Course Repeatability Rules and Course Families

Repeating Courses for Credit

In the past, many classes at Citrus College were defined as “Repeatable,” meaning that a student could take these classes for credit and receive a passing grade more than one time. These included Kinesiology activity classes, hands-on and performance classes in Visual and Performing Arts and Communications, Co-operative Education classes, and classes designed specifically for students in the DSPS program.

Changes to the regulations governing community colleges statewide mean that most of these courses are no longer considered generally repeatable. Courses that remain repeatable include:

  1. Competitive Athletics and Conditioning courses (KIN courses numbered 200 and up and KINC courses)
  2. Academic courses specifically designed for students to participate in a state-recognized competition
  3. Courses that must be repeated to meet lower-division degree requirements at transfer institutions
  4. Cooperative work experience courses as long as the student does not exceed 16 units in all types of cooperative work experience education.

The rules also allow individual students to apply to repeat courses in DSPS and adapted physical education. See AP 4225 Course Repetition for more detail.

Course Families

In addition to the changes in repeatability rules, certain courses in Kinesiology and Visual and Performing Arts are grouped into “families” giving similar educational experiences. These families are listed below as well as in the individual disciplines in which they apply (ART, DANC, KIN, MUSC, MUSE, MUSP, and THEA).

Within any given course family, students are only permitted four “experiences” while enrolled at Citrus College. An experience in this case is defined as taking a course and receiving any letter grade, including a substandard grade (D, F, NP, or W). Once a student has received four experiences in a given family, they will not be permitted to enroll in any other class within that family, even to alleviate a sub-standard grade.

This limitation applies to courses taken prior to Fall 2013. So if a student has already received a grade in three courses within a given family, then they will only be permitted one more attempt at a course within that family. If a student has four or more experiences in a given family prior to Fall 2013, they will not be permitted to attempt any more classes in that family.

Although some families have more than four courses in them, a student will only be permitted to take four of the courses in the family.

Note: Students can not receive credit for the same course more than one time unless it is specifically designated a repeatable course (see Repeating Courses for Credit above).

The courses included in course families are:


ART 110Introduction to the Visual Arts3
ART 111Beginning Drawing3
ART 130Beginning Painting3
ART 140Beginning Ceramics3
ART 143Beginning Ceramics - Handbuilding3
ART 141Intermediate Ceramics3
ART 142Experimental Ceramics3
ART 240Advanced Ceramics I3
ART 241Advanced Ceramics II3
Commercial Ceramics
ART 146Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic3
ART 147Ceramics: Tile and Mosaic - Intermediate3
ART 120Two-Dimensional Design3
ART 121Three-Dimensional Design3
ART 145Ceramic Design and Decoration3
ART 149Studio Problems in Ceramics1
Digital Art
ART 153Digital Media Productions I3
ART 162Computer Graphics I3
ART 167Web Design I3
ART 168Animation I3
Digital Art, Advanced
ART 267Web Design II3
ART 268Animation II3
ART 112Intermediate Drawing3
ART 115Figure Drawing I3
ART 116Figure Drawing II3
ART 117Figure Drawing III3
Game Concept Design
GAME 191Photoshop for Game Art & Animation3
Game Modeling
GAME 190Introduction to 3D Modeling3
GAME 192Game Modeling & Texturing3
GAME 193Advanced Environment and Vehicle Modeling3
Graphic Design
ART 150Computer Art Basics3
ART 158Commercial Graphic Design3
ART 159Introduction to Typography3
ART 189Art Portfolio and Resume Production3
ART 131Intermediate Painting3
ART 230Advanced Painting3
ART 180Beginning Clay Sculpture3
ART 181Intermediate Clay Sculpture3
ART 182Advanced Clay Sculpture I3
ART 183Advanced Clay Sculpture II3
ART 184Sculpture and Metalwork3


DANC 130Alignment and Correctives2
DANC 230Alignment and Correctives Intermediate2
DANC 162Beginning Ballet1
DANC 262Intermediate Ballet I1
DANC 272Intermediate Ballet II1
DANC 292Advanced Ballet I1
Choreography and Production
DANC 172Composition in Group Forms2
DANC 289Dance Concert Production3
Introduction/Hip Hop
DANC 103Introduction to Dance1
DANC 158Beginning Hip-Hop Dance Techniques1
DANC 258Intermediate Hip-Hop Dance1
DANC 268Intermediate 2 Hip-Hop Dance1
DANC 160Jazz Dance Techniques1
DANC 167Latin Dance for Fitness1
DANC 260Intermediate Jazz Dance I1
DANC 270Intermediate Jazz Dance II1
DANC 281Advanced Jazz Dance I1
DANC 161Beginning Modern Dance1
DANC 261Intermediate Modern Dance I1
DANC 271Intermediate Modern Dance II1
Musical Theatre Dance
DANC 263ADance for Musical Theatre - Beginning4
DANC 263BDance for Musical Theatre- Intermediate4
DANC 265AMusical Staging: Rehearsal and Performance - Beginning2
DANC 265BMusical Staging: Rehearsal and Performance- Intermediate2
Popular Dance
DANC 264Beginning Popular Dance Techniques4
DANC 266Pop Dance: Rehearsal and Performance - Beginning2
DANC 284Intermediate Popular Dance Techniques4
DANC 296Pop Dance: Rehearsal and Performance- Intermediate2
DANC 159Beginning Tap1
DANC 259Intermediate Tap I1
DANC 269Intermediate Tap II1
DANC 279Advanced Tap I1


Aerobic Fitness
KIN 122Outdoor Fitness1
KIN 146Water Exercise1
KIN 147Swimming for Cardiovascular Improvement1
KIN 150Adapted Physical Education1
KIN 151Body Conditioning1
KIN 153Walking/Jogging1
KIN 159Cardiovascular Training1
KIN 141Lifeguard Training1
KIN 142Swimming - Beginning1
KIN 143Swimming - Intermediate/Advanced1
KIN 144Water Safety Instructor1
KIN 148Adapted Aquatic Exercises1
KIN 104Self-Defense and Personal Safety1
Individual Sports
KIN 101Badminton1
KIN 103Golf1
KIN 108Tennis1
Progressive Relaxation
KIN 116Yoga1
KIN 117Vinyasa, Aerial, and Acroyoga1
Resistance Training
KIN 120Body Weight Suspension Training1
KIN 145Strength Training, Balance and Agility1
KIN 152Weight Training1
Team Sports
KIN 105Pickleball1
KIN 130Basketball1
KIN 133Soccer1
KIN 134Softball1
KIN 135Volleyball1


Career Development
MUSC 118Music Performance for Events1
MUSC 170Classical Performance Techniques Tour (Vocal)4
MUSC 171Commercial Performance Techniques Tour (Vocal)4
MUSC 175Jazz Ensemble Tour I7
MUSC 177Professional Performance Techniques3
MUSC 179Concert Promotion Touring4
MUSC 251Professional and Transfer Audition Preparation2
MUSC 271Professional Performance Techniques (Vocal)4
Chamber Instrumental Classical
MUSP 140Chamber Winds I4
MUSP 141Chamber Winds II4
MUSP 240Chamber Winds III4
MUSP 241Chamber Music IV4
Chamber Instrumental Jazz
MUSC 142Jazz Combos I1
MUSC 143Jazz Combos II1
MUSC 242Jazz Combos III1
MUSC 243Jazz Combos IV1
Chamber Music
MUSC 146Chamber Jazz4
Chamber Vocal Classical
MUSP 115Chamber Chorale I - Beginning4
MUSP 120Chamber Singers I - Beginning4
MUSP 121Chamber Singers II - Intermediate4
MUSP 220Chamber Singers III - Intermediate/Advanced4
MUSP 221Chamber Singers IV - Advanced4
Chamber Vocal Jazz Family
MUSC 108Chamber Vocal Jazz I4
MUSC 109Chamber Vocal Jazz II4
MUSC 208Chamber Vocal Jazz III4
MUSC 209Chamber Vocal Jazz IV4
MUSP 100Concert Choir I - Beginning3
MUSP 101Concert Choir II-Intermediate3
MUSP 105Women’s Ensemble I - Beginning4
MUSP 106Women's Ensemble II - Intermediate4
MUSP 110Vocal Ensemble I - Beginning3
MUSP 111Vocal Ensemble II Intermediate3
MUSP 200Concert Choir III - Intermediate/Advanced3
MUSP 201Concert Choir IV - Advanced3
Choral Skills
MUSP 129Choral Techniques I2
MUSP 130Choral Techniques II2
MUSP 131Choral Techniques III2
MUSP 132Choral Techniques IV2
Classical Instrumental Skills
MUSP 133Brass Choir I2
MUSP 134Brass Choir II3
MUSE 190AInstrumental Master Class I Beginning2
MUSE 191AInstrumental Master Class II Intermediate2
MUSE 160Standard Percussion Instrumentation/Techniques1
MUSE 161World Percussion Instrumentation/Techniques1
Classical Vocal Skills
MUSE 130Voice - Beginning2
MUSE 131Voice - Intermediate2
MUSE 190BVocal Master Class I Beginning2
MUSE 230Voice- Intermediate/Advanced2
MUSE 191BVocal Master Class II Intermediate2
MUSE 231Voice - Advanced2
MUSC 100Styles, Technique, and the Soul of Popular Singing2
MUSE 171Musical Theatre Techniques I3
Commercial Production Skills
MUSE 271Musical Theatre Techniques II3
MUSE 188Music Production Software/Hardware I2
MUSE 189Music Production Software/Hardware II2
MUSP 151Individual Performance Techniques2
Commercial Vocal Skills
MUSC 104Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles I4
MUSC 105Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles II4
MUSC 204Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles III4
MUSC 205Pop, Rock, and Jazz Performance Styles IV4
MUSE 170Musical Theatre Academy Techniques3
MUSE 270Musical Theatre Academy Techniques II3
MUSE 180Summer Instrumental Music Academy3
MUSP 170Musical Theatre Academy Production4
MUSP 270Musical Theatre Academy Production II4
Individual Instruction
MUSP 290Applied Music I Beginning2
MUSP 291Applied Music II Intermediate2
MUSP 292Applied Music III Intermediate/Advanced2
MUSP 293Applied Music IV Advanced2
MUSC 122Jazz Ensemble I4
MUSC 123Jazz Ensemble II4
MUSC 222Jazz Ensemble III4
MUSC 223Jazz Ensemble IV4
Jazz Skills
MUSC 140Jazz Improvisation I3
MUSC 141Jazz Improvisation II3
MUSC 240Jazz Improvisation III3
MUSC 241Jazz Improvisation IV3
Music Songwriting
MUSC 151Songwriting I2
MUSC 152Songwriting II2
MUSC 253Songwriting III2
MUSC 254Songwriting IV2
Music Strings Performance
MUSP 155Chamber Strings Ensemble I4
MUSP 156Chamber Strings Ensemble II4
Music Strings Technique
MUSE 150Beginning Strings3
MUSE 151Intermediate Strings3
Musical Theatre
MUSP 171Musical Theatre Workshop Production4
MUSP 173Musical Theatre Production I - Beginning4
MUSP 178Opera Workshop2
MUSP 181Musical Theater Orchestra I4
MUSP 182Musical Theatre Orchestra II4
MUSP 281Musical Theatre Orchestra III4
MUSP 282Musical Theatre Orchestra IV4
Show Choir
MUSC 106Citrus College Show Choir I4
MUSC 107Show Choir II4
MUSC 206Show Choir III4
MUSC 207Show Choir IV4
MUSC 120Studio Laboratory Band I4
MUSC 121Studio Laboratory Band II4
MUSC 130Studio Orchestra I4
MUSC 131Studio Orchestra II4
MUSC 220Studio Laboratory Band III4
MUSC 221Studio Laboratory Band IV4
MUSC 230Studio Orchestra III4
MUSC 231Studio Orchestra IV4
MUSP 145Wind Symphony I4
MUSP 146Wind Symphony II4
MUSP 245Wind Symphony III4
MUSP 246Wind Symphony IV4
MUSP 136Percussion Ensemble I1
MUSP 138World Percussion Ensemble I1
Treble Chorus
MUSP 125Treble Chorus I3
MUSP 126Treble Chorus II3
MUSP 127Treble Chorus III3
MUSP 128Treble Chorus IV3
Vocal Jazz Skills
MUSC 148Jazz Vocal Techniques I3
MUSC 149Jazz Vocal Techniques II3
MUSC 248Jazz Vocal Techniques III3
MUSC 249Jazz Vocal Techniques IV3


Photography Skills
PHTO 101Basic Photography3
PHTO 102Intermediate Photography3
PHTO 103Advanced Photography3
Commercial Photography
PHTO 216Business Practices for the Photographer3
Photographic Genres
PHTO 125Photography as an Art Medium3
PHTO 202Photojournalism3
PHTO 205Advanced Imaging Techniques3
PHTO 213Portraiture on Location3
Video for Photographers
PHTO 204Video for Photographers3
PHTO 207Intermediate Video for Photographers3


Acting Styles
THEA 284Acting Shakespeare3
THEA 292ASpecial Techniques in Acting - Beginning3
THEA 292BSpecial Techniques in Acting - Intermediate3
THEA 241AFundamentals of Stage Direction - Beginning3
THEA 241BFundamentals of Stage Direction - Intermediate3.5
Experimental Theatre
THEA 220Rehearsal and Performance II3
THEA 221Theatre Practicum/Special Projects I - Physical Life3
THEA 222Theatre Practicum/Special Projects II - Storytelling3
THEA 294Shakespeare in Production3
Film and Television
THEA 211ACamera Acting I - Beginning3.5
THEA 211BCamera Acting II - Intermediate3.5
THEA 211CCamera Acting III - Intermediate/Advanced3.5
THEA 211DCamera Acting IV - Advanced3.5
THEA 201Stage Acting I - Beginning3
THEA 202Stage Acting II - Intermediate3
THEA 205Stage Acting III - Intermediate/Advanced3.5
THEA 206Stage Acting IV - Advanced3.5
THEA 227Concert Touring Technician3
THEA 231Concert Touring Technical Director3
Theatre Production
THEA 210Rehearsal and Performance in Production 13
THEA 230Concert Touring Production Manager3
THEA 232Concert Touring Master Electrician3
THEA 270Introduction to Production Management3
Touring and Repertory
THEA 228Concert Touring Assistant3
THEA 229Concert Touring Lighting Designer3
THEA 250Theatre Appreciation3
THEA 290Citrus Theatre Academy3
THEA 291Citrus Theatre Academy II3
THEA 293ATheatre for Young Audiences- Beginning3
THEA 293BTheatre for Young Audiences - Intermediate3
THEA 295Summer Concert Touring Production7
THEA 296Summer Concert Touring Production3
THEA 297Summer Concert Touring Production Practicum4
Writing for Stage and Screen
THEA 204AStage and Screenwriting - Beginning3
THEA 204BStage and Screenwriting - Intermediate3
THEA 204CStage and Screenwriting - Intermediate/Advanced3
THEA 204DStage and Screenwriting - Advanced3

This course may be repeated for credit.