ITIS 115: Computer Information Systems

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 3.5
Total Contact Hours: 81
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 27
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: No
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

This course is an overview of information technology and its role in business, industry, health care, and government. Topics include computer hardware, end-user software, network/Internet technologies, ethics, emerging technologies, and coding. 54 lecture hours, 27 lab hours.

Course Objectives

  • Describe existing and emerging technologies and their impact on organizations and society.
  • Use appropriate Information Technology applications (word processing, spreadsheet, database) and systems to solve common business problems.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the development and use of information systems in business.
  • Identify the basic hardware components of personal computers and understand their role in the information processing cycle.
  • Understand the differences between system software and productivity software.
  • Understand the similarities and differences of various operating systems for personal computers.
  • Use a high level programming language to create a basic user interface in order to illustrate the concepts of sequence, selection and repetition.

Major Course Content

  1. Computer Basics
    1. History
    2. Terminology
  2. Hardware Components
    1. System unit
    2. Input/Output devices
    3. Storage devices
    4. Communication devices
  3. Computers in Business
    1. Security
    2. Privacy
    3. Big Data
  4. Software
    1. System software
      1. Windows
      2. Mac OS
      3. Other OS
        1. Linux OS
        2. Cloud Storage
      4. File Management
    2. Application software
      1. Microsoft® Office: Word, Excel, and Access
  5. Communications and Networks
    1. Computer Networks
    2. Network Security
    3. The Internet and World Wide Web
  6. Systems Development
    1. Program Design
    2. Program Coding
      1. Object Oriented Programming and Visual Programmng
      2. Programming Languages
      3. Markup Languages
      4. Scripting Languages
    3. Life Cycle of a Software Project
  7. Computers and Society
    1. Ethics
    2. Computer Security, Crime, and Privacy
    3. Social Networks
      1. Impact on Society
  8. Emerging Technologies
    1. Existing technologies
    2. Impact on organizations and society
  9. Overview of information systems, software applications, and programming basics. Topics include: 
    1. Computers and digital basics
    2. Types of Information Systems
      1. Development of information systems in business
      2. Role in business
    3. Description of computer hardware: Personal computer basics, microprocessors and memory, storage devices, input and output devices, hardware security.
    4. Description of computer software: Software basics, end-user applications, installing software and upgrades, security software. 
    5. Operating systems and file management: Overview of today's operating systems, use of Windows Explorer, backup and security methods. 
    6. Description of LANs and WLANs: Network classifications, standards, devices and physical topology, wired networks, wireless networks, security through encryption.                              
  10. The Internet: Internet technology, fixed internet access, portable and mobile internet access, internet services (i.e., real-time messaging, VOIP, FTP, file sharing).
    1. The Web and e-mail: HTTP, web browsers, search engines, e-commerce basics, e-mail overview, cookies, web and email security. 
  11. Introduction to the use of productivity software: Word processing, electronic spreadsheets, and database management 
  12. Introduction to programming: Procedural program creation, introduction to algorithm development and an overview of the three programming structures (i.e., sequence, selection and repetition) via a modern programming language.

Lab Content

  1. Business Productivity Software
    1. Word Processing
      1. Basic editing and formatting
    2. Spreadsheet
      1. Common formulas and functions
      2. Formatting
      3. Conditional formatting
      4. Charting
    3. Database
      1. Tables and field definitions
      2. Forms
      3. Reports
        1. Grouping
        2. Address labels
  2. Internet Technologies
    1. Locating information using a search engine
    2. Email, instant messaging
  3. Coding
    1. Definition and Design
      1. Flowcharts
    2. Variables and Data Types
    3. Math Operators
    4. Conditional Statements
    5. Errors
      1. Syntax Errors
      2. Logic Errors

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook,,

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Create a one paragraph summary of the D5 conference starring Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as they discuss the future of technology.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Create a spreadsheet that calculates the weekly pay for full-time employees at a fictitious business.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Lab, Online Education Lecture, Online Education Lab