ESL 005A: Advanced College Reading & Writing Skills

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2023
Credits: 5
Total Contact Hours: 90
Lecture Hours : 90
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 180
Total Student Learning Hours: 270
Prerequisite: ESL 004A or direct placement based on multiple measures.
Transferable to CSU: No
Transferable to UC: Yes - Proposed
Grading Method: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass

Catalog Course Description

This course prepares high-intermediate and advanced ESL students for college-level writing and reading. It provides a review of English paragraph writing fundamentals and focuses on critical thinking and essay composition. It also aims to improve reading skills and analysis of academic texts. Students will develop reading comprehension skills, improve vocabulary through context and word stem study, and practice summarizing and paraphrasing techniques. Students will work on adopting American discourse in composition, and will work on reading skills in order to prepare for college-level coursework. This is one of two courses in ESL Level 5. 90 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Apply prewriting and outlining skills to develop strong paragraphs and essays.
  • Understand and apply American discourse pattern to writing.
  • Understand and use Unity, Support, Coherence, and Sentence Skills in writing academic essays.
  • Write compositions that develop a topic or thesis in a coherent and unified manner and that have clearly delineated beginnings, middles and ends.
  • Demonstrate reasonable control of commonly recurring grammatical errors.
  • Use Pre-reading strategies to improve reading comprehension.
  • Use a variety of reading strategies for text analysis.
  • Increase academic vocabulary through word stems, word building, and context reading skills.

Major Course Content

Reading Skills:

  1. Pre-reading Strategies:
    1. Prior Knowledge
    2. Previewing Title, Introduction, Headings/Sub-headings
    3. Examine graphics, words in print
    4. Predicting
  2. Comprehension Skills:
    1. Determine the Topic
    2. Located the Stated Main Idea
    3. Formulating an Implied Main Idea
    4. Identifying Supporting Details
  3. Recognizing the Author's Writing Patterns
  4. Reading Critically:
    1. Determining the Author's Point of View
    2. Determining the Author's Purpose
    3. Determining the Intended Audience
    4. Recognizing Tone
  5. Thinking Critically about a Text
    1. Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion
    2. Making Inferences
  6. Writing in Response to Reading
  7. Evaluating Sources
  8. Study Skill Strategies
    1. Comprehension Monitoring
    2. Evaluating Understanding
    3. Asking and Answering Questions About a Text
    4. Note Taking
    5. Interpreting Graphic Aids
    6. Outlining
    7. Summarizing and Paraphrasing
  9.  Vocabulary
    1. Word Building & Word Stems
    2. Reading in Context
    3. Vocabulary Strategies

 Writing and Composition:

  1. Diagnostic writing
  2. Pre-writing
    1. Clustering
    2. Freewriting
    3. Reporter’s Questions (who, what, when, where, why, how)
    4. Making Lists
  3. Structuring paragraphs
    1. Topic sentence
    2. Unity- Having one main idea
    3. Support- Having examples and details to support assertions
    4. Coherence- Paragraph and Essay organization & Transitions
      1. Patterns of organization
      2. Transitions and signal words
  4. Revising
  5. Editing skills
    1. Mechanics and Punctuation
    2. Format
    3. Grammar
    4. Vocabulary
  6. Multiple-paragraph essay
    1. Thesis statement
    2. Organization
      1. Introduction
      2. Body
      3. Conclusion
    3. American logic and rhetorical patterns
      1. narrative
      2. cause/effect
      3. comparison/contrast
      4. exemplification
      5. argumentation
    4. Writing in response to readings
      1. Identifying main ideas
      2. Quoting
      3. Paraphrasing
  7. Grammar instruction in problem areas
    1. Verb tense--review purposes
    2. ,Fanboys, ;Connector words, and Dept CL
    3. Fragments/ Run-Ons/Comma Splices
    4. Pronoun Use/Agreement
    5. Use of Semi-colon & Colon, 
    6. Sentence types: Simple, Compound, Complex & Compound Complex

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Writing: Students will read selected essays that defend a position on a controversial issue; e.g. Should parents use spyware to monitor children online? Reading: Articles

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Students will write multiple-paragraph expository essays in the following rhetorical patterns: Narrative Comparison/contrast Argumentation
Sample prompt: Written: Do you agree or disagree with the Author's assertion? Why? Defend your position using quotes from the text, and specific examples/proof. Reading: Evaluate the writer's tone. How does the author attempt to persuade readers?

Examples of Outside Assignments

Written: Students will work on directed exercises on sentence, paragraph, and essay structures. Reading: Free Reading reports, Read and Respond to the main idea

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture