EAC 090: Empowerment for Students with Disabilities

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 2
Total Contact Hours: 36
Lecture Hours : 36
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 72
Transferable to CSU: No
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

A course designed to facilitate successful transition to the collegiate level for new students with disabilities. Upon completion of this course, students will be better prepared to assert their needs, make decisions, and practice coping strategies pertinent to their unique situation. This course is offered for Pass/No Pass grading only. 36 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • analyze problems related to access to campus and develop practical solutions (e.g., commuting, on-campus routes, physical barriers, time constraints, etc.)
  • identify and select appropriate administrative, financial, counseling, and educational services as needed
  • demonstrate knowledge about and use of library and learning resources
  • identify and use effective communication skills and coping strategies in the classroom, counseling, and research assignments
  • participate in formal and informal campus activities, group discussions, and social events

Major Course Content

  1. Environment
    1. Commuting to campus
      1. researching alternatives
      2. choosing preferred mode
      3. planning time
    2. Maneuvering around campus
      1. identifying destination
      2. planning route
      3. listing barriers
      4. addressing barriers
    3. Using administrative services
      1. identifying needs
      2. researching sources of help
      3. choosing the service
      4. asking for assistance
    4. Applying for educational finances
      1. consulting with knowledgeable people
      2. reviewing financial aid options
      3. planning program of study
      4. completing applications
      5. monitoring financial aid documents
    5. Selecting classes
      1. reviewing program requirements
      2. assessing availability of courses
      3. planning preferred schedule
    6. Registering for classes
      1. completing registration forms
      2. submitting forms to registrar
      3. verifying courses with registrar
  2. Academic
    1. Utilizing college resources (library, learning center, etc.)
      1. finding what resources are available
      2. choosing resource
      3. identifying sources of information
      4. requesting assistance
    2. Clarifying assignment
      1. identifying areas of confusion
      2. formulating specific questions
      3. choosing person to ask
      4. asking questions
    3. Meeting with professor/advisor/other college staff
      1. identifying topics of discussion/preparing questions
      2. responding to feedback
      3. requesting information and/or assistance
      4. recording information
      5. expressing own opinions/views (sharing your perspectives)
      6. utilizing coping strategies
      7. coping with others' mannerisms (style)
  3. Social Skills
    1. Managing free time on campus
      1. identifying open time periods
      2. listing possible activities
      3. choosing preferred activity
    2. Participating in on-campus groups
      1. researching available alternatives
      2. connecting with contact person
      3. arranging to attend group meetings
      4. contributing to group
    3. Utilizing campus social places
      1. identifying barriers
      2. addressing barriers

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Instructor developed materials

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Students will write a 2-4 paragraph paper about how their disability impacts them in the educational environment.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Complete the Transition Skills Inventory (TSI) Profile Report. They must first evaluate themselves, then be evaluated by their instructor, and then be evaluated by an outside support person. Next, the students must measure any discrepancies in evaluations. Discrepancies will be discussed in the classroom.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture