THEA 290: Citrus Theatre Academy

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 144
Lecture Hours : 18
Lab Hours: 108
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 36
Prerequisite: Audition.
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

Preparation, rehearsal and public performance of college sponsored productions in an organized summer theatre company. This course provides continuing development of acting, technical theatre and design skills for Citrus students. When appropriate, students have opportunities to work with outside professionals and learn the skills of an understudy. Participants selected by application and audition. 18 lecture hours, 108 lab hours.

Course Objectives

  • apply learned principles of performance to a concentrated rehearsal and performance period
  • evaluate individual performance through audience acceptance and critique sessions
  • explain the concept of an ensemble theatre group

Major Course Content

  1. Preparation and performance of plays and/or musicals.
    1. Calculating rehearsal schedule
    2. Rehearse dialogue
    3. Rehearse blocking
    4. Rehearse movement related to play genre
    5. Rehearse production
    6. Perform Production
  2. Practical experience in Theatre promotion
  3. Evaluation of individual performance
    1. Audience critique
    2. Self critique
    3. Director critique
  4. Interaction with professional performers
    1. Rehearsal process
    2. Discussion/forum
    3. Performance
  5. Understudy technique
    1. Observation
    2. Dialogue
    3. Blocking
    4. Character analysis
    5. Rehearsal
    6. Preparation for performance

Lab Content

  1. Preparation and performance of plays and/or musicals.
    1. Calculating rehearsal schedule
    2. Rehearse dialogue
    3. Rehearse blocking
    4. Rehearse movement related to play genre
    5. Rehearse production
    6. Perform Production
  2. Practical experience in Theatre promotion
  3. Evaluation of individual performance
    1. Audience critique
    2. Self critique
    3. Director critique
  4. Interaction with professional performers
    1. Rehearsal process
    2. Discussion/forum
    3. Performance
  5. Understudy technique
    1. Observation
    2. Dialogue
    3. Blocking
    4. Character analysis
    5. Rehearsal
    6. Preparation for performance

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Histories Biographies Genre specific materials Period specific materials

Examples of Outside Assignments

Memorize Blocking Memorize Dialogue Character Analysis revisions

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Lab, Online Education Lecture, Online Education Lab