ANTH 220: Introduction to Archaeology

Citrus College Course Outline of Record

Citrus College Course Outline of Record
Heading Value
Effective Term: Fall 2021
Credits: 3
Total Contact Hours: 54
Lecture Hours : 54
Lab Hours: 0
Hours Arranged: 0
Outside of Class Hours: 108
Transferable to CSU: Yes
Transferable to UC: Yes - Approved
Grading Method: Standard Letter

Catalog Course Description

An introductory study of the science of archaeology. The course will emphasize the evolution of human material culture, the laws and theories governing the science of archaeology, archaeological processes, and the realities of archaeology versus popular culture definitions. College level reading is strongly recommended for success in the course. 54 lecture hours.

Course Objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of archaeological materials and vocabulary and be able to identify the various archaeological theories, methods, and techniques used to investigate the human past. Critically examine and evaluate written text materials, lecture materials, and visual aids such as films, artifacts, and internet files.
  • Articulate the goals, and the legal, operational, and ethical framework of cultural resource management and heritage preservation.
  • Illustrate the use of archaeological methods with reference to cultural sequences; and discuss the relationship between anthropology and archaeology.
  • Develop and practice cultural relativity skills while critically examining and evaluating written text materials, lecture materials, classroom discussions, and visual aids such as films, internet sites, and material culture artifacts. Recognize and differentiate between the types of material culture.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of scientific inquiry and its application in archaeological research. Analyze and apply archaeological terminology to real world examples of artifacts, ecofacts, and cultural sites as demonstrated through films, scientific articles, internet materials, text, representative materials, and lecture examples.

Major Course Content

  1. Introduction of Archaeology
    1. four subfields of anthropology
    2. archaeology as a science
    3. history of archaeology
  2. Structure of Archaeology
    1. scientific method
    2. culture concept of archaeology
    3. archaeological theory levels
    4. archaeological theories (such as cultural materialism or postmodernism)
    5. laws governing archaeology (such as NAGPRA)
  3. Fieldwork
    1. surface archaeology
    2. use of technology (such as GPS)
    3. excavation
    4. sieving
    5. sorting and classifying
    6. “old” world versus “new” world archaeology
  4. Chronology
    1. relative dating methods
    2. absolute dating methods
  5. Time, Space, and Form
    1. classification systems of material items
    2. chronology of phases of material culture such as tools
  6. Experimental and/or Modern forms of Archaeology
    1. taphonomy
    2. experimental archaeology
    3. ethnoarchaeology
    4. historical versus prehistoric archaeology
  7. Bioarchaeology
    1. understanding basics of plant and animal fossils
    2. plant and animal fossils as date indicators
    3. human remains
  8. Symbolic interpretation of Archaeology
    1. understanding material items as symbols
    2. culture core as indicators of cultural structures
  9. The future of Archaeology
    1. cultural resource management
    2. who owns the past
    3. ethics of archaeology

Suggested Reading Other Than Required Textbook

Surficial weathering tables Topological Maps Scholarly journal articles on course related archaeological topics Ethnographies on archaeological topics/sites/experiences, etc.

Examples of Required Writing Assignments

Assess preservation strategies associated with the selected "wreckage sites" in a two page report.

Examples of Outside Assignments

Explain the relationship between stratigraphy to hydrology and bioturbation in a two page report.

Instruction Type(s)

Lecture, Online Education Lecture

IGETC Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences

4A. Anthropology and Archaeology