GEOG 105: Global Issues

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2022
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 54
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
District General Education: D2. Behavioral Science
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

The course explores global perspectives on major issues and examines social, political and environmental movements and solutions to conflict. The course looks deeper into global culture, use of energy, changing cultural values and the struggle for equality or political stability and what progress and solutions have been made into the issues. Themes will include social justice, poverty, climate change, migration, depletion of fresh water, terrorism, capitalism and international trade. 54 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Synthesize world issues of cultural, political, economic and environmental importance
  • Analyze historic and current demographic, social and cultural changes in migration, inequality, environmental sustainability, war and cultural identity.
  • Examine solutions to global issues and the progress made in resolving them. Investigate whether regional culture has made an impact on the issue, and whether local cultures are negatively affected by the issue.
  • Evaluate the role that activism plays in resolving world issues. Decide if the role that activism plays in developed countries differs from the role that activism plays in underdeveloped countries for social and environmental issues.
  • Critically assess the arguments of proponents and critics of globalization and draw on relevant readings to support their arguments.
  • Apply historical and analytical knowledge to specific areas of the global economy and write on the nature of international trade, economic crises, financial liberalization, neoliberalism, global division of labor, international economic development, gender and globalization, security and the environment.

Major Course Content

Module 1: Globalization and the modern world (25% of semester)


Perceptions of the world: Political, Physical and Ethnical/Moral

Emergence of modern culture; the world in 1300s, 1600s, 1920s, 1950s and today

 Film : "History of the world in two hours" by the History Channel

Post WWII trends and innovations

The U.S global economic structure

Globalization Theory




The IMF, World Bank and WTO

Module 2: Issues of Equality, Culture and Diversity (25% of semester)


Culture and the definition of humanity


Cultural Relativity

Discrimination and Racism


Labor Movements and Unionization

Patriotism, Paternalism and equality

Gender Inequality as measured with the GII

Social class and the transnational politics of solidarity

Hate groups and civil rights

Social and Political Activism

  Film: "Inequality for all"

  Film: "Life and Debt"

Module 3: Issues of Religion, War and Conflict (25% of semester)


Sovereignty and the State

Global models of Peace and War

World Order

Terrorism and Post 9-11 Global Structural Privilege

The Bush Doctrine/Neo-emperialism

The future of conflict, perspectives on peace in Palestine, Israel, Syria, North Korea and Russia

Module 4: Issues of Development, Health and the Environment (25% of semester)


Economic Development and inequality

Comparative Advantage, Neocolonialism

Global Health Indicators

Threats to environmental resources

Air, water and land pollution

Climate Change and globalization

Colonial Legacy in less developed nations

Pandemics and disease

Global Solutions, reforms and activism 

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Selected Readings from: Lomborg, Bjorn. Global Crises, Global Solutions. Cambride, 2004
Keck, Margaret E., and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. “Transnational Advocacy Networks in International Politics: An Introduction.” In: Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Pp.1-37
Johnston, Josée. 2003. “We Are All Marcos? Zapatismo, Solidarity and the Politics of Scale.” In: Gordon Laxer and Sandra Halperin, eds., Global Civil Society and Its Limits. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp.85-104
Evans, Peter. 2008. “Is an Alternative Globalization Possible?” Politics & Society 36(2):271-305.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

You will write an essay addressing the following: Choose a Social, Political, Environmental, Equality, Poverty or Human Rights issue to have your fictional organization work to solve.
- Include a thesis statement: Stating the global issue and how the organizations/social movements involved in your research is actually solving it.
Paragraph 1- Describe what type of Social Movement/organization: Its it addressing a Deprivation in Society? Is it Resource Mobilization? Its it Mass Movement? Does it represent the concepts of Globalization? Does it practice non-violence?
Paragraph 2- Propose your research plan, stating the issue, the organization(s) currently solving the problem and their methods
Paragraph 3- Propose a theoretical model with which to approach the problem/solution. Contact the organizations media representative for more info on mission statements or goals for the organization that may have a model of how they work.
Paragraph 4- Propose field research, what is unknown about the issue, what needs to be understood better
Paragraph 5- Investigate sources of funding, compile an estimated budget, and describe how the funds will be used to carry out your task

Examples of Outside Assignments

Demographic Data Collection and Analysis Purpose: students will look up demographic data for a variety of countries to become more familiar with demographic measures.
- Students choose 6 to 10 countries for analysis. - Data selection: Research Census data. Assemble the data in a table. 10 points - Analysis: Write a reflection on what you learned. 20 points
Use the following countries in your analysis: Afghanistan Bolivia Cambodia China France Lithuania Tanzania Turkey United States
Look up the following information for each country on and assemble it into a table. Your table should be easy to read and fit onto one page. If you cannot fit it onto one page, please make sure that all column and row labels are present on the second page.
Crude Birth Rate (Births per 1,000 population) Crude Death Rate Rate of Natural Increase Infant Mortality Rate (Infant deaths per 1,000 live births) Life Expectancy GNI PPP per capita . . . and any other data you find personally interesting.
Include a column or row in your table in which you identify which stage of the demographic transition you believe each country to be in.
Once you have assembled your table, write a two- to three-page paper (500 to 750 words) on what you have learned from assembling this information: Do there appear to be any trends or relationships between the data? Are there any data that surprise you?

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture

IGETC Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences

4E. Geography