ADT in Geology

This curriculum is designed to provide an opportunity for the Geology major to achieve an Associate in Science Degree in Geology for Transfer (AS-T in Geology) which completes the first and second year requirements for transfer to a four-year public California institution. Students with a degree in geology may pursue careers in education, consulting, research or work in industry as an entry geologist or geotechnician in fields such as engineering geology, environmental geology, petroleum and mining geology, hydrogeology, seismology, paleontology, geophysics, marine geology and volcanology. While at least a baccalaureate degree is recommended preparation for those considering professional careers, completion of this curriculum will demonstrate commitment to the field and provide comprehensive preparation for further academic study through upper-division course work.

This curriculum specifically prepares the prospective transfer student for upper division course work in Geology or a similar major at a California State University (CSU) campus. Students should consult a counselor, the Transfer Center and the catalog of the transfer college or university to plan a specific program of study to meet the college or university’s requirements.

A.S.-Transfer Degree Level Student Learning Outcomes

Students completing the Geology A.S.-Transfer Degree will:

1. Demonstrate scientific literacy by defining and explaining the major steps in the scientific method such as empirical data, testable hypothesis, and theory, applying general math skills such as metric unit conversion, solving rate problems, and producing and interpreting data in tables and graphs.

2. Identify and classify the earth materials, such as most common minerals, rocks, and major groups of fossils in the lab and the field and their basic relationship to common natural resources.

3. List, explain, and evaluate global and local geological hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and seismic sea waves in terms of appropriate geological processes and the theory of plate tectonics.

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the geologic time scale and relative and numerical methods of measuring geologic time, age of the Earth, and major events in its history

Students receiving this transfer degree must meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following:
    1. The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education - Breadth Requirements.
    2. A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.
  2. Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
  3. Meet the 12-unit residency requirement. 

ADTs also require that students must earn a "C" (or "P") or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis. 

Required courses:
ESCI 120Physical Geology4
ESCI 121Historical Geology4
CHEM 111General Chemistry I5
CHEM 112General Chemistry II5
MATH 190Calculus with Analytic Geometry l5
MATH 191Calculus with Analytic Geometry ll5
Total Units28

Additional recommended preparation for transfer-bound students (not part of the Geology Degree) 

PHYS 201Physics A: Mechanics5
PHYS 202Physics B: Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism5
PHYS 203Physics C: Waves, Optics & Modern Physics5
BIOL 124Molecular and Cellular Biology5
BIOL 125Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity5

2.5-Year Curriculum Map Example
This map represents one possible pathway through the program and is only for reference.

*It is highly recommended that you make an appointment to create a customized education plan that fits your needs.

Note: Co-requisite MATH course (2 units) and/or substitute ENGL 101E (5 units) may be needed based on placement.

Plan of Study Grid
Fall Term 1Units
COUN 206 Pathways to Careers in STEM 3
MATH 175 Pre-Calculus 6
ENGL 101
Reading and Composition
or Reading and Composition - Honors
Winter Term 1
ARCH 250
History of Architecture: Prehistory to Mannerism
or History of Architecture: Baroque to the Present Day
or Art History - Fundamentals of Global Art History
or Art History - Topics in Contemporary Art
or History of Photography
or Introduction to the Visual Arts
or Motion Picture Appreciation
or Motion Picture Appreciation - Honors
or History of Dance
or History of Rock and Roll
or Introduction to Theatre Arts
or Introduction to Theatre Arts - Honors
Spring Term 1
MATH 190 Calculus with Analytic Geometry l 5
CHEM 110 Beginning General Chemistry 5
ENGL 104
Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
or Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking - Honors
Summer Term 1
POLI 103
American Government and Politics
or American Government and Politics - Honors
Fall Term 2
MATH 191 Calculus with Analytic Geometry ll 5
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I 5
ESCI 120 Physical Geology 4
Winter Term 2
SPCH 100
Interpersonal Communication
or Interpersonal Communication - Honors
or Public Address
or Public Address - Honors
or Small Group Communication
Spring Term 2
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II 5
ESCI 121 Historical Geology 4
PHYS 201
Physics A: Mechanics
or Physics A: Mechanics - Honors
Summer Term 2
ARCH 250
History of Architecture: Prehistory to Mannerism
or History of Architecture: Baroque to the Present Day
or Art History - Fundamentals of Global Art History
or Art History - Topics in Contemporary Art
or History of Photography
or Introduction to the Visual Arts
or Motion Picture Appreciation
or Motion Picture Appreciation - Honors
or History of Dance
or Ethnic Voices in Film
or Children's Literature
or Children's Literature - Honors
or Literature of the Bible
or American Food And Culture: Global Origins, History, and Current Impacts
or History of Rock and Roll
or Great Religions of the World
or Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
or Introduction to Theatre Arts
or Introduction to Theatre Arts - Honors
Fall Term 3
BIOL 124 Molecular and Cellular Biology 5
MATH 210 Calculus with Analytic Geometry lll 5
PHYS 202
Physics B: Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism
or Physics C: Waves, Optics & Modern Physics
Winter Term 3
HIST 107
History of the United States before 1877
or History of the United States before 1877 - Honors
or History of the United States since 1877
or History of the United States since 1877 - Honors
or History of Women in the United States
Spring Term 3
BIOL 125 Evolution, Ecology & Biodiversity 5
ETHN 101
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
or Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies
PHYS 202
Physics B: Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism
or Physics C: Waves, Optics & Modern Physics
 Total Units97

Career Opportunities

There are a variety of careers you can do with this major.


To explore more about this major, schedule an appointment with a career counselor.