NC 315: ESL and Computer Literacy 1: Introduction to Computers

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2022
Credits: 0
Total Contact Hours: 64
Lecture Hours : 64
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 128
Transferable to CSU: No
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Non-Credit Course

Catalog Course Description

ESL and Computer Literacy 1: Introduction to Computer teaches basic language and computer skills to English language learners. Students will learn beginning English language and life skills taught through rudimentary computing, word processing, and Internet instruction. Open entry/exit. 64 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Identify and use vocabulary related to basic computer use including action verbs, sight words, descriptive adjectives, and common abbreviations.
  • Demonstrate ability to use language functions to ask basic questions to find specific information, follow and give sequenced instructions
  • Discuss and use learning resources and strategies.
  • Describe a sequence of events; basic visual, auditory, and tactile experience; and various outcomes based upon differing actions and processes.
  • Draw a map, follow, and give directions.
  • Type basic dictation and complete simple forms.
  • Identify and describe the functions, physical appearance, and parts of various hardware, software, and programs.
  • Demonstrate ability to safely operate common computer hardware and use basic mouse and keyboard components to perform a variety of common desktop features (e.g., opening and closing programs, deleting and undeleting items in the Recycle Bin, adjusting volume control, and identifying time and date with calendar and clock) and program tasks including window sizing (minimize, maximize, resize, etc.), scrolling, opening dialog boxes, and navigating dropdown lists/menu (open, save, exit, etc.).
  • Use necessary English grammatical structures to understand and discuss computer functions and topics including simple verb tenses, sentence functions, noun types, possessives, modals, prepositions of location and relation, and time expressions.
  • Demonstrate ability to navigate file libraries by saving and opening files in various locations, folders, and drives.
  • Use basic programs to play a game, perform basic calculations, and play an audio file.
  • Use the basic features of a word processor including creating basic formatting (text alignment, titles, bulleted/numbered list, paragraph breaks, indentation, single and double spacing), making text alterations (font, font size, undo/redo, delete/backspace, highlight and edit text blocks, move text, cut/copy/paste), and navigating common features (zoom in/out, save and name a file, print, and spelling/grammar check (if available).
  • Use a word processor to reproduce and generate lists, simple sentences, paragraphs, basic document types (e.g., formal and informal letters) and complete class writing assignments.
  • Use a presentation program to create very basic text and graphics slideshows.
  • Navigate and use basic features of common websites including using search engines to find websites and information, using online maps to find locations and directions, watching videos on YouTube, finding information on the Citrus College website, and completing a simple online form.
  • Create an email account, use basic features (e.g., navigating folders, opening, sending, replying, and forwarding emails), and communicate with teachers, classmates, and others via email.
  • Identify and demonstrate very basic email and Internet safety practices including and avoiding opening emails from untrusted or unfamiliar sources, avoiding the dangers of advertisements and pop-ups, identifying common domain names (com, edu, org, gov), and avoiding providing personal, financial, and other sensitive information.
  • Describe uses and aspects of the computer and its component features, tools, and procedures.
  • Describe various aspects of finished products (drawings, maps, search results, emails, etc.).
  • Demonstrate understanding of and participate in readings, presentations, and discussions of various topics (computer safety and precautions, shopping for computers, types of computers, computer applications in modern life, etc.).
  • Review, discuss, and explicate learned computer skills, vocabulary, and procedures.

Major Course Content


Identify and use vocabulary related to basic computer use.

  1. Computer parts, accessories, and components
    1. Computer Essentials
      1. CPU
        • Types (laptop, tower, smartphone, tablet, Mac vs. PC, etc.)
        • Buttons, switches, slots, and ports/inputs
        • Drives (CD / DVD, Hard Drives [internal, external, USB/flash/thumb], USB)
      2. Hardware
        • Monitor / screen
        • Keyboard and keys, mouse, and mouse pad
      3. Accessories: Speakers, headphones, USB thumb/flash drive, CD/DVD, printer
      4. Operating systems: Mac and PC / Windows
      5. Desktop features: Start button, icons, desktop, mouse pointer, taskbar, etc.
      6. All Program features
        • Program window, start menu, start button, program, minimize button, maximize button, restore button, close button, title and menu bar, toolbar, ribbon, button, work area, etc.
        • Dialog box, checkbox, dropdown list arrow/box, appearance, settings, program menu, cursor, etc.
  2. Used action verbs (turn on/off, shut down, press, let go, go to, click, select, drag, hold down, play, preview, view, clear, save, send, reply, etc.)
  3. Program-specific action verbs (calculate, add, multiply,  draw, color, document, alignment, font, bullets, bold, italic, increase/decrease, align, double click, search, sort, play, choose, modify, rename)
  4. Used nouns (hard drive, address bar, drive, button, window, navigation pan, libraries, desktop, website, link, homepage, username, inbox, password, letter, heading, greeting, body, closing, cursor, plus sign, times sign, equal sign, brush, circle, rectangle)
  5. Directional phrases (top-left, right-hand side, center, left side, top-right corner, diagonally, across, etc.)
  6. Descriptive adjectives (straight, crooked, colors, exciting, safe, dangerous, amazing, effective, useful, etc.)
  7. Essential body parts (fourth finger / ring finger, fingertip, thumb, posture, etc.)  
  8. Safety-specific vocabulary (protect, safety, scam, advertisement, etc.)
  9. Common abbreviations and reduced forms (www, net, email, CD, USB, etc.)


Use necessary English grammatical structures to understand and discuss computer functions and everyday topics.

  1. Sentence functions
    1. Declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory
      1. Negatives
      2. Questions – yes/ no; wh-; tag questions
      3. Short and long answers
  2. Simple future, simple present, present continuous, and simple past verb tenses
    1. To be” verb
    2. Irregular verbs
    3. Phrasal verbs (separable vs. inseparable with objects and object pronouns)
  3. Nouns
    1. Subject and object pronouns
    2. Singular and plural nouns
    3. Proper vs. common nouns
  4. Common contractions and abbreviations
  5. Possessive adjectives and nouns
  6. Modals – should, can, be able to, might/may, could
  7. Infinitives after high-frequency verbs
    1. Want, need, learn how, decide, etc.
    2. With “it” phrases (expletive construction) (i.e. “It is important to save a file.”)
    3. To show purpose (i.e. “We use the shutdown button to turn off the computer safely”)
  8. Real conditionals
  9. Basic When clauses
  10. Time expressions
    1. Adverbs of frequency
    2. Sequence words
  11. Prepositions of location and relation
  12. Too and Enough
  13. Let’s
  14. Because
  15. Punctuation
    1. Commas in a list and with introductory phrases
    2. Periods with simple sentences and basic compound sentences
    3. Capitalization of proper nouns, abbreviations, and at the beginning of sentences

Language Functions

  1. Technological language use
    1. Identify everyday and professional applications of computers (e.g., communication, email, social networks, banking, news, business, entertainment, leisure activities, personal interest, information, research, education/learning, translation, directions, business and service reviews, professional texts and presentations, networking and career advancement)
    2. Describe the functions, physical appearance, and parts of various hardware, software, and programs.
    3. Describe uses and actions of the computer and its component features, tools, and processes.
    4. Describe various aspects of finished products (drawings, maps, search results, emails, etc.).
    5. Demonstrate understanding of definitions, examples, and readings.
    6. Demonstrate understanding of readings, presentations, and discussions of various topics (computer safety and precautions, computer applications, career advancement, current news, etc.).
    7. Converse and discuss buying a computer, computer basics, computer procedures, etc.
    8. Read and converse using rehearsed dialogues.
    9. Review, discuss, and explicate learned computer skills and topics.
  2. Life and language skills
    1. Write simple sentences and questions.
    2. Write basic formal and informal letters.
    3. Write lists.
    4. Ask basic questions to find specific information.
    5. Discuss learning resources and strategies.
    6. Describe a sequence of events.
    7. Describe basic visual, auditory, and tactile experience.
    8. Complete simple forms.
    9. Follow and give sequenced instructions.
    10. Draw a map, follow and give directions.
    11. Describe various outcomes based on differing actions and processes.
    12. Communicate with teachers, classmates, and others via email.
    13. Spell used vocabulary words.
    14. Type very basic dictation.

Computer Functions and Skills

Operate and make use of a computer at a basic level.

  1. Turn on and off without damaging
    1. Computer
    2. Monitor
    3. Any audio equipment
    4. Any wireless equipment
  2. Use hardware safely: Inserting and removing USB drives, CD/DVDS, headphones.
  3. Basic mouse use - Demonstrate ability to use mouse functions by navigating graphics programs (e.g., MS Paint), games (e.g., Solitaire, Minesweeper), and other basic programs.
    1. Left-click
      1. Single and double click
      2. Select (highlight), drag, and drop
      3. Open and close programs and links
      4. Program-specific features
    2. Right-click
      1. Open a dialog box.
        • Cut, copy, and paste
        • Delete and rename
        • Open
        • Properties
        • Program and placement specific features
    3. Scroll button/wheel (if available): Navigate up and down.
    4. Movement: Basic mouse mobility
  4. Basic keyboarding
    1. Keys: Enter, backspace, delete, spacebar, shift, ctrl, alt, caps lock, num lock, esc, page up and down, arrows, home, end, tab
    2. Shortcuts and Functions: Cut, copy, paste, print
    3. Letter, numbers, and punctuation keys
      1. Basic ability to find, identify, and use
        • Letter and number keys
        • Common punctuation keys (especially comma, period, question mark, exclamation mark, quotation mark, apostrophe, dash)
        • Common special characters (parenthesis, @ symbol, number sign, dollar sign, percentage, asterisk)
        • Capitalize
  5. Login and sign-off to campus computers, emails, and any needed software accounts.
    1. Login and logoff safety at various public and private computers.
    2. Create safe, effective username and password.
  6. Windows Tools (Desktop Icons, Tools, Shortcuts, and Programs)
    1. Task Bar: Open programs; track and navigate running programs.
    2. Recycle Bin: Delete and recover items; empty the recycle bin.
    3. Volume control: Adjust volume control.
    4. Calendar and Clock: Find date and time with computer clock and calendar.
  7. All Programs
    1. Locate and open basic programs.
    2. Minimize, maximize, restore, resize, move (reposition), and close.
    3. Use a program menu.
    4. Scroll up and down, right and left.
    5. Open a dialog box and work with a dropdown list/menu.
      1. Use common features of various programs.
        • Create new (blank) item, open a saved file, save a file, save as, print, etc.
      2. Use important features specific to programs.
  8. Programs, the Start Menu, and common features in programs
    1. Calculator: Make basic calculations.
    2. Games: Play a simple game (such as Solitaire, Minesweeper, Hearts, or online games).
    3. Graphics Program (i.e. MS Paint or other)
      1. Draw simple pictures.
        • Use squares, rectangles, squares, lines, colors, textures, etc.
        • Draw a map of familiar area and locations.
    4. Word processor (i.e. MS WordPad, MS Word, Google Docs/Drive, OpenOffice Writer, or Libre Office Writer)
      1. Reproduce and generate simple sentences, paragraphs, and basic document types (letters, lists, etc.).
        • Document formatting
          • Change text alignment (left, center, right).
          • Create titles.
          • Create a bulleted/numbered list.
          • Paragraph breaks and indentation
          • Single and double spacing
        • Edit text and text emphasis/typography.
          • Delete/backspace individual and blocked (highlighted) text.
          • Undo / redo.
          • Move text (cut, copy, paste, drag and drop)
          • Normal (no emphasis/typography), bold, italics, underline
          • Change font styles and size.
        • Complete basic writing assignments (sentences, questions, small paragraphs, etc.).
        • Create simple lists.
      2. Zoom in/out and scroll.
      3. Save and name a file (save/save as).
      4. Use spelling/grammar check (if available): Ignore once/all.
      5. Print documents.
    5. Presentation program (i.e. MS PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Docs/Drive)
      1. Create very basic text and graphics slideshows.
        • Use functions similar to word processing (text editing, undo/redo, zoom in/out, save, highlight text, etc.).
        • Create, copy and paste, and relocate basic text boxes.
        • Switch between font sizes and styles.
        • Copy and paste, resize, and relocate pictures.
        • Create new slides and slideshows.
    6. Media Player: Play an audio file from computer and/or CD.
    7. Tutorials, Help, and Support
      1. Use Windows Help and Support to find basic information.
        • Use the search bar to search for information.
          • Use keywords.
  9. The computer window and files
    1. Open the computer window / Windows Explorer.
    2. Navigate different libraries and drives.
      1. Use Navigation Panel and Program Menu.
      2. Locate and use common libraries including My Documents, Desktop, Computer, Hard Drive (C:), CD/DVD drive, USB drive, etc.
      3. Identify different icons and file types.
      4. Use the “back” and “forward” buttons.
      5. Switch between different “view” options (list, details, tiles/thumbnails, icons, etc.).
      6. Sort files by different criteria (size, name, type, date modified, etc.).
    3. Locate and open a saved file.
    4. Save files in different locations and folders and locate specific files.
      1. Identify common icons and file extensions.
      2. Save to computer locations and portable devices (USB flash/thumb drive).
    5. Move files to different locations (folders and drives).
    6. Create, rename.
  10. Internet basics
    1. Demonstrate understanding of Internet basics.
      1. Define functions and uses of the Internet.
      2. Types (Wi-Fi, DSL, Dial-up, etc.) of connections
      3. Identify common features (browsers, popular browsers, websites, links, homepage, address bar, etc.).
    2. Internet safety
      1. Identify and demonstrate very basic Internet safety practices.
        • Avoid the dangers of advertisements and pop-ups.
        • Identify common domain names (com, edu, org, gov).
        • Avoid providing personal, financial, and other sensitive information.
    3. Open and navigate common websites.
      1. Use search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing) to find websites and information.
        • Use effective keywords.
        • Identify and avoid advertisements and sponsored pages.
        • Choose websites that match desired result.
        • Open various links.
        • Perform a basic image search.
      2. Use online maps to find locations and directions.
      3. Watch videos on YouTube.
      4. Use basic online ESL resources (Voice of America, Dave’s ESL, USA Learns, ESL dictionaries, etc.).
      5. Navigate the Citrus College website.
        • Find specific information such as maps, calendars, course information, degree and certification options, etc.
      6. Complete a simple online form.
      7. Enter CAPTCHA and security codes.
    4. Use basic features of emailing.
      1. Identify and demonstrate very basic email safety practices.
        • Avoid providing personal, financial, and other sensitive information.
        • Avoid opening email from untrusted or unfamiliar sources.
      2. Create email account with common provider (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.).
        • Choose and create effective, memorable username and password.
      3. Navigate different folders and features.
        • I.e. Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Trash, Spam/Junk
      4. Send, open, reply, forward emails.
      5. Add contacts.
      6. Attach files to emails.
      7. Open attached files.

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Online tutorials, email examples, websites, dictionary definitions, and picture dictionaries

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Write personal letters in a word processor; email classmates and instructor; write instructional procedures for computer functions and tasks.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Create a walking or driving guide via an online map service; create text and graphic vocabulary slideshows; create a report describing an experience of a virtual field trip.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture