KIN 108: Tennis

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Winter 2021
Credits: 1
Total Contact Hours: 36
Lecture Hours : 18
Lab Hours: 18
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 36
District General Education: E3. Kinesiology Activity
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

Instruction will be concerned with individual growth of fundamentals and techniques of tennis that will allow the student to participate in a lifetime activity. 18 lecture hours, 18 lab hours.

Course Objectives

  • demonstrate basic fundamentals of tennis
  • demonstrate an understanding of the rules of the game
  • analyze opponents strengths and weaknesses
  • formulate strategic plan of attack
  • apply proper strategies for singles and doubles

Major Course Content

  1. Mental Preparation
  2. Scoring
  3. Knowledge of Tennis Positions
  4. Offensive Strategy
  5. Defensive Strategy
  6. Competition
  7. Understanding Movements of Swing
  8. Fitness Components of Tennis
  9. Terminology
  10. Rules 

Lab Content

  1. Mental Preparataion
    1. Relaxation
    2. Breathing Techniques
    3. Positive Feedback
  2. Rules
    1. Etiquette
    2. Single
    3. Doubles
    4. Mixed Doubles
  3. Scoring
    1. Love,15, 30, 40, game, Advantage
    2. Set Scoring
    3. Match Scoring
  4. Knowledge of Positions
    1. Endline
    2. Net Play
    3. Center Position
    4. Service
  5. Offensive Strategy
    1. Court Position
    2. Maneuvering of opponent(s)
    3. Net Play
    4. Rallying
  6. Defensive Strategy
    1. Center Position
    2. Read/React 
    3. Endline Return
    4. Net Play
  7. Movements of Swing - Introduction of the movements of tennis strokes and serve.
    1. Forehand
    2. Backhand
    3. Serve
    4. Lob
    5. Smash
  8. Fitness Components 
    1. Muscular Endurance
    2. Muscular Strength
    3. Flexibility
    4. Body Composition
    5. Cardiovascular Endurance
    6. Synapse Reaction

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Instructor Handouts.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Application of offensive and defensive strategies. Definition of terminology and rules.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Independent study assignment to participate in tennis observation at a local tennis club, high school or college matches.. Evaluate 10 different tennis terminologies and define appropriately.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Lab, Online Education Lecture, Online Education Lab