
Citrus College's 58 disciplines cover areas of study from Anthropology to Water Technology. Each discipline area includes related programs of study, courses, faculty and division contact information, and institutional learning outcomes.

The disciplines are grouped together under eight divisions:

Career, Technical and Continuing Education

Discipline Subject Code
Continuing Education
Noncredit and Community Education NC
Cosmetology COS
Esthetician ESTH
Public Works
Construction Management CM
Public Works PUB
Water Technology WATR
Technology & Engineering
Architecture ARCH
Automotive Technology AUTO, MTRK and SPWG
Computer Science CS
Drafting and Design Technology DRAF
Information Technology and Information Systems ITIS
Office Technology OFF
Production Management and Engineering Technology PMET


Discipline Subject Code
Counseling COUN, EAC and EOPS

Kinesiology, Health and Athletics

Discipline Subject Code
Kinesiology and Athletics
Kinesiology CLNU and KIN
Competitive Athletics KINC
Health Sciences
Dental Assisting, Registered DENT
Emergency Management EMER
Emergency Medical Technician HEAL
Nursing Assistant NRS
Registered Nursing RNRS
Vocational Nursing VNRS

Language Arts and Library

Discipline Subject Code
Communications (Journalism) COMM
English ENGL
English as a Second Language ESL
Foreign Languages ASL, CHIN, FREN, GER, ITAL, JPN and SPAN
Speech Communications SPCH

Mathematics, Sciences and Business

Discipline Subject Code
Mathematics, Business and Engineering
Accounting ACCT
Business BUS
Engineering ENGR
Mathematics MATH
Real Estate REAL
Natural Sciences
Biology BIOL
Biotechnology BIOT
Natural History NAT
Forestry (Wildland Resources) FOR
Physical Sciences
Astronomy ASTR
Chemistry CHEM
Earth Sciences ESCI
Physics PHYS

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Discipline Subject Code
Social Sciences
Economics ECON
Geography GEOG
History HIST
Humanities HUM
Philosophy PHIL
Political Science POLI
Behavioral Sciences
Administration of Justice AJ
Anthropology ANTH
Child Development CHLD
Ethnic Studies ETHN
Psychology PSY
Sociology SOC

Visual and Performing Arts

Discipline Subject Code
Visual Arts
Art ART and GAME
Photography PHTO
Performing Arts
Dance DANC
Recording Technology REC
Theatre THEA

Institutional outcomes are not limited to students in programs and services, but may apply to the broader community served by the college. Institutional outcomes demonstrate commitment to the college mission.

Citrus College fosters a diverse educational community and cultural learning environment that supports student success in the six areas of core competencies adopted by the college in order to assure an informed and ethical citizenry. The six areas of core competency are:

  1. Communication;
  2. Computation;
  3. Creative, critical, and analytical thinking (informational competency);
  4. Community/global consciousness and responsibility;
  5. Technology;
  6. Discipline/subject areas specific content material.

More information on these areas can be found on the General Education and Learning Outcomes page.

Institutional Outcomes

The following outcomes are used throughout instructional programs and services, student support services and institutional support.

Academic Excellence (General Education)

Students transferring or completing degrees or certificates from Citrus College must demonstrate effectively assessed learning in the six areas of core competency.

Economic Opportunity (Career and Technical Education)

Participants preparing for employment and/or career advancement demonstrate effectively assessed learning in the six areas of core competency adopted by the college.

Foundational Skills for Student Success (Basic Skills)

Participants engaged in development of foundational skills for student success demonstrate effectively assessed personal achievement in the six areas of core competency adopted by the college.