Natural History (NAT)
NAT 180A
Natural History Series - Death Valley
2 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
A field course where the topography, climate, geology, ecology, life zones, wildlife, plant life, and human history of the Death Valley region will be covered. In addition to lectures on campus, there will be a minimum of a three day field trip to the region. A transportation fee may be assessed.
NAT 180B
Natural History Series - Deserts
2 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
A field course where the topography, climate, geology, ecology, life zones, wildlife, plant life, and human history of the desert region will be covered. Possible locations of interest but not restricted to include high desert, Anza Borrego-Salton Basin, Western Colorado Plateau, Eastern Colorado Plateau, Southeastern Arizona, Trans-Pecos or Baja California. In addition to lectures on campus, there will be a minimum of a three day field trip to the region. A transportation fee may be assessed.
NAT 181A
Natural History Series - Coastlines
2 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
A field course where the topography, climate, geology, ecology, life zones, wildlife, plant life, and human history of the California coastline region will be covered. Possible locations of interest include, but are not restricted to southern, central and northern California Coastlines. In addition to lecture on campus, there will be minimum of a three day field trip to the region. A transportation fee may be assessed.
NAT 181B
Natural History Series - Coastal Mountains and Islands
2 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
A field course where the topography, climate, geology, ecology, life zones, wildlife, plant life, and human history of the coastal mountains or islands will be covered. Possible locations of interest include, but are not restricted to, the Transverse Range or Channel Islands. In addition to lectures on campus, there will be a minimum of a three day field trip to the region. A transportation fee may be assessed.
NAT 182A
Natural History Series - Inland Mountains
2 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
A field course where the topography, climate, geology, ecology, life zones, wildlife, plant life, and human history of the desert region will be covered. Possible locations of interest include, but are not restricted to, the Sierra Nevada or Cascades mountains. In addition to lectures on campus, there will be a minimum of a three day field trip to the region. A transportation fee may be assessed.
NAT 182B
Natural History Series - Inland Valleys
2 Units (AA/AS; CSU)
36 lecture hours
Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
A field course where the topography, climate, geology, ecology, life zones, wildlife, plant life, and human history of the inland valleys region will be covered. Possible locations of interest include, but not restricted to, Owens Valley or San Andreas Fault regions. In addition to lectures, there will be a minimum of a three day field trip to the region. A transportation fee may be assessed.