
The English discipline fosters an appreciation of literature in its cultural context and the development of composition, critical thinking, and textual analysis in both basic skills and transfer-level courses. English courses provide students with intensive instruction and practice in the composition, revision, and editing of academic essays. English courses are taught using multiple methods of delivery:

  • Online,
  • Hybrid (on and off campus), and 
  • Fast Track.

English courses also satisfy general education requirements for lower division transfer, and can be used to fulfill the associate degree majors in English literature, the English associate degree for transfer, or the liberal arts associate degree with an emphasis in humanities. Students may also earn one of two certificates of achievement:

  • English Literature
  • Writing Competency.

Students in English courses receive skills that will help prepare them for the following jobs and/or careers:

  • Blog Writing,
  • Business Writing,
  • Editing and Publishing,
  • Entertainment,
  • Freelance Writing,
  • Grant Writing,
  • Human Resources,
  • Journalism,
  • Management,
  • Non-profit work,
  • Pre-Law,
  • Research,
  • Sales,
  • Screenwriting,
  • Teaching domestically and abroad,
  • Technical Writing,
  • Theater,
  • Tutoring, and
  • University or College Teacher Assisting.


NameOffice Room NumberPhoneEmail
Cross, Cynthia CI 223626-857-4128ccross@citruscollege.edu
Dau, Carsten CI 213626-852-8091cdau@citruscollege.edu
Dingman, Jamie CI 323626-914-8628jdingman@citruscollege.edu
Durfield, Amberly CI 327626-914-8627adurfield@citruscollege.edu
Eiland, Thomas CI 202626-852-8089teiland@citruscollege.edu
Fossum, Jana CI 222626-852-8074jfossum@citruscollege.edu
Godoy, David CI 204626-914-8775dgodoy@citruscollege.edu
Henson, Nicholas CI 214626-914-4109nhenson@citruscollege.edu
Hogan, Gina CI 224626-914-8855ghogan@citruscollege.edu
Martinez, Suzanne CI 215626-857-4191smartinez@citruscollege.edu
Odegaard, Eric CI 205626-914-8776eodegaard@citruscollege.edu
Povero, Nicole CI 206626-857-4040npovero@citruscollege.edu
Rudd, Rebecca CI 225626-857-4056rrudd@citruscollege.edu
Salwak, Dale CI 203626-914-8090dsalwak@citruscollege.edu
Telesca, Lisa CI 220626-914-8774ltelesca@citruscollege.edu
Villeneuve, Anna CI 212626-857-4038annavilleneuve@citruscollege.edu

Contact Information

Language Arts and Library
Dr. Kim Orlijan
Administrative Secretary
Cathy Day
Division Office
CI 217
Division Phone Number

This discipline prepares students to do the following:

  • Become college level writers who critically analyze and synthesize source material by producing argumentative essays in response to readings.
  • Become informed, thoughtful writers who are respectful of diverse perspectives and demonstrate cultural awareness, personal responsibility, and ethical behavior.

Citrus College's English courses are tailored to meet CSU general education (CSUGE) and IGETC requirements:

CSUGE Group A2 (Written Communication) and IGETC Group IA (English Composition)
ENGL 101Reading and Composition4
ENGL 101EReading and Composition, Enhanced5
ENGL 101HReading and Composition - Honors4
ENGL 102Introduction to Literature (CSUGE Group A2 only)3
CSUGE Group A3 (Critical Thinking) and IGETC Group 1B (Critical Thinking - English Composition)
ENGL 103Composition and Critical Thinking3
ENGL 103HComposition and Critical Thinking - Honors3
ENGL 104Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking3
ENGL 104HArgumentative Writing and Critical Thinking - Honors3
CSUGE Group C2 (Humanities) and IGETC Group 3B (Humanities)
ENGL 102Introduction to Literature3
ENGL 213Horror Literature3
ENGL 213HHorror Literature - Honors3
ENGL 216American Latino Literature3
ENGL 224Queer Literature3
ENGL 224HQueer Literature - Honors3
ENGL 233Asian American Literature3
ENGL 243African American Literature3
ENGL 251Introduction to English Literature I 13
ENGL 252Introduction to English Literature II 13
ENGL 261Introduction to U.S. American Literature I 13
ENGL 262Introduction to U. S. American Literature II: 1865-The Present 13
ENGL 271Introduction to World Literature: Ancient - Early Modern 13
ENGL 272Introduction to World Literature: 1600's through Twentieth Century 13
ENGL 280Introduction to Women's Literature3
ENGL 290Ethnic Voices in Film3
ENGL 291Film as Literature3
ENGL 291HFilm as Literature - Honors3
ENGL 293Children's Literature3
ENGL 293HChildren's Literature - Honors3
ENGL 294Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 295Ethnic Voices in U.S. Literature from 1900 to Present3
ENGL 298Literature of the Bible3

ENGL 251 and ENGL 252, ENGL 261 and ENGL 262, and ENGL 271 and ENGL 272 are paired courses. Each pair offers a comprehensive study of a specific literary period over two classes. It is strongly recommended that two courses from the same pair not be taken in the same semester.

ENGL 101
Reading and Composition
4 Units (AA/AS; IGETC 1A; Citrus A1; CSU; UC; CSUGE A2)
72 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 101E, ENGL 101H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Direct placement based on multiple measures or completion of both ESL 005A AND ESL 005B with min. grade of C.

A college-level composition course emphasizing exposition, analysis, argument, and research techniques. Extensive writing practice based upon reading selections of culturally diverse fiction and non-fiction.

Reading and Composition, Enhanced
5 Units (AA/AS; IGETC 1A; Citrus A1; CSU; UC; CSUGE A2)
90 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 101, ENGL 101H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Direct placement based on multiple measures or completion of both ESL 005A AND ESL 005B with min. grade of C.

A college-level composition course emphasizing exposition, analysis, argument, and research techniques. Extensive writing practice based upon reading selections of culturally diverse fiction and non-fiction.

Reading and Composition - Honors
4 Units (AA/AS; IGETC 1A; Citrus A1; CSU; UC; CSUGE A2)
72 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 101, ENGL 101E

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): Direct placement based on multiple measures or completion of both ESL 005A AND ESL 005B with min. grade of C; also, student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

A college level course emphasizing exposition, analysis, evaluation, synthesis, argument, and research techniques. Extensive writing practice based upon reading culturally diverse fiction and non-fiction and related critical material. In addition, students are expected to work and participate at an honors level which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of fiction and non-fiction texts, demonstration of presentation, and service learning in the community.

ENGL 102
Introduction to Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; IGETC 1A; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE A2; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H.

This course introduces representative works from major genres, develops students' close reading and analytical writing skills, and promotes appreciation and critical understanding of the cultural, historical, and aesthetic qualities of literature.

ENGL 103
Composition and Critical Thinking
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus A2; IGETC 1B; CSU; UC; CSUGE A3)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 103H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H.

This course uses literature as a basis for the teaching of critical thinking and composition. The emphasis is upon the analysis of issues, problems, and situations represented in fiction, drama and poetry, and on the development of effective written arguments in support of the analysis. Meets the IGETC critical thinking requirement.

Composition and Critical Thinking - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus A2; IGETC 1B; CSU; UC; CSUGE A3)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 103

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H; also, student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

This honors course uses literature as a basis for the teaching of in-depth critical thinking and advanced composition. The emphasis is upon the analysis of issues, problems, and situations represented in literature and on the development of effective written arguments in support of the analysis. Critical thinking skills are demonstrated through research papers, in-class presentations, and collaborative exploration of material. Students are expected to demonstrate honors level work which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of assigned readings, and presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation. Meets the IGETC critical thinking requirement.

ENGL 104
Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus A2; IGETC 1B; CSU; UC; CSUGE A3)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 104H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H.

In this course, students will develop critical thinking, writing, and research skills beyond the ENGL 101 level by examining and modeling complex classical methods of invention, arrangement, and style for writing assignments. Students will read and critically evaluate (for meaning, purpose, strategy and style) expository and argumentative essays from classical sources and multi-cultural perspectives. Students will test prejudices they hold, prove or disprove a hypothesis, evaluate the opinions of others, explain the effect of the media, and attempt to synthesize opposing arguments on an issue through critical thinking. Meets the IGETC critical thinking requirement.

Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus A2; IGETC 1B; CSU; UC; CSUGE A3)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 104

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H.

In this course, students will develop critical thinking, writing, and research skills beyond the ENGL 101 level by examining and modeling complex classical methods of invention, arrangement, and style for writing assignments. Students will read and critically evaluate (for meaning, purpose, strategy and style) expository and argumentative essays from classical sources and multicultural perspectives. Students will test prejudices they hold, prove or disprove a hypothesis, evaluate the opinions of others, explain the effect of the media, and attempt to synthesize opposing arguments on an issue through critical thinking. Critical thinking skills are demonstrated through research papers, in-class presentations, and collaborative exploration of material. Students are expected to demonstrate honors level work which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis or assigned readings, presentations, and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation. Meets the IGETC critical thinking requirement.

ENGL 202
Introduction to Poetry
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; UC)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Survey of poetry written in English and in translation from the Middle Ages to the present day. Increases students' understanding of poetic conventions, cultural and historical contexts, and theoretical and aesthetic issues. Develops students' interpretive and analytical writing skills.

ENGL 210
Creative Writing: Fiction and Non-Fiction
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; UC)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Instruction and practice in various forms of fiction and creative non-fiction such as the short story, the novel, flash fiction, and the creative essay. Critical evaluation of professional and student writing.

ENGL 211
Creative Writing: Poetry
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; UC)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Instruction and practice in various forms of poetry and poetic practice. Emphasis on figurative language, sound, rhythm, and other poetic techniques. Critical evaluation of professional and student writing.

ENGL 213
Horror Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 213H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 103 or ENGL 103H.

An introduction to horror literature, this course is designed to give students an understanding of the application of literary analysis to horror literature.

Horror Literature - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 213

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H; also, student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 103 or ENGL 103H.

This honors course is designed to give the student a knowledge and an appreciation of Horror literature, both fiction and non-fiction. Critical analysis of such works from various perspectives is exemplified through research and written analysis. Special emphasis is given to the quality of the impact on literature of selected classics.

ENGL 216
American Latino Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

The study of American Latino literature emphasizing the development of literary expression within the Latino community specifically in the mediums of poetry, short stories, and novels. The course will explore literature within the context of the Latino culture and examine the impact the works have had on the Latino and literary community.

ENGL 224
Queer Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course is a survey of queer literature in a variety of literary genres. The wide-range of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) experience is examined from various cultural points of reference and literary devices that characterize this genre. Students will read selections from a variety of cultures. Additionally, students will analyze the ways historical, social, economic, and psychological forces shape LGBTQ+ cultures and the literatures they produce. The course also exposes students to distinguishing elements of literary forms and to analyzing literature of any genre.

Queer Literature - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H; also, student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 103 or ENGL 103H.

This honors course is a survey of queer literature in a variety of literary genres. The wide-range of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) experience is examined from various cultural points of reference and literary devices that characterize this genre. Students will read selections from a variety of cultures. Additionally, students will analyze the ways historical, social, economic, and psychological forces shape LGBTQ+ cultures and the literatures they produce. The course also exposes students to distinguishing elements of literary forms and to analyzing literature of any genre. In addition, students are expected to work and participate at an honors level which includes strong critical thinking skills, thorough analysis of fiction and on non-fiction literary readings, presentation and leadership skills demonstrated through class participation/presentation, and service learning in the community.

ENGL 233
Asian American Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course is designed to give students an appreciation of Asian Literature--and in particular--the expression within the Asian American Community in the mediums of poetry, short stories, and novels. The course will explore literature and will examine the impact the works have had on the Asian American and literary community. The relationship between identity and the creative work of prominent Asian American writers is explored, as well as the cultural and historical influences on such writers.

ENGL 243
African American Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course is designed to give students an appreciation of African American Literature--and in particular--the expression within the African American Community in the mediums of poetry, short stories, and novels. The course will explore literature and will examine the impact the works have had on the African American and literary community. The relationship between identity and the creative work of prominent African American writers is explored, as well as the cultural and historical influences on such writers.

ENGL 251
Introduction to English Literature I
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Significant works of major British writers in historical perspective. First semester: Anglo-Saxon period through the eighteenth century with emphasis on Chaucer, Milton, Donne and Johnson.

ENGL 252
Introduction to English Literature II
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101, ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H.

This course surveys British literature from the late eighteenth century to contemporary British and postcolonial texts.

ENGL 261
Introduction to U.S. American Literature I
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Students will explore the context and influence of American literature from the Colonial period to the Civil War. Students will examine specific literary works and their contributions to our personal and cultural context.

ENGL 262
Introduction to U. S. American Literature II: 1865-The Present
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Students will explore the context and influence of American literature from the Civil War to the present. Students examine specific literary works and their contributions to our culture, the continuation of traditional themes and the emergence of new forms and themes.

ENGL 271
Introduction to World Literature: Ancient - Early Modern
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

English 271 is the study of world literature in translation from the ancient world through the early modern period. This course emphasizes the development of literary expression and explores literature within the context of the culture and time in which works were written. This course examines the relationship between historical events and literary works and the impact of works on their age and ensuing eras.

ENGL 272
Introduction to World Literature: 1600's through Twentieth Century
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

English 272 is the study of world literature in translation from the early modern period to the twentieth century. This course emphasizes the development of literary expression and explores literature within the context of the culture and time in which works were written. This course examines the relationship between historical events and literary works and the impact of works on their age and ensuing eras.

ENGL 280
Introduction to Women's Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 120

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course emphasizes culturally diverse texts written by and about women. Using a variety of literary genres, including short fiction, novel, poetry, drama, and film, students will critically analyze cultural roles and images of women from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Students will explore the challenges women have faced, the biologically and socially constructed roles they have assumed and sometimes rejected, and the successes and accomplishments they have achieved in a predominantly patriarchal climate.

ENGL 290
Ethnic Voices in Film
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C1; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3A; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C1; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introduction to the study of films reflecting the concerns and attitudes of ethnic, racial, gender, and disability groups that historically have been under-represented, distorted, or marginalized in mainstream commercial cinema. This course examines cinematic depictions of African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, women, LGBTQ+, and the disabled.

ENGL 291
Film as Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 291H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introduction to film as literature, this course is designed to give students an understanding of the application of literary analysis to film.

Film as Literature - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 291

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H; also, student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 103 or ENGL 103H.

This honors course is an introduction to film as literature, designed to give students an understanding of the application of literary analysis to film. Critical analysis of such works from various perspectives is exemplified through research and written analysis. Special emphasis is given to the quality of writing and cinematography of select award-winning and classic movies.

ENGL 293
Children's Literature
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 293H

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

This course is designed to give the student a knowledge and an appreciation of children's books, both fiction and non-fiction. Special emphasis is given to the quality of writing and illustration of award-winning books and selected classics.

Children's Literature - Honors
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours
Equivalent to: ENGL 293

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 or ENGL 101E or ENGL 101H; also, student must be eligible for the Citrus College Honors Program or obtain a recommendation from an Honors instructor.

Strongly recommended: ENGL 103 or ENGL 103H.

This honors course is designed to give the student a knowledge and an appreciation of children's books, both fiction and nonfiction. Critical analysis of such works from various perspectives is exemplified through research and written analysis. Special emphasis is given to the quality of writing and illustration of award-winning books and selected classics.

ENGL 294
Introduction to Shakespeare
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

An introduction to the works of William Shakespeare including representative tragedies, comedies and history plays. The course is designed to give students an understanding of the timelessness of Shakespeare's work.

ENGL 295
Ethnic Voices in U.S. Literature from 1900 to Present
3 Units (AA/AS; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter

This course surveys, interprets, and compares writing from various ethnicities and races in the United States culture, including, but not limited to Indigenous people, Middle Eastern Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Chicanx/Latinx Americans to understand the historical contexts of the various immigrant cultures and to analyze the multiple perspectives of assimilation into the culture of the United States and inter-ethnic bridge building.

ENGL 298
Literature of the Bible
3 Units (AA/AS; Citrus C2; CSU; IGETC 3B; UC; CSUGE C2)
54 lecture hours

Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Strongly recommended: ENGL 101.

Reading and discussion of selected books from English translations of the Old and New Testaments. Emphasis is on the religious, social, political ideas, literary qualities, and textual problems.

Associate Degrees

Certificates of Achievement

* See the Counseling department for updates on this degree.