CHLD 134: Parent-Child Interaction

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2024
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 54
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
Total Student Learning Hours: 162
District General Education: D2. Behavioral Science
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

This course explores dynamics of the parent-child relationship. Students will analyze the process of being a parent, stages of parenthood, and consider both internal and external forces that influence parent-child interactions. A focus on children from birth to adolescence will include understanding developmental needs. A problem solving approach to the parent-child interaction will be examined to promote positive relationships within a harmonious family atmosphere. 54 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of parent styles on the parent-child interaction and develop strategies and decision making skills that nurture positive interactions and developmental outcomes.
  • Demonstrate understanding of strategies to implementing positive discipline techniques that consider the developmental needs of children from infancy to adolescence.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the ecological contexts that influence the parent-child relationship, family atmosphere and developmental outcomes.
  • Demonstrate understanding of parenting issues, tasks, and experiences including the "Stages of Parenthood."

Major Course Content

  1. Concepts, Goals and Strategies of Parenting
    1. Parenting is a Process
      1. The role of the child
      2. The role of the parent
      3. The role of society
    2. Theories of Development 
      1. Parenting Styles and Developmental Outcomes
      2. Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model
    3. Establishing Close Emotional Relationships with Children
      1. Fostering secure attachments and harmonious family interactions 
      2. Identifying and dealing with negative feelings
      3. Positive discipline
    4. Shaping and Modifying Children’s Behaviors
      1. Helping children learn 
      2. Establishing and enforcing limits 
  2. Parenting at Developmental Stages
    1. Parenting Infants & Toddlers
      1. Theories of development: infancy/toddlerhood
      2. Issues, experiences and strategies for parents
      3. Galinsky's Stages of Parenthood: The Image Making and Nurturing Stage
    2. Parenting in Early Childhood
      1. Theories of development: 2-5 years
      2. Issues, experiences and strategies for parents
      3. Galinsky's Stages of Parenthood: The Authority Stage
    3. Parenting School Age Children
      1. Theories of development: 6-11 years
      2. Issues, experiences and strategies for parents
      3. Galinsky's Stages of Parenthood: The Interpretive Stage  
    4. Parenting Adolescents
      1. Theories of development: Puberty- Early Adulthood
      2. Issues, experiences and strategies for parents
      3. Galinsky's Stages of Parenthood: Interdependent and Departure Stage
    5. Parenting in Varying Life Circumstances
      1. Parenting and work
      2. Parenting in diverse family structures
      3. Parenting in times of trauma

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Family Studies, Child and Adolescent Journals

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Positive Discipline Strategies Application Lesson: After being provided with brief written "Parenting Dilemma" prompts by the instructor, students will problem solve the "dilemma" using positive discipline strategies (1-2 pages per prompt)
Family Harmony Analysis: Students will write a paper (2-3 pages) that describes, evaluates and analyzes parenting styles and discipline methods that nurture harmonious family dynamics and positive parent-child relationships.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Stages of Parenthood Analysis Paper: After interviewing a parent (or parents), write an essay (2-3 pages) that identifies, describes and analyzes their stage(s) of parenthood (Galinsky's Theory). Current Event Research: Identify a current event and examine the effect on parent-child relationships in 1-2 written pages. Observations: Observe and evaluate in writing (1-2 pages) interactions, decisions and discipline methods used in the parent-child relationship.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture