VNRS 165: Adult Growth and Development for the Vocational Nurse

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2024
Credits: 1
Total Contact Hours: 18
Lecture Hours : 18
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 36
Total Student Learning Hours: 54
Prerequisite: VNRS 150 and current admission into the Vocational Nursing Program.
Transferable to CSU: No
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

Theoretical principles of growth and development. Nursing assessment and promotion of health of the adult from early childhood through death. 18 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • integrate growth and developmental theory of the adult to nursing practice
  • assess the young adult, middle-aged person, and the person in later maturity
  • demonstrate knowledge of family development and relationships
  • demonstrate knowledge of physiological and psychosocial concepts
  • identify health problems and nursing implications for the young adult, middle-aged person and the person in later maturity

Major Course Content

  1. Human development within the family and society
    1. Family types
    2. Influences of family, culture, religion, and society on development of the individual
  2. Overview of growth and development
    1. General principles of growth and development
    2. Various theorists and their theories
  3. Early adulthood
    1. General characteristics
    2. Physical characteristics and physiological changes related to aging
    3. Nutritional needs
    4. Health promotion needs
    5. Family planning needs
    6. Theoretical principles of growth and development of the young adult
      1. Psychosocial development: Intimacy vs Isolation
      2. Developmental tasks
        1. Establish independence from parents
        2. Develop own lifestyle
        3. Meet sexual needs
        4. Form lasting relationships
        5. Establish a career
        6. Have children and raise a family
        7. Develop maturity
    7. Nursing care of the young adult
  4. Middle adulthood
    1. General characteristics
    2. Physical characteristics and physiological changes related to aging
    3. Nutritional needs
    4. Health promotion needs
    5. Theoretical principles of growth and development of the middle-aged adult
      1. Generativity vs Stagnation
      2. Developmental tasks
        1. Assess life's accomplishments
        2. Adjust to role changes
        3. Strengthen relationships
        4. Adjust to physical changes
        5. Develop interests/hobbies
        6. Adjust to caring for aging parents
        7. Prepare for retirement
    6. Nursing care of the middle-aged adult
  5. Late adulthood
    1. General characteristics
    2. Physical characteristics and physiological changes related to aging
    3. Nutritional needs
    4. Health promotion needs
    5. The aging process
    6. Theoretical principles of growth and development of the elderly adult
      1. Ego Integrity vs Despair
      2. Developmental tasks
        1. Adjust to physical limitations
        2. Find satisfaction in retirement
        3. Have acceptable living arrangements
        4. Have meaningful relationships
        5. Adjust to losses
        6. Find meaning in life
        7. Accept and prepare for own death
    7. Nursing care of the elderly

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Periodicals and online materials regarding adult growth and development.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Write a paper with two major sections. In the first section the student will identify the family type in which they grew up, and the family type in which they are now living. Identify the cultural and religious factors that influenced your family as you grew up. Identify how cultural or religious factors influenced you when you established your own family (if you have done so), or as you are now seeking a mate. In the second section the student will report about the stage of adulthood in they are now living. Identify at least 4 of the developmental tasks of that stage of adulthood, and describe your progress (or lack thereof) towards meeting those developmental tasks. Also assess how we are doing towards meeting the one major psychosocial task of that stage of adulthood.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Research the various types of families and identify the family type in which you grew up and in which you now living.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture