Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning 

Credit for prior learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom.

Students may receive CPL in place of a comparable course or graduation requirement, including elective units, listed in the current college catalog through the following approved alternative methods for awarding credit: 

Credit for Prior Learning - Externally Administered Standardized Exams 

  • Achievement of a satisfactory score on an Advanced Placement (AP) examination  
  • Achievement of a satisfactory score on a high level (HL) International Baccalaureate (IB) examination  
  • Achievement of a satisfactory score on the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)  Credit for Prior  

Credit for Prior Learning - District (Local) Administered Examination 

  • Evaluation of Joint Service Transcripts (JST) 
  • Achievement of an examination administered by other agencies approved by the District 
  • Evaluation of industry recognized credential documentation 
  • Evaluation of student-created portfolios 
  • Satisfactory completion of an institutional examination, known as Credit by Examination, administered by the college in lieu of completion of an active course listed in the current college catalog 

Student Eligibility for CPL - District (Local) Administered Examination 

In order to submit a CPL petition, a student must: 

  • The student must be in good standing in the District 
  • The student must have previously earned credit or noncredit from the District or be currently registered in the District 
  • Current students must have a student education plan on file 
  • The course is listed in the current Citrus College Catalog 
  • The student is not currently enrolled in the course to be challenged 

Credit by Examination: The student is registered in the District and not currently enrolled in nor received credit for a more advanced course in the same subject  

Limitations of CPL  

  • Credits acquired by examination are not applicable to meeting of such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veterans, or Social Security benefits. 
  • Credits acquired by examination shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree.  
  • A student may be granted no more than 30 units through any combination of Credit for Prior Learning.
  • Students have the right to accept, decline or appeal decisions related to the award of credit. 

CPL Grading Policy

  Grading shall be according to the regular grading system in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols

  • Students shall be offered a “Pass/No Pass” option, in accordance with Administrative Procedure 4232 Pass/No Pass Grading Option, if that option is ordinarily available for the course
  • Students shall be given the opportunity to accept, decline, or appeal the grade assigned by the faculty, and in cases of Credit by Examination, pursuant to AP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols and AP 4231 Grade Change

Transcription of CPL

The student’s academic record shall be clearly annotated to reflect that credit was earned by the type of assessment or examination of prior learning.

For military service/training, student-created portfolio, and industry certification CPL the transcription will include course prefix, course number, course title, course units, course grade, and term earned.

Approved Methods for Awarding Credit for Prior Learning

Advanced Placement Credit (AP)  

Students requesting Credit for Prior Learning using Advanced Placement shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a District approved Advanced Placement (AP) examination under the following circumstances:  

  • Official AP transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office  
  • The student achieved a minimum acceptable score on the AP examination (3, 4,  or 5) as recommended by the District’s AP guide.  

International Baccalaureate (IB)  

Students requesting Credit for Prior Learning using International Baccalaureate shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score (4, 5, 6) on a District approved high[1][1]level International Baccalaureate (IB) examination under the following circumstances:  

Students requesting Credit for Prior Learning using International Baccalaureate shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score (4, 5, 6) on a District approved highlevel International Baccalaureate (IB) examination under the following circumstances:

• Official IB transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office

• The student achieved a minimum acceptable score on the IB examination as recommended by the District’s IB guide.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students requesting Credit for Prior Learning using the College Level Examination program shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a district-approved CLEP under the following circumstances:

• Official CLEP transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office

• The student achieved a minimum acceptable score on the CLEP examination as recommended by the District’s CLEP Guide.

Credit for Military Service/Training

Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning using Joint Service Transcripts shall  receive credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Directory and approved by the appropriate discipline faculty of the college under the following circumstances:

  1. The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning assessment petition. 
  2. Official transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office.

These may include:

  • Joint Services Transcript (JST),
  • Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript
  • (SMART),
  • Army and American Council on Education Registry Transcript Service
  • (AARTS),
  • Community College of the Air Force (CCAF),
  • Coast Guard Institute (CGI),
  • DANTES/USAFI, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
  • (DLIFLC),
  • Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) Examinee Results
  • Verified copies of DD214 or DD295 military records

Credit course equivalency shall be determined by the faculty of the appropriate Discipline

Industry Recognized Credentials

Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning using industry recognized credential(s) shall receive credit as recommended by the appropriate faculty designee:

   • The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning assessment petition.

   • Admissions and Records shall grant credit for industry recognized credential(s) that have already been evaluated and approved by the appropriate faculty designee.

   • If an industry recognized credential(s) has not yet been evaluated and approved by the appropriate faculty:

  • The student meets with the faculty designee to receive further instructions for industry recognized credential(s) assessment.
  • The student submits all industry recognized credential documents to the faculty designee for assessment of prior learning.
  • If the faculty designee determine the industry certification adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the Course Outline of Record, the appropriate faculty shall sign the petition with the recorded grade, attach the industry recognized credential(s), and forward the completed petition and supporting documents to the Admissions and  Records Office to be kept on file and recorded on the student transcript

Student-Created Portfolio Assessment

Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning using a student-created portfolio shall receive credit as recommended by the appropriate faculty designee under the following circumstances:

• A program approved portfolio assessment rubric for the course is on file

• The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning assessment petition  available in the Admissions and Records Office

• The student meets with the faculty designee to receive further instructions for  student-created portfolio assessment

• The student submits all portfolio documents to the faculty designee for  assessment of prior learning

• If the faculty designee determine the student-created portfolio adequately  measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the Course Outline of  Record, the appropriate faculty shall sign the petition with the appropriate grade  and forward it to the Admissions and Records Office to be kept on file and  recorded on the student transcript

Credit for Prior Learning through Examination from within the District (local) – Credit by Examination

The faculty designee shall determine whether a student requesting Credit by Examination is sufficiently well prepared to warrant being given this opportunity. This determination is based upon a review of previous course work and/or experience. Students wishing to take a course through Credit by Examination are encouraged to informally discuss the matter with the faculty designee and instructor prior to initiating the formal process.

All steps must be completed in the order listed or the Petition for Credit by Examination shall not be processed. The Petition for Credit by Examination must be completed prior to the end of the current semester or session.

The District will award college course credit for successful completion of a District examination administered by the appropriate departmental faculty under the following circumstances:

• Achievement of a grade that qualifies for Credit by Examination through the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Transitions program

• Credit by satisfactory completion of an examination administered by the District in lieu of completion of a course listed in the Citrus College Catalog

Articulated Career Technical Education Course Credit

A high school student may be issued Career Technical Education (CTE) course credit under the following conditions:

  • An Institutional Articulation Agreement is in place between the college and the unified school district (USD)/ regional occupational program (ROP)
  • A course-to-course articulation agreement has been approved by faculty, the high school instructor completes required form and the course assessment has been administered as authorized
  • Faculty responsible for the course have completed, and submitted, documentation and grade within 90 days of the administration of the exam
  • The student earned a grade of B- or better on the authorized exam
  • The student is registered at the college beyond the census date in at least one course and within nine months of exam administration

Institutional and course-to-course articulation agreements, secondary course rosters/assessment results and CTE course credit documents are administered by the division dean responsible for Articulated Career Technical Education course credit/Tech Prep. Documentation that verifies the earning of credit by exam will be provided to Admissions and Records in a timely manner; ultimately, the transcript of the student registered at the college will reflect the awarding of credit during the semester it was earned.

Operational procedures will assist students with CTE articulated course credit to enroll and register in the next level course in their program of study upon entry to Citrus College.

Noncredit Introductory Courses

Students shall receive college credit after successfully completing articulated noncredit introductory courses as part of the noncredit program at Citrus College. Students shall meet with a college counselor prior to requesting credit. 

1.    The student must be currently enrolled to receive credit for the articulated noncredit course and the student must not be enrolled in the equivalent/requested credit course.

2.    Credits acquired are not applicable to meeting unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veterans, or Social Security benefits. 

3.    Credits acquired by examination shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree.  

4.    A student may be granted no more than 30 units through any combination of Credit for Prior Learning.

5.    Students shall receive a letter grade based on their academic performance in the articulated noncredit course and may request a “Pass/No Pass” grade option if that option is ordinarily available for the credit course.

6.    The student’s academic record shall be clearly annotated to reflect that credit was earned through Credit For Prior Learning and the previous noncredit enrollment shall remain in the transcript.

7.    Students shall not be charged a fee for receiving college credit for the articulated noncredit course, but the units and grade do count toward financial aid eligibility.