SPAN 210: Intermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 5
Total Contact Hours: 90
Lecture Hours : 90
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 180
Prerequisite: Oral fluency in Spanish.
District General Education: C2. Humanities
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

A course designed to help students who are fluent in spoken, informal Spanish, but who need to improve writing, reading and grammar skills. Emphasis on acquiring formal oral Spanish skills and a knowledge of Spanish and Latin American literature and culture. 90 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Oral Communication
  • distinguish literary aspects of a given text in Spanish by answering written and/or oral questions about them
  • Reading
  • demonstrate comprehension of cultural and/or literary articles, essays and short stories in Spanish on topics that are unfamiliar to students by answering written and/or oral questions in Spanish about them during class
  • discuss the plot and the main ideas of a novel in Spanish by participating in oral debates in class
  • distinguish literary aspects of a given text in Spanish in answering written and/or oral questions about them
  • Writing
  • demonstrate an accurate understanding of the grammar points set forth in the course outline by producing paragraphs, short essays and stories that contain such grammar points during class
  • express and support opinions in writing by responding to questions given by the instructor
  • write a clear and concise summary by writing short summaries in Spanish of stories read during the course
  • demonstrate an accurate understanding of how to prepare and write an outline by creating different outline models during class
  • use formal Spanish in the classroom without any English interference by participating in class discussions and answering to oral questions from the instructor
  • write a multiple paragraph deductive essay by responding to reading material with the following components: clear thinking, focus, unity, coherence and organization
  • summarize, synthesize and analyze cultural, literary and/or grammatical reading material (articles, books, poems and short stories) by responding to written questions about such texts
  • Culture
  • identify aspects of the cultural heritage Spanish-speakers inside the United States by reading essays and articles and answering oral and/or written questions during class
  • contrast between the cultures of Spanish heritage speakers inside and outside the United States by reading textbook and newspaper articles and discussing them during class
  • learn about the most relevant cultural and historical aspects of Spain and Latin American by reading textbook articles, viewing documentaries and answering to oral and/or written questions during class discussions
  • Technology
  • prepare word processed compositions by use of this technology in the completion of classroom assignments
  • visit web sites and Spanish chat rooms by assigning students homework with this components
  • visit the web site of the Royal Academy of the Spanish language to consult Spanish grammar by asking students to answer questions about the topics consulted
  • research, develop and a produce a 15 minute oral presentation in class in Spanish on a cultural topic related to Spain or Latin America
  • make use of PowerPoint by asking students to use it during their oral presentations in class
  • debate in Spanish topics of cultural and/or socio-linguistic relevance to the course as a response to a literary or cultural text read for the course
  • orally analyze literary texts read during the course by answering to oral and/or written questions given by the instructor
  • express and support opinions orally by responding to articles, texts, documentaries or lectures in Spanish given during the course
  • Auditory Comprehension
  • demonstrate comprehension or cultural and/or literary articles, essays and short stories in Spanish on topics that are unfamiliar to students by answering written and/or oral questions in Spanish about them during class
  • discuss the plot and the main ideas of a novel in Spanish by participating in oral debates and discussions in class

Major Course Content

  1. Vocabulary Development
    1. Enrichment of vocabulary by learning and memorizing a variety of formal literary, cultural, grammatical and political terminology in Spanish
    2. Correct use of idiomatic expressions
  2. Grammar
    1. Interrogative and exclamatory adjectives
    2. Demonstrate and exclamatory adjectives
    3. Nouns: gender and number
    4. Comparisons
    5. Diminutives
    6. Aumentatives
    7. Demonstrative, possible, and descriptive adjectives
    8. Adverbs of place mode, time, affirmation, doubt, and negation
    9. Superlatives
  3. Culture
    1. Students will learn about:
      1. General geography of Spain and Latin America
      2. Political, historical, and literary figures of the Spanish speaking world that will include – but will not be limited to:
        1. Frida Kahlo
        2. Fray Junípero Serra
        3. Isabel de Castilla
        4. Eva Perón
        5. Emilia Pardo Bazán
        6. Juana la loca of Castile
        7. Benito Pérez Galdós
        8. History of the Spanish language
        9. Current sociolinguistic issues of Hispanics in the United States
        10. Major holidays of the Spanish speaking world
        11. Aztec civilization
        12. Maya civilization
        13. Jewish, Moslem and Christian civilizations in Medieval Spain
  4. Reading
    1. Students will read articles on the following topics:
      1. Spanish speakers in the United States
      2. History of the Spanish language
      3. Frida Kahlo
      4. Fray Junípero Serra
      5. Queen Isabel de Castilla
      6. Eva Perón
      7. The Chicano movement
      8. The Royal Academy of the Spanish language
      9. The first colonizers of California
      10. ‘Juana la loca’ of Castile
      11. Mothers of the ‘Plaza de Mayo’ in Argentina
      12. The Naturalist literary movement
        1. Students will also read the novel “Los Pazos de Ulloa” by Emilia Pardo Bazán
  5. Writing Skills
    1. The ‘Diéresis’
    2. Rules of accenting
    3. Use of capital letters in Spanish
    4. Use of “e” when it means “and”
    5. Use of “u” when it means “or”
    6. The contractions “al” and “ del ”
    7. Use of the letter “h” in Spanish
    8. Short essays on a variety of rhetorical techniques such as description and conflict-and-resolution essays, essays of comparison and contrast and summary essays
    9. Autobiographies
    10. Short definitions
    11. Descriptions
    12. Journals
    13. Poetry
  6. Listening
    1. Cultural, literary and biographic videos
    2. PowerPoint guided presentations
    3. Instructor’s lectures
    4. Oral presentations by students
  7. Oral Communication
    1. Pronunciation
    2. Correct use of oral Spanish without any English interference
    3. Debates
    4. Discussions of literary, cultural, and historical issues
    5. Oral analysis of literary texts
    6. Formal as distinct from informal expressions
    7. Correct use of idiomatic expressions
    8. Oral presentations by students

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

"Los Pazos de Ulloa" (Emilia Pardo Bazan) "Marianela" (Benito Perez Galdos)

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Students will also be given a research topic related to Spain or Latin America, write an essay and give an oral presentation about that topic.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Students will read the Novel 'Los Pazos de Ulloa' by Emilia Pardo Bazan and write a critical essay examining how the book fits within the parameters of the Naturalist literary movement.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture

IGETC Area 3: Arts and Humanities

3B. Humanities

IGETC Area 6: Languages other than English
