PSY 225: Psychology of Human Sexuality

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Winter 2023
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 54
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
District General Education: D2. Behavioral Science
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

An introductory survey of the psychological bases and dimensions of human sexuality with emphasis on the socio-cultural factors involved in intimate relating, sexuality, and loving. 54 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Explain sexual diversity and values of various cultures
  • Analyze psychosocial bases of rape, childhood sexual abuse, and prostitution
  • Evaluate how media influences and reflects sexuality
  • Locate systematic studies of human sexuality
  • Critique changing gender roles in today's society and the impact of these changes in intimate relationships
  • Identify relevant features of human anatomy and physiology in the reproductive processes and the role of the brain and neurotransmitters in sexual arousal
  • Identify factors contributing to relationship satisfaction over time
  • Identify ways couples can share responsibility for birth control
  • Determine physiological and psychosocial factors contributing to sexual dysfunctions and identify treatment alternatives available for men and women who experience sexual diffficulties
  • Identify strategies to reduce the likilihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections

Major Course Content

  1. Sex, Sexuality, and Gender
    1. Distinction between Sex and Gender
    2. Development of Gender Identity
    3.  Transgender Identity
  2. Perspectives on Sexuality:  Cultural and Social Values 
    1. Sex Education
    2. Development of Morals and Values
    3. Making responsible Choices
  3. Sex Research
    1. Kinsey
    2. Masters and Johnson
    3. Current Researchers
  4. Gender Issues
    1. Distinction Between Sex and Gender
    2. Development of Biological Sex
    3. Sexuality and Culture
    4. Evaluating Sex Research
  5. Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
  6. Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
  7. Sexual Arousal and Response
    1. Kinsey Research
    2. Masters and Johnson Model
    3. Treatment for Dysfunction
  8. Sexual Orientation
    1. Historical Perspective
    2. Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
    3. Choices
    4. Same Sex Marriage
    5. Biological and Environmental Influences
    6. Coming Out
  9. Sexuality Throughout Life-span
    1. Early Childhood
    2. Adolescents   
    3. Young Adults
    4. Senior Years
  10. Love, Attraction, Relationships, and Sexual Communication
    1. Historical Perspectives
    2. What is Love?
    3. Communications and Love Styles
    4. Losing Love
  11. Contraception, Conception, and Childbirth
    1. Abstinence
    2. Oral Birth Control
    3. Condoms
    4. IUD
    5. Morning After Pill
    6. Therapeutic Abortion
    7. Pregnancy
    8. Delivery
    9. Aftercare
  12. Sexual Behaviors
    1. What is Normative
    2. Paraphilia and Pedophilia
    3. Treatment for DSM-5 Disorders
  13. Sexually Transmitted Infections
    1. Herpes
    2. Chlamydia
    3. Genital Warts
    4. Syphilis
    5. Gonorrhea
    6. HIV / Aids
  14. Nature and Origins of Sexual Difficulties and Sex Therapy
  15. Asexual Typical Variations
  16. Sexual Coercion and Commercial Sex
    1. Date Rape
    2. Rape
    3. Prostitution, Marketplace Sex
    4. Pornography
    5. Human Trafficking
    6. Medium Sexual i.e. Advertising 

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Short essay responses to questions from each chapter, such as the following:
Who are responsible for the early work on human sexuality and provided much of what we know today in this field?
How do we differ from animals in our sexual behavior? What are the contributing factors that leads to sex in humans?
Explain the EPOR model proposed by Masters and Johnson. How does it differ between males and females?

Examples of Outside Assignments

Provide a short written response to the following questions:
Who are responsible for the early work on human sexuality and provided much of what we know today in this field?
How do we differ from animals in our sexual behavior? What are the contributing factors that leads to sex in humans?
Explain the EPOR model proposed by Masters and Johnson. How does it differ between males and females?

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture

IGETC Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences

4I. Psychology