
Academic Renewal—A procedure by which previously recorded substandard grades may be disregarded in the computation of grade point averages when there is evidence that these grades are no longer reflective of a student’s demonstrated ability.

Application for Admission—An online form on which the student enters identifying information and requests admittance to a specific semester or session. An application must be filed and processed before registration is allowed.

Associate Degree (A.A. or A.S.)—A degree (associate in arts or associate in science) granted by a community college which recognizes satisfactory completion of an organized program of study consisting of at least 60 to 64 semester units.

Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., A.B., or B.S.)—A degree granted by a four-year college or university which recognizes a student’s satisfactory completion of an organized program of study consisting of at least 120 to 130 semester units.

Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs) —A highly structured approach to student success that provides all students with a set of clear course-taking patterns that promotes better enrollment decisions and prepares students for future success.

Certificate of Achievement—A certification granted by a community college that recognizes satisfactory completion of an organized program of study in occupational fields.

Certificate of Competency—A certification granted by a community college that recognizes the satisfactory completion of an approved sequence of noncredit courses in a recognized career field articulated with degree-applicable coursework, completion of an associates degree, or transfer to a baccalaureate institution.

Certificate of Completion—A certification granted by a community college which recognizes the satisfactory completion of an approved sequence of noncredit courses that lead to improved employability or job opportunity.

Certification–The indication of the completion of the entire pattern of general education for California State Colleges and Universities (either the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements (CSUGE) or the intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC).

Class Section—One offering of a particular course at a particular time and location. At Citrus College each section has a course reference number (CRN) which indicates the class meeting time.

Community College—A two-year college offering a wide range of programs of study, many determined by local community need.

Community Education—Community Education offers lifelong personal and professional development learning opportunities to members of the community. Classes are moderately-priced and are offered as workshops, seminars, and activities.

Counseling—Guidance provided by professional counselors in collegiate, vocational, social and personal matters.

Course—A particular portion of a subject selected for study. A course is identified by a subject title and course number; for example: ACCT 101.

Course of Study—A group of courses planned to lead to competence in a particular field of study and the associate degree.

Course Title—A phrase descriptive of the course content; for example, the course title of ACCT 101 is “Financial Accounting.’’

Credit by Examination—Course and/or unit credit granted for demonstrated proficiency in a given area.

Credit/No-Credit—Completion of a course with credit granted but no grade.

Deficiency—Grade Point Deficiency: whenever a student’s grade point average is less than 2.0; Subject Deficiency: whenever a student lacks a course or courses required for admission, graduation or transfer.

CRN Number—A course reference number assigned to each course section to differentiate the section by class meeting, day, and time.

Department—A division of the college that offers instruction in a particular branch of study, or an office that provides student services or administrative support.

Electives—Courses which a student may choose that are not required for a particular major program or general education requirements.

Enrollment—The process where students select classes by section number to reserve a seat in the class and be placed on the class roster.

Enrollment Priority—The order of registration appointments issued to students. For more information, see the Board of Trustees Administrative Policy 5055.

Families—A group of courses that provide similar educational experiences. Citrus College students are permitted four “experiences” within any given course family.

General Education Requirements—(also called Breadth Requirements). A specific group of courses selected from several divisions which are required for graduation and are designed to broaden a student’s education.

Grade Points—The numerical value of Citrus College letter grades are: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.

Grade Point Average—A measure of academic achievement used in decisions on probation, graduation and transfer. At Citrus College the G.P.A. is determined by dividing the total degree applicable course grade points by the number of attempted degree applicable course units in which letter grades of A, B, C, D, or F are recorded.

Grade Point Deficiency—Possession of fewer grade points than twice the units attempted.

Lower Division—Courses at the freshman and sophomore level of college.

Major—A subject of college study selected by a student as a field of specialization.

Noncredit Education—Noncredit education provides students with access to a variety of courses to assist them in reaching their personal, academic, and professional goals. Enrollment in noncredit courses is tuition free and continues throughout the school year. While students taking noncredit courses do not earn college credit, enrollment in certain course sequences lead to a noncredit certificate of competency or a noncredit certificate of completion.

Noncredit Progress Indicators—Progress indicators for noncredit courses are assigned as follows: P = pass, SP = satisfactory progress, NP = no pass.

Nonresident—A student who, based on their application responses, is not eligible for California residency or must provide documentation substantiating their claim of California residency.

Pass/No Pass—A grading option where students receive "Pass" or "No Pass" instead of a traditional letter grade. This does not affect GPA and is available only for approved courses.

Placement Test—Tests given prior to admission which are used to assist students in selecting the most appropriate classes.

Prerequisite—A requirement that must be satisfied before enrolling in a particular course, usually a previous course, a test score or the consent of an instructor.

Probation—The status given to a student who, after attempting at least 12 semester units, has a cumulative GPA below 2.0 or has 50% or more of enrolled units recorded as "W" (Withdrawal), "I" (Incomplete), "NC" (No Credit), or "NP" (No Pass).

Readmission—The process by which a student with three consecutive semesters on probation is allowed to re-enroll after either not attending the college for at least one semester or successfully appealing their dismissal.

Registration—The process of enrolling in specific class sections.

Resident—A student who, based on their application responses and/or documentation provided, is eligible for California residency.

Residence Determination Date—The day immediately preceding the opening day of instruction for any semester or session.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)—The standard used to assess a student's academic standing and progress toward their degree or certificate, including cumulative GPA, completion of required courses, and total units attempted. Meeting SAP standards ensures continued eligibility for financial aid.

Schedule of Classes—A booklet or online web pages used during registration giving the subject title, course number, course title, units, time, instructor and location of all classes offered in a semester.

Semester—One-half of the academic year, usually 16 weeks.

Session—A term that is not a semester, typically less than 16 weeks.

Transcript—An official list of all courses taken by a student at a college or university showing the final grade received for each course.

Transfer—Changing from one collegiate institution to another after having met the requirements for admission to the second institution.

Transfer Courses—Courses for students planning to transfer to a four-year college/university. Courses transferable to the California State University system are indicated by “CSU’’ and those transferable to the University of California are indicated by “UC’’ next to the course number in the catalog.

Transferable Units—College units earned through satisfactory completion of courses which have been articulated with four-year institutions.

Units—The amount of college credit earned by satisfactory completion of a specific course taken for one semester. Each unit represents one hour per week of lecture or recitation, or three hours in laboratory or other exercises not requiring outside preparation. In general, two clock hours of preparation outside of class are necessary for each unit of class lecture or recitation in academic subjects.

Units Attempted—Total number of units in the course for which a student has enrolled and has received a grade of A, B, C, D, F, FW or P.