Citrus College Directory

All telephone numbers are area code 626.

Office of the Superintendent/President

Superintendent/President Dr. Greg Schulz
Executive Assistant Christine Link 914-8821
Administrative Assistant Raquel Perez 914-8821
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Dr. Ty Thomas 857-4059
Administrative Assistant Trevor Tolliver 857-4063

Academic Affairs Office

Vice President Dr. Dana Hester
Administrative Assistant Christine Recendez 914-8881
Curriculum Specialist Shelby Amador 914-8858
Schedule/Catalog Analyst Gwen Harris 914-8882

Career/Technical Education

Architecture, Automotive Technology (Automobile/Light Truck, and Medium/Heavy Truck), Career/Technical Education Programs, CTE Transitions, Computer Science, Construction Management, Cosmetology, Drafting and Design Technology, Esthetician, Information Technology and Information Systems, Office Technology and Computer Applications, Public Works, Water Technology

Dean Kimberly Mathews
Administrative Secretary Angie Alvarez 852-6402
Career Technical Educational Programs Supervisor Terry Adams 914-8702

Noncredit and Continuing Education

Community Education, Contract Education, Noncredit Instruction (Credit Recovery; English as a Second Language; Workplace Skills)

Director Ivon McCraven 852-8022
Administrative Secretary Julie Tunno 914-8807

Kinesiology, Health and Athletics

Aquatics Center, Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Fitness Center, Intercollegiate Athletics, Kinesiology, Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN), Nurse Assistant (NA), Registered Nursing (RN)

Dean Junior Domingo
Administrative Secretary Isabel Bellman 914-8650
Assistant Athletics Director Jackie Boxley 857-4155
Assistant Athletics Director Andrew Wheeler 914-8686
Health Sciences Director Dr. Salima Allahbachayo
Health Sciences Department Administrative Secretary Stefanie Fuentes 914-8791
Health Sciences Department Administrative Secretary Elisa MacDuff 914-8720
Health Sciences Department Dental Assisting Coordinator Dawn Brewster 914-8728
Health Sciences Department EMT Coordinator Albert Laicans 914-8755
Health Sciences Department Nursing (ADN) Coordinator Sonia Kibbe 857-4138
Health Sciences Department Nursing (CNA) Coordinator Dalvir Dhillon 914-8722
Health Sciences Department Nursing (LVN) Coordinator Sonia Kibbe 857-4138

Language Arts and Library

Communications, Clarion student publication, English, English as a Second Language, Foreign Languages (American Sign Language (ASL), Chinese, French, German, Italy, Japanese, Spanish), Honors, Learning Center (Testing, Tutorial Services, Writing Center), Library, Speech Communications

Dean Dr. Kim Orlijan
Administrative Secretary Cathy Day 914-8856
Honors Transfer Program Coordinator Dr. Jennifer Miller-Thayer 852-8086
Honors Transfer Program Counselor Eileen Sin 857-4002
Honors Transfer Program Office Melisa Edwards 914-8626
Learning Center Supervisor Gerald Helm 857-4035
Library and Media
Supervisor Matthew Tabizon 914-8569
Public Services Librarian Sarah Bosler 914-8642
Instructional Design Librarian Elizabeth Cook 857-4136
Systems/Technical Services Librarian Darren Hall 626-857-4071
Library Media Technician II Tina Gutierrez 914-8576

Mathematics, Science and Business

Accounting, Astronomy, Biology, Biotechnology, Business, Chemistry, Earth Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Natural History, Physics, Real Estate, Wildland Resources and Forestry

Dean Dr. Balaji Sethu Raja
Adminstrative Secretary Cynthia Audelo 914-8792
Associate Dean, Natural and Physical Sciences Vacant
Natural and Physical Sciences Administrative Secretary Darla Ramirez 914-8792

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Administration of Justice, Anthropology, Child Development, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, History, Humanities, Online Education, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Study Abroad Program

Dean Dr. Jack Beckham
Administrative Secretary Gayle Allen 914-8860
Foster/Kinship Care Education & Resources Supervisor Jorge Razo 857-4088
Online Education Faculty Coordinator Dr. Senya Lubisich 857-4124
Study Abroad Specialist John Morris 914-8560

Visual and Performing Arts, Haugh Performing Arts Center

Visual Arts: Art (Art History, Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, 2-D and 3-D Design, Digital Media, Game Design, Photography), Performing Arts: Music (Commercial, Education, Performance), Dance, Theatre, Recording Arts, Haugh Performing Arts Center

Dean John Vaughan
Administrative Secretary Nora Salas 914-8580
Haugh Performing Arts Center Director Tiina Mittler 852-8047
Performing Arts Technical Supervisor Karen Taulbee 852-8049
Visual and Performing Arts Programs Supervisor Kristen Campbell 914-8579

Finance and Administrative Services

Vice President Claudette E. Dain
Administrative Assistant/Facilities Rental Supervisor Lori Amato 914-8890
Business Services Director Shawn Jones 914-8888
Payroll/Benefits Supervisor Lisa Fowler 857-4057
Enterprise Services Manager Eric Magallon 914-8624
Environmental Health & Safety Programs Supervisor Mike Ramos 914-8704
Facilities and Construction Director Fred Diamond 914-8691
Facilities and Construction Associate Director Ernie Loera 857-4113
Fiscal Services Director Wade W. Ellis 914-8897
Fiscal Services Associate Director Marie Noriega 914-8893
Reprographics Supervisor Brett McNamara 914-8740

Citrus College Foundation

Foundation Director Christina M. Garcia
Administrative Assistant Briceyda Torres 914-8825

Communications and External Relations

Executive Director Vacant
Administrative Secretary Cerise Guerrero 914-8872
Communications Supervisor Doug Schultz 852-6497

Human Resources

Director Simone Brown Thunder
Administrative Assistant Antonina Papov-Olia 914-8552
Human Resources/Staff Diversity Manager/Title IX Coordinator Brenda Fink 914-8830

Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness

Director Dr. Lan Hao
Administrative Secretary Jo Ellen "Jody" Barrass 852-8002
Research Analyst Anthony Delgado 852-6411
Research Analyst Yueyi Huang 852-6408
Research Analyst Xiaoran Yu 852-6410

Technology and Computer Services

Chief Information Services Officer Dr. Eric Calderon
Administrative Secretary Millie Franco 914-8810
Enterprise Systems Supervisor Allan Abutin 914-8779
Technology Operations & Support Services Supervisor Tom Cheng 914-8666
Vice President Dr. Richard F. Rams
Administrative Assistant Christina Garcia 914-8532
Campus Safety Director Benjamin Macias 914-8611

Admissions and Records

Admissions and Records, Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, International Student Center, School Relations and Outreach

Dean of Enrollment Services Dr. Gerald Sequeira
Administrative Secretary Jamie Edmonds 914-8519
Financial Aid Director Stephen Fahey 914-8591
International Students Supervisor Coe Lamoureux 914-8548
Outreach Supervisor Nilda Chavez 857-4162
Registrar Cinthya Arrieta 914-8597

Counseling Programs and Services

Articulation, Career/Transfer Center, Counseling/Advisement Center, EOP&S/CARE/NextUp, CalWORKs, DSPS, Matriculation (credit and noncredit), Student Equity and Achievement Program (SEAP)

Dean of Counseling Programs and Services Dr. Elaine Lipiz Gonzalez
Administrative Secretary Jennifer Blackburn 914-8541
Articulation Officer Michelle Plug 914-8637
Athletics Counselor Alicia Longyear 914-8662
Career Counselors Natalie Desimone 914-8639
Dr. Rafael Herrera 914-8639
Dr. Stephanie Yee 914-8639
Career/Technical Education Counselor Justina Rivadeneyra 914-8537
Counseling/Advising Center Faculty Lead, Veterans Counselor David Rodriguez 852-6421
DSPS Director Michelle Hernandez 914-8677
Early Alert Counselor David Rodriguez 852-6421
EOP&S/CARE/NextUp, CalWORKs Director Sara Gonzales-Tapia 914-8556
Honors Transfer Program Counselor Eileen Sin 857-4002
International Students Center Anthony Giammalva 914-8026
Noncredit Counselor Justina Rivadeneyra 914-8537
Nursing Program Counselor Jorge Acosta 914-8732
Probation/Dismissal Counselor Claudia Castillo 914-8537
SEAP Assistant Director Dr. My Chau 914-8716
STEM Counselor Raquel Gutierrez 852-6416
Student Support Services (Career/Transfer Center) Director Dr. Jessica Lopez-Jimenez 852-6413

Student Affairs

Student Conduct, Student Life and Leadership Development, Student Health Center, Veterans Success Center

Dean of Students Dr. Maryann Tolano-Leveque
Administrative Secretary (Student Affairs) Rebecca Bacon 914-8601
Student Life and Leadership Development Supervisor Rosario Garcia 914-8603
Administrative Clerk II (Student Life and Leadership Development) Audrey Zepeda 852-6444
Undocu Liaison Amayrani Ochoa Almeida 963-0323 ext. 5201
College Nurse (Student Health Center) Dr. Shauna Bigby 914-8671
Mental Health Supervisor Nadine Henley 914-8671
Student Health Center Assistant Yolanda Renteria 914-8671
Veterans Success Center Director Maria D. Buffo 852-6457
Veteran Services Technician Rita Barber 914-8516
Basic Needs Coordinator Alexis Silva 963-0323 ext. 5228
Basic Needs Coordinator Brody Woods 963-0323 ext. 5941