NC 316: ESL and Computer Literacy 2: Common Computer Applications

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2020
Credits: 0
Total Contact Hours: 64
Lecture Hours : 64
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 128
Transferable to CSU: No
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Non-Credit Course

Catalog Course Description

ESL and Computer Literacy 2: Common Computer Applications builds upon English language and technology skills used in ESL and Computer Literacy 1: Introduction to Computers. Designed for English language learners, students will acquire intermediate English language and life skills while learning common personal, educational, and professional computer skills. Topics and skills include Internet safety and common use, email, word processing, and presentation programs. 64 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Identify and use vocabulary related to common computer use including action verbs, program and website-specific language, computer safety language, topical computer and technology language, topical everyday language, and common abbreviations and reduced forms.
  • Use common features of a presentation program including creating and editing textboxes, working with images and shapes, adding and altering bullets and numbering, using various themes and templates, creating simple transitions and animations, and running basic slideshows.
  • Create and present text and graphics slideshows for personal, professional, and educational purposes.
  • Identify common internet dangers and how to avoid them with common safety practices including avoiding and removing malicious files and programs, distinguishing between desired and undesired content, updating, identifying trustworthy and untrustworthy sites, avoiding copyright infringement, protecting sensitive information, online communication, choosing secure usernames and passwords, and online commerce and banking.
  • Utilize various features of a common web browser including using bookmarks/favorites, managing multiple tabs, managing downloads, recognizing common file types, using the find feature, and searching with a toolbar.
  • Use the computer to aid in acquisition of the English language by using an online ESL dictionary, using an online simplified English article site, complete online quizzes, play English learning games, complete a learning module or tutorial, and use an online translator.
  • Use a search engine and its features to find specific information and media including using common Boolean operators, choosing effective keywords, using the autocomplete and autocorrect features, and using an image search.
  • Navigate and utilize common websites and website features to complete common tasks such as checking weather conditions and forecast, finding locations and schedules for movie theaters, using an online calendar, finding a cooking recipe, viewing a popular news site, finding consumer products, exploring a free entertainment and media site, finding jobs and career opportunities, finding housing listings and options, finding businesses and reviews, finding encyclopedic information, utilizing online classifieds, viewing videos, using social media and instant messaging services, using an online office suite, and online course materials and platforms.
  • Identify common email dangers and how to avoid them including recognizing legitimate and illegitimate email sources and content, identifying common email frauds, and removing and blocking junk mail.
  • Utilize various features of emailing including managing contacts, sending and opening attachments, adjusting spam and junk mail settings, sending to multiple contacts, and participating in email letter exchanges.
  • Use necessary English grammatical structures to understand and discuss computer functions and topics including the simple verb tenses, sentence functions, modals, infinitives and gerunds, comparatives and superlatives, too and enough, and basic independent and dependent clauses.
  • Describe the functions, features, processes, and physical appearances of various hardware, software, actions, programs, and websites.
  • Complete common language related to everyday tasks including giving sequenced, step-by-step directions and instructions; using and discussing learning resources and strategies; describing a sequence of events and narratives; completing common forms, applications, and registrations; describing various outcomes based on differing actions and processes; describing and expressing experiences, opinions, and ideas; relating and sharing personal preferences, interests, skills, and characteristics; follow and create schedules; finding information on job and career opportunities and pathways online; discussing online commerce and banking; and exploring housing options.
  • Discuss and demonstrate understanding of issues related to technology and society (cyber-bullying/harassment, ID theft, globalization, tracking, spying, connectivity, business advanced and implications, economics, etc.).
  • Utilize common computer operations including using a portable USB drive, various mouse functions, common keyboard shortcuts, logging in and out of various accounts, and using various printing options.
  • Type letters, numbers, common symbols, words, sentences, and web addresses.
  • Use common features of a word processor including formatting (spacing, text alignment, multilevel lists, page orientations, margins, indentation), various text effects, and working with graphics (inserting pictures, picture wrap, picture resizing, layering images and text, tables and charts, inserting and editing shapes and symbols).
  • Use a word processor to create common personal, educational, and professional documents including a résumé and cover letter, multileveled outlines and notes, letters of complaint, article and essay writing, and event invitations and announcements.

Major Course Content


Identify and use vocabulary related to common computer use and common computer topics.

  1. Used action verbs (click, double-click, search, bookmark, clear/delete, post, watch, play, pause, fast-forward, protect, hide, type, scroll, review, etc.)
  2. Program and website-specific language (comment, enlarge, zoom, link/hyperlink, junk, spam, underline, bold, italics, cookies, post/posting, download, refresh, plugin, pop-up, blocker, firewall, virus, phishing, adware, malware, chat, etc.)
  3. Computer safety language (popup, firewall, virus, phishing, adware, malware, spam, scheme, scam, trustworthy/untrustworthy, trusted, insecure/unsecure, legal/illegal, copyright, protection, blocker, weak/strong, private/privacy, track, etc.)
  4. Topical computer and technology language (bully, network, connect/reconnect, keep in touch, up-to-date, current, privacy, track, appropriate/inappropriate, hotspot, blog/blogging, community, marketplace, literacy, addiction, technology, startups, anonymity, ID theft, legal/illegal etc.)
  5. Topical everyday language (invite/invitation, résumé, cover letter, entertaining, funny, shocking, overwhelming, incredible, forecast, recipe, savings, shipping, condo, apartment, rent, show times, etc.)
  6. Common abbreviations and reduced forms (USB, CD/DVD, link, dot-com, web, blog, ad, etc.)
  7. Educational language (quiz, tutorial, guide, define, lessons, etc.)


Use necessary English grammatical structures to recognize and discuss computer functions and everyday topics.

  1. Sentence functions
    1. declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory)
    2. negatives
    3. questions – yes/no; wh-; tag questions

   2. Simple past, simple future, simple present (review), present continuous (review)

a. “to be” verbs

b. irregulars

c. phrasal verbs (separable vs. inseparable with objects and object pronouns)

    3. Common contractions and abbreviations

    4. Modals – should, can, could, be able to, supposed to, used to, be used to, might/may, must, would (polite request)

    5. Infinitives and Gerunds

a. Infinitives

  • after high-frequency verbs
  • with “it” phrases (expletive construction) (i.e. “It is important to not click on pop-ups”)
  • to show purpose (i.e. “We can use social media to connect with people”)
  • after “too” and “enough” phrases (i.e. “This connection is too slow to load videos”)

b. Gerunds

  • after high-frequency verbs
  • as subjects
  • after prepositions

    6. Comparatives and superlatives

    7. Too and enough vs. intensifiers (very, so, really, pretty, kind of/sort of, extremely)

    8. Dependent clauses

a. with When, Because, If, Before, and After

    9. Independent clauses

a. compound sentences with and, but, and so

   10. Possessive adjectives and nouns

   11. Indefinite pronouns

   12. Direct and indirect objects and pronouns

   13. Participial adjectives

Language Functions

1. Technological fluency

a. Identify every day and professional applications of computers

  • I.e. communication, email, social networks, banking, news, business, entertainment, leisure activities, personal interest, information, research, education/learning, translation, directions, business and service reviews, professional texts and presentations, networking and career advancement, etc.

b. Describe the functions, features, physical appearances, and parts of various hardware, software, programs, and websites.

c. Describe uses and actions of the computer and its component features, tools, and processes.

d. Explicate procedures for properly using the computer and its common components.

e. Demonstrate understanding of definitions, examples, and readings.

f. Demonstrate understanding of readings, presentations, and discussions of various topics (computer safety and precautions, computer applications, career advancement, current news, etc.).

g. Demonstrate ability to discuss and explain various topical issues related to computers, technology, and everyday subjects.

h. Review, discuss, and explicate learned computer skills and topics.

2. Life and language skills

a. Design and write a résumé and cover letter.

b. Write various personal letters.

c. Write notes and list; organize ideas in multilevel outline format.

d. Give sequenced, step-by-step directions on how to perform specific functions.

e. Discuss learning resources and strategies.

f. Describe a sequence of events and narratives.

g. Complete common forms, applications, and registrations.

h. Describe various outcomes based on differing actions and processes.

i. Use and spell learned vocabulary.

j. Type letters, numbers, common symbols, words, sentences, and web addresses.

k. Create various documents and presentations for personal, professional, and educational use.

l. Discuss strategies for protecting valuable information.

m. Describe and express experiences, opinions, impressions, and ideas.

n. Relate and share personal preferences, interests, skills, and characteristics.

o. Demonstrate understanding of reading of articles, instructions, and conversations.

p. Follow and create schedules via computers.

q. Find information on job and career opportunities and pathways online.

r. Complete common procedures for obtaining a job or career.

s. Produce and demonstrate understanding of business, entertainment, and service reviews.

t. Discuss online commerce, banking, and strategies for saving time and/or money.

u. Demonstrate understanding of housing options, conventions, and procedures for obtaining housing.

v. Discuss and demonstrate understanding of issues related to technology and society (cyber-bullying/harassment, ID theft, globalization, tracking, spying, connectivity, business advanced and implications, economics, etc.

Computer Functions and Skills 

Operate and make use of common computer functions.

1. Basic operational tools

a. Use a portable USB

  • to save and transfer files
  • to remove USB hardware safely

b. Left-click

  • Move files and folders with drag and drop.
  • Rename.
  • Highlight and select areas.

c. Right-click

  • Cut, copy, and paste.
  • Create shortcuts.
  • Properties
  • Rename.
  • Refresh.
  • Various common software, program, and website specific operations (save image as, download, open link in new tab, etc.)

d. Common keyboard shortcuts and functions

  • Common punctuation marks and symbols
  • Cut, copy, paste, print, esc, ctrl+alt+del, delete, home/end buttons, page up/down,
  • Common program-specific shortcuts
  • Bold, italic, underline, undo/redo, play with spacebar, zoom in/out, save, new

e. Empty and restore deleted items in the Recycle Bin/Trash.

f. Organize and navigate programs and files.

  • Create, move, and rename folders and files.
  • Use the find features to search for files.

g. Login and sign-off

  • With campus computers, emails, and other common accounts (software, Google, Wi-Fi, etc.)
  • Safe username and password selection
  • Basic login and logoff safety
  • At various public and private computers and with common accounts

h. Print various documents and webpages.

i. Use basic printing options.

  • Number of copies
  • Print range
  • Page orientation
  • Color vs. black and white
  • Economy printing
  • Print selection

2. Word Processor (i.e. MS WordPad, MS Word, Google Docs/Drive, OpenOffice Writer, or Libre Office Writer)

a. Utilize common features of a word processor.

  • Headers and Footers; Indenting; Bullets, Numbering, and Multilevel lists; changing font styles and size; using spelling and grammar check; text alignment; text effects; inserting pictures – picture wrap, placement, and layering; insert and edit tables; inserting shapes and symbols
  • Zoom in/out, switch between document views, adjust margins and page orientation; undo/redo
  • Utilize various themes and templates.

b. Create various professional, personal, and educational documents (Letters, résumé cover letter, outlines, notes, and article/essay writing, thank you notes, letters of complaint, personal letters, professional letters, event invitations, tables, graphs, and charts).

3. Presentation program (MS PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Drive)

a. Utilize common features of a word processor.

  • Create and edit textboxes.
    • Move, resize, align, bring forward/back
    • Alter text for effect
    • Size, style, emphasis, color, alignment, and font
  • Insert, adjust, and edit images; Insert shapes and symbols; Bullets and numbering.
  • Use spelling and grammar check; adjust page orientation; zoom in/out; undo/redo.
  • Switch between and utilize various themes and templates.
  • Set up and run basic slideshows.
  • Create simple transitions and animations.

b. Create and present text and graphics slideshows for personal, professional, and educational purposes (how-to tutorials, mock business presentations, cultural presentations, English language definitions, digital storytelling, visual aids, etc.).

4. Internet safety

a. Identify common Internet dangers and safety practices.

  • Viruses, malware, adware
    • Anti-virus software, firewalls, anti-spyware, anti-adware
    • Pop-up ads and blockers
    • Distinguishing desired content from undesired and advertisements
  • Vulnerabilities and maintenance
    • Program updates such as plug-ins, software, applications, and operating systems.
  • Identify trustworthy versus untrustworthy websites.
    • Misspelled or mistyped domain names
  • Demonstrate understanding of personal information protection.
    • Connecting to a public network
    • Protecting username and password
    • When and when not to send out sensitive information
  • Demonstrate understanding of online contracts such as Terms of Conditions, Privacy Statements, and Agreements.
  • Choose effective and safe usernames and passwords.
    • Recovering forgotten information and answering security questions
  • Common scams
    • Email scams and fraud such as free money / get rich quick, miracle cures, cries for help and false charity, unbelievable links, low expenditure and high reward offers, adult and romance, imposters of credible organizations, etc.
    • Spam and Junk Mail
    • Email chains
    • Demonstrate ability to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate email sources and content.
    • Giving out identification and finance information.
  • Communicating with strangers
    • Maintaining anonymity
    • Refusing physical meetings
  • Online photos and media
    • Copyright infringement
  • Online commerce
    • Identifying known and trustworthy sites
    • Protecting bank and credit card information
    • ID theft
  • Social network safety practices
    • Awareness of employers or government agencies viewing online information
  • Advertising and pop-ups
  • Download safety and illegal downloading
  • Image searching

5. Utilize various features of a common web browser (Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer).

a. Create and manage bookmarks/favorites.

b. Refresh webpages and when not to use them.

c. Open, close, and navigate between multiple tabs and multiple windows.

d. View and delete recent clear recent history.

e. Download files.

  • Locate download folder and utilize downloaded files.

f. Recognize the need and function of common plugins (Flash Player, Adobe Reader).

  • Recognize the need to update plugins and software.

g. Recognize and use various common file types (.doc, .pdf, .mp3, .mp4, .jpeg, .gif, etc.).

h. Distinguish between necessary pop-up windows and pop-up advertisements.

  • Keep necessary pop-ups open and close unwanted.

i. Zoom in and out.

j. Use the back and forward buttons.

k. Use the find feature.

l. Search using a toolbar.

6. Navigate and utilize common websites.

a. Read and navigate a common webpage.

b. Enter CAPTCHA security codes correctly.

c. Create profiles and accounts.

d. Use a search engine to find specific information and media.

  • Effective use of keywords
  • Common Boolean operators (“AND,” “OR,” quotation marks, “NOT” and minus symbol)
  • Use an image search.
  • Using and not using autocomplete and autocorrect features

e. Use a job search engine to find job listings (Craigslist, Monster, CareerBuilder, Indeed).

  • Complete a simulated job application.

f. Search and find housing listings (Craigslist, various housing sites).

g. Use a free video site (Youtube) to find songs, music videos, songs with lyrics, and other media.

h. Find locations and schedules for movie theaters.

i. Use a review service to find business and location reviews (Yelp, Google).

  • Create a review of a local business.

j. Use an online encyclopedia to find information on topics (Wikipedia).

k. Check weather conditions and forecast.

l. Use an online calendar.

m. Find a cooking recipe.

n. View a popular news site.

  • Locate and read articles in native language and in English.

o. Find a product on a popular online retailer (Amazon, Target).

p. Connect with local communities via used item listings, services, volunteering, and/or groups on an online classifieds site (Craigslist).

q. Use a free movie and television site (Hulu) to find and watch popular media.

r. Use common social media sites at a basic level (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Goggle Plus).

s. Find and explore blogs on relevant personal and classroom topics.

t. Use an instant messaging service (MSN messenger, G-chat, Skype).

u. Utilize key features of shareware and cloud processors (Google Drive).

  • Share documents via cloud processor.

v. Utilize key features of online course materials and platforms (Blackboard, Moodle).

7. Use the computer to aid in acquisition of the English language.

a. Use an online ESL dictionary

  • to find definitions and examples
  • to aid in pronunciation

b. Use a simplified English online article site (Voice of America).

  • Read articles in English.
  • Listen to audio readings of articles.

c. Complete online quizzes.

d. Play English learning games.

e. Complete tutorials and guided lessons.

f. Use an online translator.

  • Recognize effective and ineffective translation practices and habits.

g. Complete an online, ESL learning module.

8. Utilize various email features.

a. Manage contacts.

  • Add, delete, edit

b. Attach files (pictures, documents) and open attached files.

c. Organize emails into different folders and groups.

d. Adjusting spam and junk mail settings.

e. Send email to multiple contacts/addresses.

f. Participate in online conversation and letter exchange via email.

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Online tutorials, online articles, email examples, websites, dictionary definitions, and picture dictionaries.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Create résumé and cover letter; write a series of letters in an email letter exchange; respond to discussions on technology-related issues in contemporary society.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Create a résumé and cover letter on a word processor; create and present a digital narrative with graphics and text via a presentation program; create a presentation about a native country to present to class; use the computer to find and learn songs and lyrics to present to class; create an online review of a favorite business or restaurant.

Instruction Type(s)
