Academic Policies and Requirements

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all of the classes in which they are enrolled. Meetings include regularly scheduled course sessions and other required activities such as labs, field trips, athletic meets, and performances. It is the instructor’s responsibility to notify the students of all such required activities early enough in the semester to enable students to attend all meetings.


It is the student’s responsibility to speak to the instructor regarding their absence and arrange to make up the coursework missed. Instructors may allow makeup work for excused absences for reasons that include:

  • Illness, bereavement, personal emergency or medical appointment
  • College-approved field trips, performances or intercollegiate events

Adding and Dropping Classes

Students are responsible for dropping their own unwanted classes. This can be done online via the students’ WingSpan account. Deadlines for dropping classes with and without record are posted online for each semester, along with other vital information regarding important dates to remember.

Instructor Drop

An instructor may drop a student who has missed three class meetings in a regular semester class that meets two or more times a week or who has missed two class meetings in a class that meets once a week. Instructors teaching classes that meet less than a full semester (summer, winter, short-term) may allow fewer absences.

If a student fails to attend the first class meeting of a term without prior permission from the instructor, the instructor may give that student’s place to another student on the waitlist.

Auditing Courses

Auditing classes is not permitted.

Program Changes: Adding and Dropping Classes

Students wishing to make adjustments in their program (add or drop a class) may do so by the add/drop deadline dates posted by the Admissions and Records Office.

Credits, Grades and Academic Status

All courses listed in the description of courses section have been reviewed by the Citrus College Curriculum Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees in accordance with California Education Code requirements.


A unit is the amount of college credit earned by satisfactory completion of a course taken for one semester. A unit of credit may be earned by:

  • One hour per week of lecture or recitation
  • Three hours in a laboratory or other exercises not requiring outside preparation


Grade reports will be available online, a few days after the close of each semester and session, through WingSpan. Contact the Admissions and Records Office for more information.

Academic Record Symbols and Grades

Evaluative Grades

Evaluative grades are assigned grade point values, which are used in calculating a student’s GPA. An instructor’s determination of a student’s grade is final if no evidence of mistakes, fraud, bad faith or incompetence has been determined.

Symbol Definition Grade Point
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Less than satisfactory 1
F Failing 0
FW Failing/Withdrawal 0
P Passing
NP No Pass
SP Satisfactory Progress

Failing/Withdrawal: FW

FW indicates that a student ceased participating in a course after the drop date without achieving a final passing grade.

Passing: P

P indicates the student's academic work is at least satisfactory. Units are awarded, but are not counted in the grade point average.

No Pass: NP

A NP means less than satisfactory, or failing. The units and grade are not counted in the grade point average.

Minimum Grade Requirements

A grade of a "C" or better, or a "P" if the course is taken on a "Pass-No Pass" basis, is required in courses that are prerequisites to other courses. Other instances in which a grade of a "C" or better or a "P" is required include courses taken to:

  • Satisfy competency for degree or transfer
  • Fulfill major requirements for the associate degree or transfer
  • Complete requirements for a vocational certificate of achievement
  • Meet statutory regulations (usually part of a transfer pattern)
  • Complete courses within IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) categories

A grade of 'D' is the minimum acceptable grade in electives and other limited categories of coursework.

Progress Indicators for Noncredit Courses

Students enrolled in noncredit courses receive one of the following progress indicators. Progress indicators do not receive grade points and are not used in calculating a student’s GPA.

Pass: P

Pass denotes satisfactory completion of a course.

Satisfactory Progress: SP

SP is used for satisfactory progress toward completion of a course.

No Pass: NP

NP indicates the student did not complete the course satisfactorily (there is unknown or no measurable progress).

Non-Evaluative Grades

Non-evaluative grades are not assigned a grade point value and therefore are not used in calculating GPA. Credits are not issued when the following non-evaluative grades are assigned.

Incomplete: I

Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons may result in the I symbol being entered in a student’s record at the end of the term. The condition for removal of the I, and the grade to be assigned at the time of its removal, is stated by the instructor in a written record. An I will not be used in calculating units or grade points.
Incomplete contract are initiated by the instructor and require student approval. Incomplete grades are recorded with Admissions and Records. A final grade is assigned when the required work has been completed and evaluated, or when the time limit for completing the work has passed.
An incomplete grade may be made up within one year following the end of the term in which it was assigned.

Withdrawal: W

W denotes withdrawal from a class or classes when a student withdraws after the no-notation deadline, but before the drop with a W deadline. No notation is made on the academic record of a student that withdraws before the no-notation deadline. Please review drop deadlines posted by the Admissions and Records Office.
Although W is not used in calculating grade point average, excessive withdrawals are used as factors in calculating academic standing and may result in a student being placed on progress probation or dismissal. Withdrawals count towards repetition limits for courses.

Withdrawal from a class or classes due to extenuating circumstances—verified cases of accident, illness or other circumstances beyond the control of the student—may be authorized after the withdrawal deadline and before the issuance of a grade, upon petition by the student.

Excused Withdrawal: EW

Excused Withdrawal occurs when a student is permitted to withdraw from a course(s) beyond the time which no notation is made for withdrawals due to specific events i.e. "extenuating circumstances" beyond the control of the student affecting their ability to complete a course(s). Student requesting an EW must petition with Admissions and Records prior to receiving a grade for the course. Verifiable documentation may be required. The EW symbol does not count in calculation of probation or dismissal and is not counted as an enrollment attempt for purposes of course repetition.  Please note that the EW symbol does count in the Federal financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Calculations and are not eligible for a refund. 

Military Withdrawal: MW

MW is assigned to active or reserve members of the military who receive orders that compel a withdrawal from courses. Student requesting a MW must petition with Admissions and Records upon verification of such orders, a MW will be assigned at any time, during which no notation is made for withdrawals. A military withdrawal shall not be counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations, or in course repeatability limits.

In Progress: IP

IP is used only in those courses that extend beyond the normal end of an academic term. It indicates that work is in progress, and that a grade will be assigned upon completion of the work. When the appropriate evaluative grade and unit credit is assigned, it will appear on the student’s record for the term in which the required work of the course is completed.
Report Delayed: RD
An RD symbol is assigned by the registrar when there is a delay in reporting a student's final grade, due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. It is a temporary notation and is replaced by a permanent grade symbol as soon as the instructor assigns one.

Evaluating Academic Progress

President’s List

To be eligible for the President’s List, a student must have a 3.8 GPA in at least 6 units completed in the semester they are being recognized, and a minimum of 24 units completed at Citrus College. Non-degree applicable courses are not included.

Dean’s List

Dean’s List students must have a 3.5 GPA in at least 6 units completed in the semester they are being recognized, and a minimum of 24 units completed at Citrus College. Non-degree applicable courses are not included.

Notice of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Work

It is the instructor’s responsibility to provide at least two evaluations of a student’s progress, such as exams and/or papers, before the mid-semester or before the withdrawal deadline.

Probation, Dismissal and Reinstatement


A student shall be placed on academic probation if the student has attempted a minimum of 12 semester units of work and has a cumulative grade point average of less than a "C" (2.0).

A student shall be placed on progress probation if the student has enrolled in a total of at least 12 semester units and the percentage of all units in which the student has enrolled for which entries of W, I, NC and NP were recorded reaches or exceeds fifty percent.

A student on academic probation shall be removed from probation when the student’s cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher.

A student on progress probation shall be removed from probation when the percentage of units in the categories of W, I, NC and NP drops below fifty percent. Military withdrawals (MW) are not included in the progress probation calculation.

Each student shall be notified of their academic status and the availability of college support services before the student is subject to dismissal. A probation notice shall be sent after the fall and spring semesters to the student via Citrus College e-mail informing the student that they have been placed on academic and/or progress probation.

The notification advising the student of probation will cover, at a minimum, the significance of being on probation, and a referral to counseling services to assist the student to improve their academic standing.

Review of Probation Status

A student on probation will be required to participate in a counseling probation intervention and take corrective actions to improve their academic standing. A counselor may limit the number of units a student may enroll in and/or require enrollment in specific courses.


Standards of Dismissal

A student who is on academic probation for two consecutive semesters and whose semester grade point average for both semesters is less than 2.0 shall be subject to dismissal.

A student who is on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if fifty percent or more of the cumulative units recorded in each of two consecutive semesters have an entry of W, I, NC and NP . Military withdrawals (MW) and Excused withdrawals (EW) are not included in the progress probation calculation.

Dismissal Notification

A notice will be sent to dismissed students via Citrus College e-mail informing the student that they have been dismissed for the semester. The notice will make reference to this procedure, and explain the dismissal process, the procedure for readmission and the procedure to appeal the dismissal.

Petition for Readmission from Dismissal After One Semester

A student who has been dismissed must sit out at least one semester. A dismissed student may file a petition with the Counseling and Advisement Center for readmission. The student will be required to make an appointment with a counselor to complete the petition process. A student may be limited to the number of units and/or required to enroll in specific classes. The petition will be reviewed by the Dean of Counseling and the Dean of Enrollment Management.

A petition for readmission must be supported with evidence of readiness to do successful college work. The student is encouraged to meet with a counselor prior to registration each semester until they are removed from probationary status.

Petition To Appeal Dismissal Because of Extenuating Circumstances

A student who has been dismissed from Citrus College may only appeal the decision if the student has encountered extenuating circumstances and can prove that these circumstances affected their scholastic performance. Petitions will be accepted in the Counseling and Advisement Center.

Approved students may be limited to a number of units and/or required to enroll in specific classes. The complete petition will be forwarded to a committee consisting of at least one counselor, the Dean of Counseling and the Dean of Enrollment Management.

In support of their petition, the student must provide the following:

  • Proof of extenuating circumstances that kept the student from succeeding. Some examples of extenuating circumstances (and appropriate proof thereof) include:
    • Illness (letter from a physician)
    • Death in the family (death certificate of the family member)
    • Car accident (appropriate paper work)
    • Change of work hours (work documentation), etc.
  • A personal statement describing the extenuating circumstance and how the student’s school work was affected.

The decision of the committee will be communicated to the student within 10 working days of appeal. The student may appeal the decision to the committee in writing to the vice president of student services within 10 working days of the date of notification of the decision by the committee. The decision of the vice president of student services is final.

If the student’s dismissal appeal is granted, the student will continue on probation for an additional semester. At the end of the additional semester, the student’s academic record will again be evaluated to determine whether the student may be removed from probation, should be dismissed, or should be continued on probation.


Readmission may be granted, denied or postponed as specified in Administrative Procedure 4255.

The superintendent/president shall develop procedures for the implementation of this policy that comply with the Title 5 requirements.

The above standards shall be applied as the minimum standards of satisfactory progress for students who are recipients of federal and state funds administered by the college.

Readmission After Dismissal

A dismissed student who does not enroll at Citrus College for at least one semester will be reinstated.

After each semester, the student’s academic record will again be evaluated to determine whether the student should be removed from probation and dismissal, should be on probation, or should once again be dismissed.

Course Repetition

A Student may not repeat a course in which they have already received a satisfactory grade of A, B, C, or P, unless the course description in the college catalog states that the course may be repeated for credit. Noncredit courses are repeatable.

Courses Repeated to Improve a Non-Passing Grade

A student may repeat a course only once when a D, F, NP, W or FW has been earned. A student must file a Course Repetition - Third Attempt (3Peat)  and receive approval prior from instructor teaching the course they are attempting for a third time. The petition will be considered if the withdrawal or substandard grade was the result of extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are defined as verified cases of accident, illness or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. If the student earns a non-passing grade on the third attempt, the student may not enroll in that course again unless an exception outlined in AP 4225, AP 4227, AP 4228, or AP 4229 applies.

When a D, F, FW or NP is repeated, the units and grade points of the last grade will be used in computing the student’s grade point average at Citrus College. The previous grade will be alleviated as long as no more than two prior grades are alleviated.

The permanent academic record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible.

A student who subsequently repeats a course at another accredited college may request to alleviate a final grade of D, F, FW or NP earned for the same class at Citrus College. The student must file a Grade Alleviation Petition and verify the grade with an official college transcript. The permanent academic record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible.

For additional information on course repetition see the Course Repeatability Rules and Course Families page or the following Administrative Procedures:

Pass/No Pass Courses

Citrus College students may be evaluated on a Pass/No Pass grading basis in courses approved for Pass/No Pass grading by the Curriculum Committee. Pass/No Pass course options are designated in the Description of Courses section of this catalog by the symbol, Pass/No Pass or P/NP. A student must declare the Pass/No Pass option a week prior to the end of the particular course by filing a Pass/No Pass Petition online with the Admissions and Records Program.

Standards for Pass/No Pass Courses

  • A passing (P) grade is defined as (C) or better.
  • Units are awarded and grade points are not assigned, and the grade is not used to compute grade point average.
  • A No Pass (NP) grade is defined as less than satisfactory (D or F). Units are not earned and grades are not used to compute grade point average. 

Pass/No Pass Limitations

  • 12 units maximum
  • Limit of one Pass/No Pass option per semester or session
  • Courses exclusively evaluated on a Pass/No Pass grading basis are excluded from the 12-unit limitation (see course descriptions for details).