ART 180: Beginning Clay Sculpture

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 108
Lecture Hours : 36
Lab Hours: 72
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 72
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

Clay sculpture classes will include clay techniques, application of color, sculpting methods, and sculpture concepts. Students will learn the fundamentals of building and coloring ceramic hand built sculpture. Historical, critical and cultural concerns will also be topics of the course. Material fee. 36 lecture hours, 72 lab hours.

Course Objectives

  • Use clay terminology consistent with ceramic construction practices
  • Demonstrate skillfull handling of clay tools on clay
  • Identify and manipulate the various consistencies of clay and demonstrate hand forming techniques

Major Course Content

Lecture - Through Use of Slides and Demonstrations

  1. Ceramic vocabulary
    1. clay
    2. color
    3. tools
    4. equipment
    5. lab layout
    6. kiln
  2. Art vocabulary
    1. line
    2. value
    3. texture
  3. Clay introduction
    1. nature of clay
    2. learning to see
    3. composition
  4. Color on fired clay
    1. glazes
    2. oxides
    3. stains
    4. acrylics
    5. watercolors
    6. patinas
    7. assorted
  5. Sealing color on fired clay
    1. colored glaze
    2. clear glaze
    3. wax
    4. clear plastic
  6. Assorted Sculpting Methods
    1. Additive
    2. Subtractive
    3. Assemblage
  7. Proportions of the human figure
    1. torso
    2. scapula - mechanism of the shoulder blade
    3. arm
    4. hand
    5. pelvis
    6. lower limbs
    7. foot
  8. Proportions of the human head
    1. eye and eyebrow
    2. nose
    3. mouth
    4. chin
    5. ears
    6. hair
    7. neck and shoulders
  9. Draping the human head and human figure
    1. styles
    2. folds
  10. Selected topics (two per semester)
    1. proportions of an animal
    2. proportions of a bird
    3. clay through cultural heritage
    4. famous clay sculptor

Lab Content

  1. Clay
    1. rolling
    2. hand stamps
    3. tools
    4. tiles
  2. Slab
    1. history of given topic
    2. interpretation
    3. hallow
    4. removal
    5. additive
    6. assemblage
  3. Solid (then hollowed)
    1. human model
    2. human head
    3. assorted
  4. Color on fired clay
    1. tiles
    2. slab
    3. hollow
    4. solid
  5. Sealing color on fired clay
    1. tiles
    2. slab
    3. hollow
    4. solid (then hollowed)
  6. Notebook

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

clay and glaze for the potter, ceramics art and perception, ceramics monthly

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

research project of min. 3-5 pp.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Read required materials
Write essays, research papers, lab reports, or journals, based upon muesum or gallery visit to a local museum such as the Getty Center, or AMOCA, the American Museum of Ceramic Art
Book report (choose one culture, period or sculpture) and write a 3 to 5pg. critique of the work
Notebook - composite

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Lab, Online Education Lecture, Online Education Lab