Catalog Addendum

The updates listed in this addendum apply to the 2024-2025 Citrus College Academic Catalog. This catalog addendum contains new and updated information, as well as corrections of errors in the original catalog.


  • From the Waitlist section of the Registration page, removed the sentence "Students on the waitlist will be automatically registered into the class if a seat opens and then notified via email if registration was successful or if any restrictions prevented registration." Students are not automatically registered into waitlists. Correction effective fall 2024. - 8/23/24

  • GEOG 150 Map Interpretation and Analysis should state "UC" after "CSU," indicating transferable to UC, effective fall 2021. - 9/4/24

  • COUN 130 Understanding Addiction should be listed under Area D2 of General Education Requirements: Option I, effective fall 2024. - 10/22/24

  • HIST 130 Latin American Culture and Civilization is crosslisted with SPAN 130 Latin American Culture and Civilization and should also have approval under Area C2 of the Option 1 General Education pattern, effective spring 2018. - 11/8/24

  • The ESL Course Sequence incorrectly states ESL 003A Low-Intermediate Reading & Writing Skills, ESL 004A High-Intermediate Reading and Writing Skills and ESL 005A Advanced College Reading & Writing Skills are 6 units each. Each of them are 5 units. - 12/6/24

  • The text under the Fee Refund Policy section on the Fees and Expenses page should be replaced with the following, effective May 21, 2024. - 12/6/24
    • If a student withdraws from a class by the posted refund deadline date, the enrollment fee and nonresident tuition fee will be refunded automatically. Additionally, if a student withdraws from all of their classes by the posted refund deadline date for each class, the health fee and/or student service fee will also be refunded automatically. In order to receive a refund of the parking fee, the student must withdraw from all of their classes by the posted refund deadline date for each class and provide proof of withdrawal to the Department of Campus Safety (Campus Safety) by the refund deadline. However, a $10 processing fee will be charged for all parking permit refunds. In the case of an active or reserve military service member who is compelled to withdraw from their courses due to orders (military withdrawal), a full refund will be issued upon verification of such orders, except where academic credit has already been awarded.


  • Certificate of Achievement in Engineering Fundamentals approved to start summer 2024. - 8/13/24
  • Certificate of Competency in Basic Still-Life and Portrait Drawing for Older Adults (non-credit certificate) approved to start summer 2024. - 8/13/24
  • MUSP 137 approved to start fall 2024. - 9/6/24
    • MUSP 137 Percussion Ensemble II: Prerequisite: MUSP 136 or Audition. A course for beginning/intermediate percussionists in the study, rehearsal, and performance of classical, modern and novelty percussion ensemble chamber music with a focus on the small to medium size (4 - 16) ensemble setting. Students will explore more intricate rhythmic and stylistic idiosyncrasies of this group of musical styles in sectional and full ensemble settings, with the intention of public performance. Public performance required. 18 lecture hours, 26 lab hours.
  • NC 701 approved to start spring 2025. - 10/25/24
    • NC 701 Creative Writing for Older Adults: This nonfiction creative writing course will focus on establishing consistent, regular writing habits with a focus on developing a personal writing style. Students will explore writing through personal essays, profile writings, and a variety of other types of creative nonfiction, such as literary journalism, opinion articles, and biographies. Open entry/exit. 12 lecture hours.
  • NC 700 approved to start spring 2025. - 11/1/24
    • NC 700 Life Story Writing for Older Adults: This introductory creative writing workshop in life story writing and personal narrative emphasizes the essay as an art form. Readings and frequent writing assignments provide background and practice in writing memoir/personal narratives that are informed by one's experiences. Class sessions consist of reading and writing exercises designed to focus attention on imagery and sensory experiences while recognizing the best way to convey the desired message. This class is organized in a workshop model to allow students to present works in progress to the group and to receive useful feedback and advice for the revision process. Open entry/exit. 12 lecture hours.


  • Dental updates:
    • DENT 104 Chairside Assisting prerequisites modified to allow concurrent enrollment. Revised prerequisite statement reads: "DENT 100 or concurrent enrollment and DENT 122 or concurrent enrollment." Effective spring 2025. - 12/16/24
    • DENT 203 Dental Practice Experience and DENT 205 RDA/CDA Exam Review prerequisites modified to allow concurrent enrollment on DENT 202 Advanced Dental Specialties, effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
    • DENT 204 Preventative Clinical Procedures prerequisites modified to allow concurrent enrollment on DENT 203 Dental Practice Experience, effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
  • Vocational Nursing updates:
    • VNRS 170 Medical-Surgical Nursing II decreased from 7 units to 6 units, and from 126 lecture hours to 108 lecture hours, effective spring 2025. - 12/16/24
    • VNRS 161L Medical - Surgical Nursing I Lab increased lab hours from 162 hours to 170 hours, effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
    • VNRS 171L Medical-Surgical Nursing II Lab decreased from 7 units to 6.5 units, and from 378 lab hours to 370 lab hours, effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
  • Cosmetology updates:
    • Prerequisite of COS 185 Skin Care removed from COS 186 Nail Care, effective spring 2025. - 1/15/25
    • COS 185 Skin Care decreased from 9.5 units to 9 units, decreased lecture hours from 160 to 150, and increased lab hours from 40 to 50. Updated catalog course description to "This course consists of theory and practical applications in skin care and brow beautification. Lectures, demonstrations and practical experience are in the following areas: manual and chemical facial treatments, light therapy, temporary hair removal, tinting of eyebrows and eyelashes, and the perming of eyelashes." Updates effective spring 2025. - 1/15/25
    • COS 231 Business and Licensing Preparation for Cosmetologists increased from 3.5 to 4 units, increased lecture hours from 40 to 60, and decreased lab hours from 72 to 40. Title updated from "Citrus Salon" to "Business and Licensing Preparation for Cosmetologists." Prerequisites changed from "COS 141" to "COS 141, COS 181, COS 185, COS 186, and COS 202." Updates effective winter 2025. - 2/25/25
    • COS 141 Introduction to Cosmetology decreased from 8.5 to 8 units and decreased lab hours from 120 to 80. Updated catalog course description to "This is the introductory course for students majoring in cosmetology and/or hairstyling. The course includes theoretical and practical instruction in a variety of subjects including health & safety, disinfection & sanitation, infection control, scalp care, trichology, basic haircutting, and basic hairstyling.  A material fee is required for this course." Updates effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
    • COS 181 Haircutting and Styling decreased from 8.5 to 8 units, decreased lab hours from 120 to 80, and changed title from "Haircutting" to "Haircutting and Styling." Updated catalog course description to "A continuation of the theory of professional haircutting and hairstyling techniques and procedures introduced in COS 141. Lectures, demonstrations and practical experience in the following areas: haircutting including the use of shears, razors, electrical clippers and trimmers, and thinning shears, shampooing, hair analysis, blow drying, curling, nonchemical straightening, and dressing." Updates effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
    • COS 202 Chemicals decreased from 8.5 to 8 units and decreased lab hours from 120 to 80, effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
    • COS 221 Hair Extension Techniques increased lecture hours from 9 to 20, decreased lab hours from 54 to 32, and changed title from "Hair Extension Techniques" to "Advanced Hairstyling and Hair Extension Techniques." Updated catalog course description to "This class focuses on several advanced hairstyling techniques including: long hair styling, special occasion styling, and creative artistry and period hair designing as well as hair extensions techniques including: strand by strand, tape-in, braiding, bonding, track and sew, netting, wigs and wig caps." Updates effective spring 2025. - 2/25/25
  • Esthetician updates:
    • ESTH 140 Esthetician I and ESTH 141 Esthetician II both increased from 8 to 10 units, increased lecture hours from 72 to 150, and decreased lab hours from 216 to 100, effective spring 2025. - 1/28/25
    • ESTH 142 Salon Success - Full-time increased from 3 to 4 units, increased lecture hours from 36 to 70, and decreased lab hours from 79 to 30, effective summer 2025. - 1/28/25
    • ESTH 145 Esthetician Salon Success Part II increased from 1.5 to 2 units, increased lecture hours from 18 to 35, and decreased lab hours from 40 to 15, effective summer 2025. - 1/28/25
  • The cost of a printed Citrus College Catalog has increased from $3 to $5 a copy, effective spring 2025. - 3/4/25