 102 or PHTO 202.

This class introduces video production to still photographers. Video content will be captured with the use of DSLR or mirrorless camera system. Lighting and camera techniques, audio recording, output options and editing with the use of Adobe Premiere Pro will be explored. Visual storytelling and theme development are studied through the production of interviews, product videos, time-lapse videos, mini-documentaries or video shorts. Contemporary and historical video work will be viewed and discussed along with critique of student work.

PHTO 205
Advanced Imaging Techniques
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 101 or PHTO 202.

Established photo principles such as: proper use of cameras, filters, white balance, exposure, lighting equipment, and color analysis is emphasized in “Advanced Imaging Techniques.” Students investigate advanced digital capture technologies to explore photographic image compositing, panoramic image production, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and aerial image capture. Students will acquire advanced postproduction digital workflow skills and advanced printing methods using Adobe Photoshop and ink jet printer technology. Material fee.

PHTO 207
Intermediate Video for Photographers
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 204.

A continuation of the study of video skills, production and concepts. Intermediate camera techniques, lighting, audio recording and post-production skills are used to explore video production for: the Internet or social media, company branding and news reporting. Students will critique course projects, as well as, relevant contemporary and historical videos.​

PHTO 213
Portraiture on Location
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 101 or PHTO 202.

This course explores a variety of portraiture genres including: editorial, beauty, corporate, headshots, family and event. The principles of portrait production will be executed utilizing lighting equipment for the professional photographer. Control of the quality, direction, intensity and ratio of light is practiced outdoors and on location. Study and direction of pose, gesture and body language is practiced while working with models. Material fee.

PHTO 216
Business Practices for the Photographer
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): PHTO 102 or PHTO 202.

This course prepares photographers for the complex business aspects of the industry. Students will develop personal biographies, practice statements and resumes. Marketing tools, forms and contracts will be assessed and put into practice. Each student will prepare both print and web-based portfolios showcasing images relevant to their desired photographic clientele.