ART 111: Beginning Drawing

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Spring 2021
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 108
Lecture Hours : 36
Lab Hours: 72
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 72
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

A basic course in drawing and composition to develop a student's ability to perceive and define shape, mass, contour, volume, space and light, using a variety of media and subject matter. This course is required of all art majors. 36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours.

Course Objectives

  • Demonstrate skill in using principles of representational renderings and non-representational drawing to communicate creatively.
  • Explain and discriminate between the use of a variety of drawing media.
  • List, define, and use principles of line variation to formulate solutions to composition and spatial manipulation.
  • Explain and render simulated, actual, abstracted, and invented textures.
  • Apply standard methods for enlarging a drawing and transferring drawings.
  • Understand the art-historical context of drawing styles and approaches including cultural differences which influence them.
  • Analyze museum or gallery art works for drawing elements and approaches.
  • Assess artworks for aesthetic qualities.
  • Participate in critical analysis of drawings, to include discussion of technical concerns, concepts (historical, intellectual, cultural, emotional, etc.) and their contexts.

Major Course Content

  1. Use of Media
    1. Graphite, charcoal, conte', ink, collage, various papers
  2. Organization of Pictorial Space
    1. Use of line variation: contour, gesture, modeled, and weighted
    2. Use of perspective to create space
      1. one-point perspective
      2. two-point perspective
    3. Use of value to render form in space
      1. flat value areas: lateral/shallow space
      2. value range, gradations: illusionistic, deep space
      3. light logic: highlight, half-tone, reflected light and shadow, cast and core shadow
    4. Composing both positive and negative space using alternatives to centered compositions
    5. Gridding for enlargement
  3. Content
    1. Representational vs non-representational and abstract
    2. Meaning, style, subject matter: message communicated to viewer
    3. Historical/Cultural content
  4. Critical Analysis of Class Assignments and Museum/Gallery Art
    1. Formal and Technical concerns
    2. Aesthetic and Conceptual concerns

Lab Content

  1. Drawing Media   
    1. Dry Media
    2. Wet Media
  2. Line
  3. Positive/Negative Space
  4. Proportion
  5. Sighting Techniques
  6. Spacial Relationships
  7. Linear Perspective
    1. One Point
    2. Two Point
  8. Value
  9. Light Logic
  10. Composition

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

instructor issued handouts

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

A Written Formal Visual Analysis Paper (2-3 pages) critically analyzing a drawing or painting

Examples of Outside Assignments

Students will be required to complete the following types of assignments outside of the regular class time: Complete sketchbook drawings from observation Compose and Draw from Still life with various media Compile all drawings into a portfolio Finish incomplete drawings Research and prepare for artist presentation or Formal Visual Analysis paper Practice skills with given media Read required materials Write critical responses to drawings Observe activities related to course content, such as museums and galleries Participate in activities related to course content Visit art galleries and museums

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Lab, Online Education Lecture, Online Education Lab